Designing the Ultimate Survivalistic Society

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Designing the Ultimate Survivalistic Society

Post by Dakatsu »

So, for a mod I am making, there are four different countries. These include the Skorpshjuze Republic, the Nekoketsueki Nation, and the Halcyon Dynasty. Each of these countries are very different from eachother, such as the Skorpshjuze Republic being a very free republic, while the Halcyon Dynasty is a monarchy with Divine Right. One country I am having trouble in it's government is the Hydrus Legion.

While even in Nazi Germany, people were allowed to live their lives, in this country, the ultimate goal is to make the entire country the strongest and most powerful nation, period. People have absolutley no freedom, you are placed into a job depending upon performances in tests, and you spend your life in that job. There is no economy; the entire country is self-suffient, and all supplies are rationed over the entire populace. They have little care for human rights, and will not shy away from firing artillery into a populated city. However, they are concerned with THEIR OWN survival, which means they will do anything to defend THEIR OWN citizens.

The problem I am having trouble designing it's government is since they only care about their own people, then they would just murder everyone elses citizens, or just nuke the other countries planets. This would for sure cause every other nation to unite against this country, which what I need is for each country to have equal portions of it's military fighting one nation. So, I would need a reason for this nation to not kill every one, but still be survivalistic and perfectionistic. Any ideas on this?

PS: I put this in E*C because it could get messy.
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Post by fliptw »

Go read 1984 and Animal Farm.
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Post by Gooberman »

I think you have given the reason.
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Post by roid »

The ultimate survivalist society, with such restrictions on free thought, would not last long. It has to continue to adapt to it's surroundings or it will die. Thus it wouldn't be much of an ultimate survivalist society if it died out.
As for how it's government would work, take inspiration from nature: Ants.

Let me understand what you want here, you want each nation to be fighting every other nation at the same time yes? So if there are 4 nations, each nations military would be split into 3 armies - one army fighting each other nation. Yes?

That'd be difficult to get happening in reality i think. But whatever, lets try eh.

Perhaps each nation has a separate grivience with it's surrounding nations. For instance, what if each nation had a natural deposit of ore that each surrounding nation needed. Perhaps some nations would need it more than others - but it all basically works out to every nation needs what every other nation has. A kindof deadlock.

You might find this article inspiring, it's about tribal warfare in New Guinea, by renouned author Jared Diamond. ... ntPage=all
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Post by woodchip »

I think the Chi-Coms come pretty close. As a society, who else has lasted as long as the chinese people?
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Post by roid »

The Chinese have been around a long time, but the Chinese COMMUNISTS are relatively (relative to the age of the culture) new to the stage.

I wouldn't call them one and the same. When i think of Chinese cultural history i don't think of Communists.

Americans though - i think that culture has been religio-capitalistic through and through.
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Post by Firewheel »

猫血液? What on earth is wrong with you? :P
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Post by Will Robinson »

The Chinese had thought of themselves as the center of the universe long before the Communist party took hold there so ancient China could be a good model but I don't know that they were ever self sufficient, if they were they didn't grow strong enough or advance technologically fast enough because little Japan kicked their ass pretty good.

If your Hydrus Legion is truly self sufficient then they don't need the others for anything so the only deterrent will be that they can't take on a united front of the others therefore they must engage in politics to keep the others divided and try to pick them off one at a time...playing one against the other...and creating reasons to go to war against one country without causing the others to get involved.
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Re: Designing the Ultimate Survivalistic Society

Post by TIGERassault »

Dakatsu wrote:This would for sure cause every other nation to unite against this country,
...and that's the reason their government wouldn't do that. They agknowledge that charging head-first into the entire world will only get them destroyed.
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Post by Dakatsu »

Firstly, to clarify, my current version of the story goes something like this:

