Here's someone bringing the brothel owner up when Ron Paul was interviewed on FOX.The Associated Press carried a story about how a Nevada brothel owner had \"endorsed\" Ron Paul, downplaying the fact that the \"endorsement\" was actually arranged by the media.
These poor news guys just can't seem to get a break in their effort to bury Ron Paul, they're getting a wee bit stircrazy. They can't dig up any dirt to smear on Ron Paul, so they gotta try to make their own dirt.
yeah, Good Game Mainstream Media
He's for those things being handled on a state level, not federal. Does this mean he's pro-prostitution? NO. He's pro-states rights. They know this before they ask him the question, but i'm sure it's more fun to imply that Ron Paul is \"pro-rubbing peanut butter on your eyeballs\" since he doesn't think it's worth writing up FEDERAL laws for it. Zomg!
Yeah it's not like we have any actual news, lets set ★■◆● up ourselves and tell everyone \"it just happened by itself.\" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE MEDIA ... wD8T5E71O0 <-- What the media tried to have you believe <-- The truth \"Fan of Ron Paul\" he says, but it looks like stirring up sensations for his fellow media buddies is more his thing