Forumers who play Descent

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Forumers who play Descent

Post by Dakatsu »

I am putting this in the PTMC Saloon simply because it is the most visited forum. I am trying to see who still plays the game, and who doesn't.

Mainly, the questions are:

1. Do you still play Descent?
2. If so, which game(s) do you play?
3. Do you play them singleplayer, multiplayer, or both?
4. How often do you play these modes?

I still play Descent 3 multiplayer, but I also play all of the Descent singleplayer missions at times. I often play multiplayer at least once a week, but I often play every other day. Singleplayer is often few and far between.

If you post at both, and, please only post on
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Post by grizz »

Still play D3 multi player several times a week. Play D3 single player occasionally.
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Post by ccb056 »

I stopped playing regularly when PXO died, used to be a few times a week, now maybe 3 times a year.
I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere.
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Post by Cuda68 »

I have not played in about 5 years. Mostly because I can't find a J-Stick that will last more than a few months. Kinda spendy when you go through them that fast.
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

I don't play often for the last few years. Use to break sticks often then stopped caring how many kills I got. Also got tired of same levels. Yeah I know others play different levels but they don't get played enough for people to start liking them. I'm not a tunnel rat.
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Post by Grendel »

Playing D3 MP every other day.
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Post by Gekko71 »

Haven't played in about 6 months. I still love the game and still take it out for a burl occasionally but I too am sick of the same levels. Ususally I play D3 and I was partway through D1 but my comupter crashed last week and I needed to reinstall the Op system on my computer - lost all my saved games and can't be bothered yet to reinstall or replay.

The sooner there's a new Descent-like game the better. We need to make it all fresh again for me to show interest on a regular basis.
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Post by TIGERassault »

I play D3 singleplayer now and again. I never got the multiplayer to work.
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Post by Bet51987 »

I play D3 multiplayer at least 4 or 5 times a week. I never played D3 single player after getting bored stiff at level one. :) I never bought or played D1 or D2.

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Post by []V[]essenjah »

Cuda68 wrote:I have not played in about 5 years. Mostly because I can't find a J-Stick that will last more than a few months. Kinda spendy when you go through them that fast.
That's why your not so rough on your joystick... just think of it as a part of your body.... :P
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Post by Cuda68 »

[]V[]essenjah wrote:
Cuda68 wrote:I have not played in about 5 years. Mostly because I can't find a J-Stick that will last more than a few months. Kinda spendy when you go through them that fast.
That's why your not so rough on your joystick... just think of it as a part of your body.... :P
At my age it doesn't hold up very well either :lol:
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Post by Krom »

I still play rarely. Played a bit on weekends in February till I caught some \"not the flu\" virus and was stuck in bed for a couple weeks. Just hopped in a game a few days ago when JF asked for one. Sometimes I go as much as 18 months between games though.
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Post by grizz »

Bet51987 wrote:I play D3 multiplayer at least 4 or 5 times a week. I never played D3 single player after getting bored stiff at level one. :) I never bought or played D1 or D2.

Heh, the first 4 yrs I played D3 I didn't have an internet connection good enough to play online. I played every single player level I could find.

I set up my first home network specifically so the kids and I could play MP against each other. It was 2-200mhz Gateways with 8mb ATI Vids crossover cabled together.
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Post by ReadyMan »

I think I stopped playing in 2003 or so...started playing again yesterday :p

Had some great games today, and an enjoyable hoard game with palzon yesterday. I actually found myself at work thinking about hurrying home to play Descent...a major throwback to 1999!

very happy to be playing again.

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Post by Nightshade »

Be nice to blow you up again, RM. ;P
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Post by Flatlander »

Haven't played since I don't know when...
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Post by CUDA »

I haven't played since Suncoast 2. about 2002 I think? an unintentional last hurrah for me
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Post by Top Wop »

Whats a pyro?
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Post by Tunnelcat »

I still like to play D2 SP (DXX) quite a bit, one of my favorite all time games. Still finding some secret doors in it. Better than D3 in many ways. Although right now I'm charging through GTA San Andreas. So much to explore!
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Post by Alter-Fox »

I play D3 SP a lot. If I get tired of the small number of levels available, I make more.

