Guys, there are so many reasons I'm stuck with this car that it's not even funny.
1. The only reason I can even own a car, is because this is a car that my Grandma owned before she passed away. No one else needed another car and I needed a car but couldn't afford one so I ended up being the new owner. However, It was free and my Dad put me on liability only so I don't have to pay a thing for the car itself, even on the insurance.
2. The car has everything I need at the moment. Roomy back space for carrying stuff around. It's a four seater so I can carry 3 of my friends and a good ammount of cargo in the back. It's a hatchback so I can get really good sound with a smaller sound system so I have all the space I really need, the car only has 70,000 miles on it and only has a very small ammount of nicks and scratches that came from this past winter that have been driveing it. The only sad part is that it is a wimpy looking car.
3. I make a little over a whopping $100 bi-weekly at the moment. Most of this money goes to dateing, computer software, health insurance, and other needs. My parents provide everything else as long as I keep my grades up in school and help them out with housework. This next year I hope to get a better job but until then, I'm stuck where I am.
4. Being that it was my grandma's car and it was a gift that she had said specifically that she wanted me to have and that it is about the only thing I ended up recieveing, it has some other value in my life. However, I wanted to modify it in order to help get rid of feeling weird about driveing it after she passed away.
5. If I end up getting anything before I leave, it will probably be a sissy looking truck being that it will be for moveing purposes only so probably I won't be able to get anything else for a good 2 years at least. So why not modify it a little bit, make it look nice, and a little more fun to drive, drive it for a few years, save my money, move out, get a better job and a better education, save for a while longer and buy a good car?
The problem isn't really buying a nice little sports car. If I sold this one (it would sell for around $1500 since it's in excellent condition) and had the money saved up to buy a little sports car, I wouldn't be able to even pay for the insurance because the insurance on a nice sports car will suck your money up like none other. Most of my money will end up going into that car rather than my future. My parents also pretty much stated that they won't help me when I move unless I get my own small pickup.
Besides, even if I did buy a nicer car, most likely I would be adding these lights and stereo system on it because I like to personalise my vehicles and that just happens to be one of my favorite things to do to a car or any project I work on.
Yes girls like it but I wasn't haveing any trouble before that with girls. I just decided too because I enjoy makeing my car feel a little more like my own. I don't want it to look like everyone elses car.