While I think the newbie removed-axis option is a good segue way into the multiplayer scene, it probably needs to be taken a step further, especially if the game in question is going to be multiplayer-only.
I stated somewhere else - If we're going to have any kind of PXO/Vortex-type system for it, make it so that you log into it with a user ID that allows you to unlock the veteran servers after you've reached certain plateus on # of kills or the ability to perform certain moves. Maybe even have 'trials' servers that are instanced and allow you to prove you can do certain things to advance your rank in the system. And once you've achieved a certain in-system rank, you're no longer allowed to venture into the servers intended for starting players. Make it a guantlet that the online gamer has to run so that they get a sense of accomplishment, with the side-effect that it segregates the learning players from the seasoned ones.
Threadspace: Hyperbol, a recently-released Steam game, has an architecture similar to this, and I consider it pure genius.
And personally, to help alleviate the risk of alienating players, I think those in the Descent community that still play and have some existing 6dof skill should be allowed to create IDs in the system prior to the game's release and either run the guantlet beforehand, or automatically be given a certain rank to keep them away from starting players. But that's just my line of thinking. There will still probably be the small portion of the playerbase that preys upon the weak and will find a way to circumvent the system in place, whatever it is. But the less risk, the better. It would also have the added benefit of allowing us to reserve our treasured nicks so that they don't get swiped out from under us when the game's released.
As successful as the Arena seasons are in WoW, I think a built-in ladder competition architected on top of this PXO/Vortex system would promote a desire to run the gauntlet, so to speak. Special ship models or decals as rewards for your achievements... titles added to your pilot name in the score listings... You could even have competitions according to whichever rank you've managed to obtain. Sorta like featherweight versus heavyweight boxing.
Hmm... tanks versus tanks.. GL's versus GL's... MD-lovers versus MD-lovers... /slaps himself and wakes up
Edit: The idea of gauntlet progression is kinda nice, but using it as a mechanism for segregating players may be more trouble than it's worth. Dunno. I'm torn on the idea.