Things to look forward too

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Things to look forward too

Post by Sapphire Wolf »

What are you looking forward to/what is keeping you alive? for me, here are the list of things that I am looking forward to:
-Classic Battletech Introductory Box-Set(because I do NOT have the main Battletech Tabletop game yet, so when the Introductory box set comes out, I will get it)
-Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
-the full version of Assault Tech 1: Battletech
-Core Decision(sic?)
-Completing my collection of Robotech DVDs
-Getting my own Laptop
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Post by Topher »

Before somebody chimes in about \"oh life is more than stuff\":

-Buying my own movie theater
-Owning a yacht and holding parties you can't come to
-My next opportunity to flash my business card and be like \"My job is cooler than your job\"
-New Futurama
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Post by Bet51987 »

Excluding the distant future, my near future is studying and...

1. Killing you as many times as I can. :)
2. Spending time with dad.
3. Phoning/being with my friends.
4. Plan on getting a new spring wardrobe next year.
5. Watch the LHC come online in May 2008.
6. Increase my Fairy collection.
7. Shopping at the mall.

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Post by Foil »

Near future things I look forward to:
  • Weekly \"date nights\" & spending time with my wife, we'll probably start a family sometime soon
  • Finishing work on a new Descent3 multiplayer mode I'm creating... (details to come later) ;)
  • Next season of Battlestar Galactica
  • New position with my old company
  • Building a webserver from my father-in-law's old PC, registering and building my own site
  • Putting vocals to a friend's guitar track he sent me
  • Scoring the next flag for my team in Descent3 CTF
  • Next Wednesday's \"D3 Wednesday Night Fight Club\"
  • Beating the pilot who last beat me in D3 8)
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Post by Dakatsu »


Nothing! I am starting high school on Tuesday, and the high school HAS NO AIR CONDITIONING! :x

You would think a school as good as this would have air conditioning...

Although it is a historic landmark!
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Post by Krom »

Learning (more) Japanese.
Making (more) money fixing people's PCs.
Going to California in a couple weeks.
The spring season raws, as the series are starting to wrap up and have gotten very interesting.
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Post by Lothar »

  • Moving to Denver, fixing up the house
  • Spending time with my wife and starting a family
  • Getting a job
  • Scoring the next flag for my team in Descent3 CTF, OR covering Foil while he does it
  • Next Wednesday's \"D3 Wednesday Night Fight Club\"
  • The next interesting debate that comes up on the DBB
  • Basketball season, preferably with more transparent refereeing.
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Post by Sllik »

It's kinda funny... during those moments when I'm 'that down', there does always seem to be something to look forward to... and it's usually related to games, movies, or books for me. I'd probably have to provide a semi-short-term and long-term list, though:


- Bioshock
- Call of Duty 4
- Valve's Orange Box
- Warhammer Online
- Chronicles of Spellborn


- Finish the first book in the trilogy I'm writing and get it published
- Finish the second book in the trilogy I'm writing and get it published
- Finish the third book in the trilogy I'm writing and get it published
- Get one or all 3 books made into movies ;p
- Project Offset
- Infinity
- SOMEONE to put out a production-quality 6DoF game as good as Descent

I couldn't decide where in the list to include winning the lottery, as I'd like it to have happened months ago, but I understand it may take a long time. ;D
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Post by Kiran »

Lothar wrote:
  • Spending time with my wife and starting a family
Ah yea, that's one of the things that keeps me living... raising one of the first Descent babies. :P

But some of the things that keeps me living/keeps me looking forward to:
My fiance'
My family
Extending my familymembers in a few years
My friends
Precious moments of life
The funny things that happens when you're down or ticked off
The books
Outside activities
Club dancing
Ferrero Rochers
Nutty Bars
Chocolate chips cookies
When someone gives me Jergens lotion as a gift (I love Jergens and for some reason it makes me happy when someone gives me a bottle of it! :D )
The Descent Community

Okay the list is endless so I'll stop here...

