Teamspeak Multiplayer

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Teamspeak Multiplayer

Post by Mickey1 »

Teamspeak is what D3 has always needed. Taunts are nice but live commentary turns \"bots\" into real people. Please get a headset and log on to a Teamspeak server. I think the Von ts server works better for me than the DBB ts server.
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Post by Foil »

Voice-chat definitely changes one's perception of the game being played. It's awesome to hear the reaction and laughter of the guys and girls you're playing. It's a whole lot cooler than just seeing an \"lol\" or \"n1\" or even hearing a recorded taunt. Suddenly you can really see the folk you're playing are real. :)


Just a disclaimer, though:

For various reasons, \"open\" comms like the VON TeamSpeak are not always for everyone. In my experience, unmoderated voice-chat can easily get out of hand at times, and the dialogue can become really inappropriate or even an all-out flamewar. I know some people have been driven away from multiplayer Descent because of that kind of thing. That's why some groups have their own kid-friendly or by-invite voice systems.

I personally enjoy the VON or DBB or VEX Teamspeak servers from time to time. I just want to make sure that before they join, people are aware of what \"open\" comms entail.
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Post by Duper »

It's far and away better than anything you'll encounter on XBox live. :roll: :lol: just as long as you keep Vrooden and Bubba off of it. ;D
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Post by BUBBALOU »

Duper wrote:just as long as you keep Vrooden and Bubba off of it. ;D
you mean
Duper wrote:just as long as you keep Vrooden and Wareagle off of it. ;D

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Wareagle won't be on anytime soon. He's in the hospital on dialysis machine. I don't get many updates since Spawn has me ignored so I get second hand info from others.
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Post by TheCope »

Foil wrote:I know some people have been driven away from multiplayer Descent because of that kind of thing.
That is so utterly spineless and guilt ridden. If you don't want to play anymore that's fine – that is your choice - but to try to blame other players for it?

C'mon, that's just weak.
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Post by Foil »

Yes, and it was just as 'weak' for the players doing the harassing to continue, even after becoming aware that they were pushing someone beyond their limits.

Being on voice comms requires a level of tolerance and understanding, yeah. But it also requires some level of respect. Otherwise, it turns into yet another manifestation of junior high school (clique-ish and immature at best).

I can generally let that stuff roll of my back, but it can get really personal for some people. That's why I said 'open' comms are not for everyone, and why I mentioned the 'by-invite'/'kid-friendly' voice systems around.
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Post by TheCope »

Foil wrote:Being on voice comms requires a level of tolerance and understanding, yeah. But it also requires some level of respect. Otherwise, it turns into yet another manifestation of junior high school (clique-ish and immature at best).
"Respect" "clique-ish" "immature"???

Isn't it kind of disrespectful to try to guilt, blame, and ATTEMPT TO CONTROL adults? More often than not using the "clique-ish" tactic of some kind of failed peer pressure? Is it really "mature" to get upset and leave an online video game because of silly behaviour of the other players?

You know you guys are so proud of this "diverse community" we have here - as long as you get to control it. As long as you are the boss - the leader.
It's really pathetic if you ask me - immature for realz. Powertrippas.

I don't want, care, or need someones leadership to play a teenagers videogame. It's a stupid hobby and these are people you will likely never meet so quit putting your heart and soul and your standards of what is acceptable on me.

You know for the first 6 years I played Descent 3 we just rolled with it - young and old. In the last 3 years it's been littered with these people trying to lead everyone to some end. Knock it off. Who are you? I'm not your dog to train.

Oh, and before you start whipping around the term "maturity" ya'll better cop to the fact that you are playing a video game – my real life friends think it’s just stupid. They are the norm – we aren’t.

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Post by Foil »

Whoa, hold up, bro.

No one said anything about you personally. [In fact, I've only heard good things about you in TeamSpeak.] And no one is on a power-trip, trying to \"control\" you or force you to be like them. So just chill for a moment, a'ight?

All I'm saying is that 'open' voice comms means exactly that. Open.

And because the main demographic of Descent is probably the \"25 to 40 year-old male\" category, that's what people are going to find in open comms. Young guys talking like young guys do... and that's not generally a kid-friendly or girl-friendly thing.


Listen, I'm not dogging the open TeamSpeak channels. Heck, I jump in there from time to time, myself (as I said on .com, if you catch me in game, just msg me, and I'll come right over). As Duper said, it's certainly better than the hordes of teenagers on XBox live or whatever.

