Spreading for dollars

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Spreading for dollars

Post by woodchip »

Ebay, that most magical of places, has now a young lady opting to sell her hyman to the largest bidder (no not that "largest" you smut brain). Seems to be that she needs the cash to finish collage.
Her parents are aghast and rightly so. I'm aghast, not at the daughter, but at the parents. Fathers a doctor and mums a nurse. Don't you think they could afford to help their daughter out?
Speak about reality shows, they ain't got nutten here.

http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/story_p ... ews3.shtml
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Post by Dedman »

Enterprising lass. She's kind of cute too. Maybe she should hook up with this huy.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... tegory=317
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Post by DCrazy »

This is just Internet prostitution. Shut her down for solicitation, then she won't have to worry about college debts; her bail will be more than enough to ruin her credit rating.
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Post by Will Robinson »

I'm pretty sure prostitute isn't the only job available in her town....
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Post by Beowulf »

I'd bang her. Not for 10,000 pounds, but I'd bang her.
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Post by Nexus_One »

what can i get for $10?
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Post by Fusion pimp »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Nexus_One:
what can i get for $10?</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Post by Mobius »

For $10 you can only afford a Penguin.
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Post by woodchip »

For ten dollars, go to a truck stop.
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Post by Dedman »

Exactly WHY is prostitution illegal?
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Post by Gooberman »

Because people like forcing their morals on others. It makes them feel superior.
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Post by Darkside Heartless »

It's called STD's
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Post by Ferno »

Using meathead's logic, We should make flying to Beijing illegal because of the risk of SARS.
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Post by TheCops »

i've had 3 hymens for free why would i ever pay?
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Post by Topher »

Wow, I actually agree with Meathead. Image

There is no way to make prostitution effectively safe. No set of rules and standards you can enforce like you can with airlines to make them safer.

I dunno, maybe it would be possible, but I think laws prohibiting selling any part of you is a good thing (like making money on your kidneys, etc). Prevents people from making irreversible mistakes.

Going to China and getting SARS is completely different than getting an STD. You get SARS, you die or you get over it (most likely the latter). You get HIV, hepatitis or herpes and you have it forever and are contageous forever. That's the problem, you can't get rid of it.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

We can sell blood and semen! I dont see what's wrong with other body parts. If you own it, you can sell it.

....LOL at Cops..that was funny.
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Post by Tyranny »

Topher, there is a little something called FREE WILL and good decision making. Making something illegal doesn't stop people from doing it and if people get something as a result then that was the choice they made.

Why save stupid people from making stupid decisions? afterall, the ones that die as a result only have themselves to blame for doing it in the first place. Prostitution is legal in certain counties in Nevada, they have very thorough testing as they probably make quite a bit of money. Anyone with any form of STD most likely gets the axe. I'm sure mistakes happen and people are cleared when some disease might have been overlooked, but they do try to take every safety measure possible when it comes to prostitution.

Now, being that prostitution is the oldest form of business along with trading, I've never seen anything wrong with allowing it to happen. Does it mean that I'd do it? No, probably not, but just like with abortion, if the women want to sell their bodies it should be their right to do so. I'm also of the mind that when they want out they should be allowed out.

Like I said though, by making a choice to get involved with something of that nature, you are taking a RISK and with that risk comes the consequences of doing such a thing. You made a choice, now live with it. The rest of us that know better will be just as well off with it legal as we were when it was illegal but still possible Image
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Post by Tetrad »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by [NuB] Dedman:
Exactly WHY is prostitution illegal?</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think it's a bit early to be asking that question, considering that here in Dallas a clerk was punished for selling pornography. To another adult (yes, after checking ID). From a bin behind a counter that you had to specifically ask for (couldn't be seen by anyone). And that was not even real (hentai).

Now that's messed up. Stupid anti-obscenity laws.
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Post by woodchip »

There is no way to make prostitution effectively safe. Topher

And dating (let alone marriage) is safe?
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Post by Dedman »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Topher:
<b> Wow, I actually agree with Meathead. Image

There is no way to make prostitution effectively safe. No set of rules and standards you can enforce like you can with airlines to make them safer.

I dunno, maybe it would be possible, but I think laws prohibiting selling any part of you is a good thing (like making money on your kidneys, etc). Prevents people from making irreversible mistakes.

So being a stuntman or construction worker should also be illegal because they are dangerous right?

And to clarify, prostitution is not selling part of yourself. You still have all your parts when you are finished. It is more like renting space.
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Post by woodchip »

In my case I need to rent big space Image
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Post by Testiculese »

Selling is legal, @#$%ing is legal, so why isn't selling @#$%ing legal? Why is it illegal to sell something that's perfectly legal to give away?

Topher, we better make programming illegal. Carpal Tunnel and all...
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Post by Dedman »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Testiculese:
<b> Selling is legal, @#$%ing is legal, so why isn't selling @#$%ing legal? Why is it illegal to sell something that's perfectly legal to give away?<b> </font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cause it's dirty. That's why silly.
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Post by Gooberman »

Is it dangerous? Hell yes. I would never sleep with a prostitute even if it were legal.

But people should have the freedom of choice.