Oh, and since noone said it yet... "OH LIFE IS MORE THAN STUFF!!!!!!" 8) (which in part is true :wink: ).
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Post by Dedman »

-Watching my kids grow up
-Spending time with my wife
-Getting to the point in my life where I can ride my bike as least 200 miles a week
-Becoming nationally ranked in my age group on the track
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Post by roid »

- feeling comfortable where i am
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Post by Firewheel »

- Learning Japanese, and hopefully going to Japan next summer.
- New releases by Ging Nang Boyz, Justin King, and Midsummer.
- The next seasons of Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Heroes, and 24.
- Playing guitar.
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Post by Kyouryuu »

- Complete the design bible and launch the new webcomic!
- Guitar Hero!
- Getting Ouendan 2 imported really soon. ^_^
- Surviving the post-alpha crunch.
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Post by Top Wop »

- Completing my final year of college in Computer Science so I can finally get a job and earn my own paycheck.

- Using earned money to start a hobby of fixing up some nice old cars and making them go fast.

...and thats pretty much it. Normally id be interested in computer gaming but after Supreme Commander there is really nothing else to look forward to except the next damn FPS which is exactly the same as the last one except some minor feature that supposedly sets it apart from the rest. So, time for new hobby. :)
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Post by Flabby Chick »

-Having a laugh with the kids
-Health (I've two herniated disks at the moment)
-Sex (The disks make it a problem)
-Moving on from writing short stories to a novel
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Post by DCrazy »

Heading to England for three months starting in mid-September. That's pretty much it.
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Post by Money! »

-Among other things, having the best ★■◆●ing senior year of high school ever! I just started on Friday.
Birdseye wrote:It's never over
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Post by Money! »

Foil wrote: Next Wednesday's "D3 Wednesday Night Fight Club"
What is this?
Birdseye wrote:It's never over
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Post by Sapphire Wolf »

Oh, frogot a couple more things:
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl(Yes, I do have the Nintendo Wii)
-Getting the Classic Battletech Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade
-To make my first Classic Battletech Miniature diorama
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Post by TIGERassault »

Well, for me, I'm looking forward to a few things. Like-
Sapphire Wolf wrote:-Super Smash Bros. Brawl(Yes, I do have the Nintendo Wii)
Oooh! Yeah, ignore what I was about to say. This is all I'm looking forward to!

On things I'm not looking forward to is going to my grandfather's funeral next week. I HATE funerals!
He died Friday night.
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Post by Kiran »

My deepest sympthathies, T. :(
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Post by CORD »


No, but it's a good thought though.

-Weds Night Fight Club
-quitting my dayjob and living on a boat in the Cayman Islands.
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Post by Sedwick »

My short list of things I'm looking forward to:

Within 1 month:
-Bathroom Renovations
-Enable, accessorize cheap bike
-Set up Descent verbal taunts on programmable keyboard
-Bike Bug Line Trail
-Bike to lakefront
-Find performance/restaurant to take Grandma to
-Calculate/simulate debt payoff
-Get car coolant system repaired
-Hook up w Sniper for LAN action
-Introduce Abel kids to Descent

Within 6 Months:
-Achieve Microsoft Certified Professional Developer status
-Catch up on taped shows
-Update home renovations journal
-Take down awnings (maybe)
-Vacuum, reinsulate attic
-Create better attic entrance
-Get shelving back into attic closet
-Create Amstrad 20th anniversary program, GEM Paint image (by holidays)
-Get TGA image converter
-XP/D3 setup on extra PC
-D3 weapons impact analysis
-Terminator 2 arcade machine rocket launcher buttons swap-out
-Make dishwasher leak shield
-Edit bathroom renovation video
-Host holiday party
-Reconnect w old HS friend

Within 1 Year:
-Clean out basement
-Clean up garage
-Crown molding in bedroom
-Put up bathouse
-Rail barrel stand, easy-drips
-Start hosting Sheepshead games
-Descent art
-Creating Descent level
-Organize Descent LAN event

Within 2 Years:
-Credit card debt payoff
-\"Back in Black\" debt payoff party
-Renovate kitchen
-Renovate rec room
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Post by Blue »