I play D2X-XL SP a lot too, both the D1 and D2 missions.
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Post by Foil »

D3 multiplayer most weeks at least a few hours a week, but not as much lately (real life stuff, including my firstborn, due in just a few weeks!). I'm one of the \"late\" players, I'm usually not on until about midnight eastern US time or later.

I play D1 and D2 from time to time, and sometimes go through the singleplayer missions, but it's mostly multiplayer.

I'm also dabbling in game-type design... the final version of \"D3 BreakOut\" (along with a few levels designed for it) should be ready soon, if I make some time to finish it.
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Post by Sirius »

Last time I played D2 multiplayer was possibly months back... it's not something I've done regularly over the last couple years or so.

D2 single-player I still play on occasion, but lately it's usually been for testing purposes only.

D3... even longer, don't remember the last time I played it. I haven't really bothered with it in any significant way for at least 5-6 years...
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Post by Jon the Great »

ccb056 wrote:I stopped playing regularly when PXO died, used to be a few times a week, now maybe 3 times a year.
PXO was the sh*t. :D
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Post by TechPro »

I still play single player D1 and D2 (with either D2X-XL or DXX-Rebirth) and also single player D3.

I also do the multi-player of all three from time to time.
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Re: Forumers who play Descent

Post by Sedwick »

I play D3 in both, though I haven't multiplayed since November, when my last computer took a dump. Mostly because I got a new joystick, and I want to feel comfortable with it so I'm practicing in single, plus I mean to bolt it to a board (it's a two-piece throttle/stick) so they don't slip as much. Prior to that disaster, I did only multiplayer since April '07. I used to do it twice a week, but lately I'm trying to get a bathroom fully renovated (up to the shower tile now) and de-cluttering so the wife doesn't go insane, and as a result have not played since this April. As a side note, it was April of '01 that I last played D3 before a hiatus that I broke last April. April is WAY too pivotal a month for me and this game...
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Post by DarkHorse »

I've played D2 singleplayer while testing work on the Vignettes series. Haven't played D1 or D3 for about six years.
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Post by ReadyMan »

btw, I only just post here on .net (being a super hero and all).
Thanks for the option though. :D

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Post by Kiran »

I play D1 and D2 sometimes. For now, it'll be d2 on DKnight's machine since my machine will be in storage until we get a house. I prefer to play Descent in arnarchy and team games, plus capture the flag. CTF is my favorite form of play.
I play anywhere from a few times a week to a few times every few months. Depends on how busy my life is and whether or not I was on-line the same time as other players are.
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Post by Sapphire Wolf »

I still play Descent 1-3 but, I might go on hiatus to other PC games(as well as the Console ones) and other things non-Descent.
As for Descent multiplayer, I mostly play Descent 3 and I play at any time I want(if I feel like it). As for multiplayer modes, I oftenly play Anarchy or CTF or some Co-op.
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Post by WillyP »

I play D3 mp now and then... in bursts, my net conex is kinda shakey. I play SP rarely, I'm in D3Editor more often than a game. D1 and D2 even more rarely.
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Post by mzero »

I play descent 3 several times a week. I like coop and I often hold a coop server.
I never played descent 2 multiplayer. I played descent 1 multiplayer in 2007 for the first time :)
I played mercenary in 2006.
Descent 3 singleplayer sometimes; some missions cant be played in coop.
Descent 2 and 1 singleplayer sometimes. I like it :D
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Post by Wings »

I play Descent for almost a month straight (meaning I play Descent in place of other games I might be playing instead) every 6 months or so.
I cant stomach to play it regularly mainly because the same 3-4 levels get played over and over out of hundreds.
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Post by [RIP]Machete_Bug »

Well, I play as much as time and other interests allow. Sometimes it's 5 nights a week. Sometimes 1. Just depends.