Where do you get the right to tell others what risks they can and cannot take with their own body? The issue isn't whether or not it is safe or not. If two consenting adults want to take that risk then more power to them. The issue is simply that you have no right to tell someone what they can do behind closed doors.
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Post by Dedman »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by woodchip:
<b> In my case I need to rent big space Image


Yeah we know. You have a big pu$$y Image
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Post by Testiculese »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by [NuB] Dedman:
Cause it's dirty. That's why silly.</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quit ballin' in the mud, then Image
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Post by woodchip »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by [NuB] Dedman:
Yeah we know. You have a big pu$$y Image</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats how I give 2 for 1 deals...want some? Image
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Post by Tyranny »

This is where other things seem quite silly when thought about. We can put people behind the wheel of a deadly vehicle as early as 15 years old (learners permit) but, you can't smoke, something that won't have an effect on you or may never have an effect on you until much later in life, until you're 18.

Then, you can't drink alcohol until you're 21....but if you're in the military (18) you can drink alcohol? You're old enough to die for something at 18 so you're allowed to drink in the military.....

As a civilian your still old enough to die for something but you still have to wait 3 more years until you can drink.....

Doesn't really surprise me, just seems silly to me...
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Post by Dedman »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by woodchip:
Thats how I give 2 for 1 deals...want some? Image</b></font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lemme think about that.
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Post by Topher »

I'm not talking about morally if it's right (I don't touch morals with 10 foot poles). I'm trying to say that because the risk of deadly disease is involved that it should not be legalized.

Being a construction worker or stuntman will not affect others, at least the dangers are not contageous to others. By putting yourself in danger of getting a disease you are putting those around in danger of it. Ok, so you can't get HIV from being around people, in fact it's very hard to get, but once you get it you risk transmiting it to everyone that you have sex with or who you give blood to or who operates on you.

We are trying to curb the spread of AIDS, prostitution would likely be a catalyst to spread it. We don't have a major problem with HIV in the US, but with legal prostitution I don't see anything that would prevent us from becoming as infected as Nigeria or the like.

And that's just HIV...

I don't think people should have the right to endanger themselves to disease. Bodily harm, dismemberment and death, fine. That's their choice and it physically harms only them. But disease can be transmitted. Same reason arson (like randomly setting fires) is illegal, fire can burn down other things than just what you are intending.

As far as Ferno saying "We should make flying to Beijing illegal because of the risk of SARS.", I would say there's a purpose to the idea of quarenteening. Not making illegal, but just preventing the spread of the disease. Plus, SARS is a tinkertoy disease compared to HIV. Once you have HIV you have it forever, SARS you get sick and die or get over it.

IMO, if we legalize prostitution, why shouldn't we legalize beastiality so you can have sex with african monkeys and get ebola?

Image smilie for happy thoughts
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Post by Tetrad »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Topher:
IMO, if we legalize prostitution, why shouldn't we legalize beastiality so you can have sex with african monkeys and get ebola?</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nobody's arguing for the legalization of prostitution so that they can get STDs, they're saying that it's an infringement on personal rights between consenting adults.
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Post by Tyranny »

Yeah Topher, I think you missed the point Image While we're at it, we should make it mandatory for HIV and AIDS infected people to wear symbols to indicate they are infected so people know not to fvck with them (Yes, pun intended Image ).
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Post by Topher »

And I'm saying that it's an infringement on my rights because you are endangering me by encouraging the spread of the disease.

I think you missed my point...

I'm saying a consequence of prostitution is disease, not that people want prostitution to get the disease.

My point is you should not be allowed to do something that significantly endangers you to a deadly disease. So yes, people can have sex and can get an STD. But a prostitute is a venue where as soon as one person gives the prostitute a disease, everyone afterward can get it. Kind of like the internet, one person gets a virus and then they accidently send it to all their friends, etc. It's a chain reaction. I think we should be working towards eliminating the virus and prostitution seems like a needless accelerant. Kind of like "wouldn't it be convenient if you kept everyone's email that's in your city in your address book". So one person gets a virus and then everyone has it.

I'm just thinking of it in a graph theory's perspective, it's harder to travel from one side to the other if the degree of the graph is low. Image
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Post by Will Robinson »

I think the only reason prostitution is illegal is the people who make the rules are for the most part men, and most of them have always been married so they would have to face their wives if they supported the legalization of a service that would ratify infidelity.
Like stopping off at the bar after work to have a few drinks with your buddies before heading home, some wives disaprove of it but generally it's socially acceptable behavior. Certainly not grounds for divorce.
Imagine if the same were true with stopping off at the local whorehouse! Obviously the potential for spreading disease is a concern but even if it wasn't I don't think the wives would accept legalizing prostitution.
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Post by woodchip »

We are trying to curb the spread of AIDS, prostitution would likely be a catalyst to spread it. We don't have a major problem with HIV in the US.Topher

So, Make prostitution illegal, yet Supreme court finds that it is O.K. for the highest HIV infected group to bung hole each other. LMAO!
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Post by Topher »

That's still an individual's choice, not a service that acts as a medium...
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Post by TheCops »

humans are stupid mammals... they will cum one way or another.

"Legalize" just means using the federal apparatus to regulate a practice. if "regulating" prostitution served a purpose it would require std testing.

it's similar to the drug debate imho... i wouldn't waste my time helping the effort, because starving children are higher on my list. but it just seems ridiculous to me because we all know it happens constantly... and will never end.
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Post by Will Robinson »

Isn't prostitution legal in Nevada with the exception of inside Las Vegas city limits? And I believe I heard a stat that those girls are many times more healthy and STD free than hookers in any other enviroment precisely because the state of Nevada requires regular medical screening.
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Post by Tyranny »

Will must have missed my first post...
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Post by Testiculese »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Arial" size="3">Originally posted by Topher:
<b> And I'm saying that it's an infringement on my rights because you are endangering me by encouraging the spread of the disease.

That argument is used for smoking, yet smoking is legal...
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