I'm simply trying to let people know what to expect, because I don't like seeing the \"guys\" culture drive players away from the game.
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Post by Spidey »

Ha ha, yea I was cursed out a few times in games by a certain meatish kinda playa. :P
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Post by TheCope »

Spidey wrote:Ha ha, yea I was cursed out a few times in games by a certain meatish kinda playa. :P
come play with us, danny!
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Post by IsAB »

Where is this VON ts server you speak of?
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Post by Ferno »

Foil wrote:Yes, and it was just as 'weak' for the players doing the harassing to continue, even after becoming aware that they were pushing someone beyond their limits.
oh pfft, it's the internet. grow some balls and fire back. It's not the flowers and cinnamon show. Stick up for yourself man!
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Post by Foil »

Never said it was me. It wasn't.

It's not a problem for me personally. What I was saying is that there are people for whom the usual young-male mode of talking is perceived as very personal and aggressive, rather than just banter. Those are the people I'm talking about. In a couple of cases I know of, it's been bad enough that those people left the game. Like I said, I'm just making the disclaimer that 'Open' voice comms are not for everyone. (That said, I'll jump in the VON TS server from time to time.)
IsAB wrote:Where is this VON ts server you speak of?
ts(dot)vonclan(dot)net, I believe...
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

You can't control someone's actions on or off the internet. They are who they are. The only thing you can do is ignore them. in TS, you can MUTE that person.
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Post by Foil »

Hehe, yep. People can certainly use the 'mute' feature to ignore people.

I've actually heard it actually get to the point where half the people in voice-chat have each other muted. People who can't hear half the conversation, asking what the heck people are talking about. It would be funnier if it weren't so stupid. :roll:


Note: Again, I'm not trying to tell the people in the open comms to act any different, or be any different. It is what it is.

What I'm saying is that people who get in should know what they're getting themselves into. It's a young-male culture in there, it's not for everyone.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Any chat room or chat program has a built in ignore feature.

And yes it does make it weird when all you see is 1/2 the conversation but you get used to it.

Why not create seperate channels, one for the young ones who want to swear and berate others and another for the more mature users and have someone be a Channel Admin so he can kick users who don't comply?
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Post by Foil »

There are some voice servers that have separate 'kids' channels. In fact, the admins of the Ventrilo server I'm usually on were considering that recently. It requires a lot from the moderators/admins, though.
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Post by TheCope »

Foil wrote:What I'm saying is that people who get in should know what they're getting themselves into. It's a young-male culture in there, it's not for everyone.
Bagheera and Jake are the only young ones I've talked to. They don't seem like little kids to me - kinda smart in fact.

Everyone else I've used voice chat with has been older than me - and I'm old. I wouldn't want to hear a bunch of raving teenagers anyway - so I would do the highly mature manly American thing to do and just leave.

We really should have a descent maturity tournament - that's why I play videogames.
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Post by Foil »

TheCope wrote:Bagheera and Jake are the only young ones I've talked to. They don't seem like little kids to me - kinda smart in fact.
Yeah, jake and Baggy are stand-out guys; I'm on voice with both of them pretty often.

I should clarify, though. When I said "young-male", I wasn't talking about teenagers. I was referring to the 25-40 year-old male Descent-player demographic (yes, I still consider that "young").
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Post by Andy »

Is there a list of the D3 ts server addresses? I'd really like to be able to actually talk to some of the guys I play.
Oh, I'm 16, I think that's probably one of the youngest. Don't worry though, I don't like people who swear excessively, etc. I would never swear myself out loud, though I have sworn via text on a few intense occasions.
If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.
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Post by Foil »

The VON Teamspeak is ts . vonclan . net.

DBB Teamspeak details are on the front page of this site.

The rest are mostly private servers, I believe.
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Post by Duper »

Foil wrote: The rest are mostly private servers, I believe.
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Post by TheCope »

Haddaway - What Is Love

There were a bunch of geenuseses singing this while we where trying to play last night.

1) they couldn't sing
2) that saturday night live skit was never funny (write your own jokes)
3) i was deeply intoxicated and i didn't care

nice try - community of dunces

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Post by Foil »

Aww, I missed the community rendition of \"What is love... baby, don't hurt me...\"?

Sounds like it was a classic night. :lol:

BTW, what time are you guys usually on the VON TS? I'm typically not even online until after midnight Eastern time, I've jumped on TS and no one is there.
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Post by Duper »

typically between 6 and 9 PST and perhaps later if there's a good game going on.

I haven't been on a lot lately. been doing other things, but I'll make an effort to be there. :)
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Post by VonVulcan »

Duper wrote:typically between 6 and 9 PST and perhaps later if there's a good game going on.

I haven't been on a lot lately. been doing other things, but I'll make an effort to be there. :)
That would be nice... ;)
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