You know, I hear lots of folks here who don't play much or at all anymore complain about the lack of level variety. As of this writing there are 77 servers up with 49 distinct levels hosted on the tacker. If you want to see different levels played, feel free to jump in one. Once someone starts, you'll find those more obscure levels fill up nicely. It just takes someone to get the ball rolling. There's plenty of variety out there. People just need to take advantage of it.
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Post by ReadyMan »

That's true. If you jump into a server that is hosting a lvl you enjoy, others will follow. Today's D3 is about seeing how many players are on, and what lvl they are in. If the option is Subway Dancer, Burning Indika, or the lvl of your choice, then likely others will follow you into that lvl (pyroglyphic and apparition fill up pretty fast I've found <---my favorite lvls).

Getting some to play entropy might take a bit more work though...
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Post by Sedwick »

[RIP]Machete_Bug wrote:You know, I hear lots of folks here who don't play much or at all anymore complain about the lack of level variety. As of this writing there are 77 servers up with 49 distinct levels hosted on the tacker. If you want to see different levels played, feel free to jump in one. Once someone starts, you'll find those more obscure levels fill up nicely. It just takes someone to get the ball rolling. There's plenty of variety out there. People just need to take advantage of it.
I'll second that. I once started a Monsterball game just by going in, and 5 others joined within twenty minutes. And it being the small level it was, the action was crazy intense!
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Post by BUBBALOU »

ReadyMan wrote:Entropy being the best mod of all time
Requires skill, teamwork, and FPS capped machines to play

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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Post by ReadyMan »

Almost 10 years after D3 was released, this game is still visually fantastic. It could be rereleased and people would find it outstanding...everyone's machines can run it, so there wouldnt be much in the way of upgrades needed.
it's too bad that so many talented pilots do not play anymore.

However, since there are still some talented pilots playing, Entropy should do pretty well, given that we can organize a game or two regularly....

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Post by Sirius »


Have you seen many games from the last few years per chance? There's quite a difference.

Descent 3: ... 3/pd16.asp

Pretty good in 1999/2000, but then you get to these...

Half-Life 2: ... php?ss=722
Oblivion: ... php?ss=807
UT3: ... php?ss=251
Crysis: ... een001.jpg

... and it doesn't even compare any more.
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Post by Wings »

Gameplay in Descent is where it's at, however most people just want to be amazed by graphics for now. It'd not be that hard to make a beautiful looking spaceship game similar to Descent, I have no idea why there are so few games who try to do what Descent did.
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Post by Sirius »

Not necessarily. There are few envelopes left to push in graphics; some (Blizzard, heh) actually don't seem to be aiming directly for realism any more.

I think FPS games for the next few years will probably still be trying for ever-greater levels of realism with graphics, but soon enough they'll have to find something else to do (I'd pick physics, really) as there isn't much room left for improvement. (I mean, looking at that Crysis shot... that's so close it isn't even funny already.)

I think the reason why Descent hasn't been re-attempted in some other form by someone else is that at first it looks like a one-trick pony. Basically you have a vehicle that can move in pretty much any direction, and that's it - you can't get out, there isn't much else going on, etc etc. Well, UT3 has a couple vehicles (Fury and Raptor) that at first glance seem to do pretty much the same thing, but it doesn't really limit itself to that.

The difference, of course, is in the subtleties. The Pyro-GX does handle differently, and while that seems a minor issue that just serves to make control more difficult at first, it actually changes gameplay quite a lot. Then of course there are the environments; the cramped little maze of Descent is a bigger factor than one might think.

That said I'm not sure I'd be willing to copy it if I were making some vaguely similar game. It doesn't make for very interesting single-player, to say the least, although in multiplayer the story changes a lot. It'd be an interesting feature to have at any rate.
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