Blah blah blah, up until 2384, when the Hydrus Legion attacks both the Skorpshjuze and Nekoketsueki for their resources, and also to expand and defend their own intrests (pre-emtive basically). Due to the Nekoketsueki Nation being in civil war ever since its founding (although the ruling power shifts), the Rebels, the Nekoketsueki IMPERIAL Army holds a large territory of the Nekoketsueki. The Skorpshjuze respond by taking claim over it, sending forces to take it from the Imperialists (The Skorpshjuze Republic does not like Imperialists, way more than their hatred for the Nationalists). This causes the war between everyone except the Halcyon Dynasty. The Dynasty, believing this is the time to claim Earth for themselves (as they believe Earth is a holy land meant for them only) bombards the Eastern side of Earth, nearly killing everything on that side of the planet. This starts the Solar War, and the game would start off at 2481.

Well, anyway, I think that a good idea for this may be that the Hydrus Legion wants the entire human race to survive, as they could believe that the human race needs to unite and build up, so if anything were to try to harm them, aka aliens, they could fight them off.
...and that's the reason their government wouldn't do that. They agknowledge that charging head-first into the entire world will only get them destroyed.
I could also just leave it at that, but then what should they do about the people living there? The Skorpshjuze Republic, for example, allows Assault Rifles and such to be owned by citizens. This would not be good for the Hydrus Military. What should they do to stop rebellion, or anything really?
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Post by TIGERassault »

Dakatsu wrote:I could also just leave it at that, but then what should they do about the people living there? The Skorpshjuze Republic, for example, allows Assault Rifles and such to be owned by citizens. This would not be good for the Hydrus Military. What should they do to stop rebellion, or anything really?
In 1984, the people were kept on tack because they were always monitored, and their deepest fears were known by the authorities. If a citizen shows any signs of rebellion, they would be exposed to that fear in full.
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Post by Dakatsu »

TIGERassault wrote:
Dakatsu wrote:I could also just leave it at that, but then what should they do about the people living there? The Skorpshjuze Republic, for example, allows Assault Rifles and such to be owned by citizens. This would not be good for the Hydrus Military. What should they do to stop rebellion, or anything really?
In 1984, the people were kept on tack because they were always monitored, and their deepest fears were known by the authorities. If a citizen shows any signs of rebellion, they would be exposed to that fear in full.
Errps... I meant occupation. For example, the Skorpshjuze would evacuate everyone temporarily. What would the Hydrus do if they were to capture a Skorpshjuzean city?

And of course the people living in Hydrus would be monitored :) (shouldn't really be a happy face, but you get the point)
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Post by fliptw »

all societies have a survivalist mentality. The major purpose behind society is to survive.

The real question you should be asking, is how do the systems of government relate to game play?
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Post by TIGERassault »

Dakatsu wrote:Errps... I meant occupation. For example, the Skorpshjuze would evacuate everyone temporarily. What would the Hydrus do if they were to capture a Skorpshjuzean city?
Threaten to kill absolutely anyone on the spot if they were found with a weapon or started showing signs of rebelling.
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Post by Spidey »

TIGERassault wrote:
Dakatsu wrote:Errps... I meant occupation. For example, the Skorpshjuze would evacuate everyone temporarily. What would the Hydrus do if they were to capture a Skorpshjuzean city?
Threaten to kill absolutely anyone on the spot if they were found with a weapon or started showing signs of rebelling.
Check your history, that has never worked.
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Post by TIGERassault »

Spidey wrote:Check your history, that has never worked.
The Hydrus would be particularly interested in being able to monitor everything in a city they capture as quickly as they can once they move in. So they WILL be able to back up their words.
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Post by Spidey »

Hitler backed up his words…still didn’t work.
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Post by Dakatsu »

fliptw wrote:The real question you should be asking, is how do the systems of government relate to game play?
It relates to the story. The story relates to the planned campaign.
Hitler backed up his words…still didn’t work.
Hitler did not own 1/3rd of the Solar System and have a large amount of Plasma bombs :P

I technically shouldn't worry about the Hydrus, I still have decades of work to do on the other three sides, let alone not even having a general concept of the Hydrus Military Weaponry :P Still, it's good to have the backstory a bit fixed up :)
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