I use eprompter but with the Yahoo changes it's not working now. They're working on a fix.
I heard I could use ypops with eprompter but can't get ePrompter to work.
Can I use the Yahoo free e-mail and still use a pop3 service?
If I can, can someone walk me through the configuration of epromter and ypops?
Yahoo > ePrompter > ypops
Sorry, here is the initial message I get when I start YPOPS!
Unable to create SMTP server socket. Please ensure that another copy of this program is not running. If you are using an antivirus program with e-mail scanning enabled, you might have to change the port and then make the appropriate change in your e-mail applicationYPOPS! Will not service any other requests from your e-mail applications till you make the necessary changes.
Unable to create SMTP server socket. Please ensure that another copy of this program is not running. If you are using an antivirus program with e-mail scanning enabled, you might have to change the port and then make the appropriate change in your e-mail applicationYPOPS! Will not service any other requests from your e-mail applications till you make the necessary changes.
Forward Yahoo {if you can with Yahoo} to Gmail during the transition of notifying peoplethewolfe wrote:The problem is I use Yahoo as my main e-mail account.