Life goals (in no order)

- Create a successful game company
- Have a kid
- Write a book (that gets published)

...thats about it. Everything else is just a step leading up to one of those, or passing the time.
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Post by Sirius »

TIGERassault wrote:I HATE funerals!
Um... that's kind of good to know.
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Post by Pandora »

- work-wise: finally getting some articles published that have been on my back for the last four years
- family-wise: the birth of our son in two weeks time.
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Post by TIGERassault »

Pandora wrote:- family-wise: the birth of our son in two weeks time.
Congrats! Is all.
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Post by Beowulf »

Turning 21 in April. (★■◆● that's weird...I remember being in this community when I was like 10).

Consummating my new apartment with a fine Denver honey or three.

Seeing a new president in office.
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Post by Krom »

Beowulf wrote:Seeing a new president in office.
What, you actually expect the next guy to be any better? I know it is hard to imagine it being the same or worse, but I assure you: Washington DC will find a way.


I'm also looking forward to when blank blu-ray disks and burners become inexpensive so I can reburn and shrink the stack of DVDRs in my room down to one fifth it's current size.
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Post by Sirius »

Suppose I could post my own little list.

* Finishing the final-year BE project. It hasn't been that much fun, but eh, learned a lot. Few weeks off now.
* Actually, finishing the degree altogether. Next step will be more interesting. :)
* MMORPGs that are actually MMORPGs. Complete with empire-building and all that. It could be done, or if not, it won't be long now - but it would be cool to see.
* Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3, neither of which are expected to satisfy the above criteria (maybe GW2 but it's a long shot), but both will probably be awesome regardless.
* Something that winds up having the same gameplay as Descent. Might not be 6DOF - I see mecha games as being the most likely candidates right now - but it would be cool to get something else to play.
* Oh, yeah... finishing my monster of a D2 level. (It is still in progress, and further along than it might seem.)
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Post by Foil »

Money! wrote:
Foil wrote: Next Wednesday's "D3 Wednesday Night Fight Club"
What is this?
Most Wed. nights, the admins of the "Descent Retirement Home" D3 server take down the normal level(s) for a short time, and put up some less-played level and/or mode. I love it... gives me a chance to play something I've never seen before or haven't played much.

Ah, and I need to add to my list:
  • Finishing the Halo trilogy (I'm currently starting from the beginning again, I've never played though Halo 2 or 3)
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Post by Neumaennl »

finally finishing my diploma in CS and the friggin project I have to work at for my job
working more than 50 hours a week (7 days a week) and having to write a diploma thesis when you get home sucks
I have like 6 hours of free time a week at the moment
But it will all end when September ends and after that I will have a cool, well-paid job where I only have to work 40 hours a week (5 days a week) and when I get home I will have free time - free weekends, too
boy, am I looking forward to it...
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Post by Hahnenkam »

  • Spending time with my kids
  • Spending time with my wife
  • Having more kids :)
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Post by Testiculese »

How many you plan on having? One is too many for me. :) I enjoy other people's kids.

To what I am looking forward?

Finishing my ceiling and painting the whole room so I can move back into my bedroom.

Building my new bed and putting it in the finished bedroom.

Finishing the computer room (Can't until the bedroom is finished)

Having a new girlfriend. (Not looking forward to finding one, that's a pain!)

Getting my car fixed.
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Post by Testiculese »

Neumaennl wrote:But it will all end when September ends and after that I will have a cool, well-paid job where I only have to work 40 hours a week (5 days a week) and when I get home I will have free time - free weekends, too
boy, am I looking forward to it...
LOL, didn't you say CS? CS doesn't operate on only 40 hours a week. That's a minimum!
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Post by Duper »

Krom wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Seeing a new president in office.
What, you actually expect the next guy to be any better? I know it is hard to imagine it being the same or worse, but I assure you: Washington DC will find a way.

My thoughts exactly.
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Post by Testiculese »

There has to be a new president. The ★■◆● in charge is at his 2-term limit. The only question is how will this president ignore the people and work for corporate agenda instead? (This war is all about corporate profit)
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