What we already know:
- The player ship is too big. I don't know exactly what versions of D2 this affects - apparently not D2X-XL, though I haven't checked that out yet - but it seems to be most of them. It'll need to be downscaled slightly.
- Player ship size makes level 2 blue key difficult to get, level 2 full map impossible; there's a tricky spot in level 4, and I hear somewhere else you can get stuck in level 20, although I haven't played that far myself.
- Briefing lines are too long, and some text is poorly readable in some versions of D2 due to matching the background a little too well.
- Level 21 crashes except in D2X-XL. This is due to errors in the level and will be fixed soon.
- Some custom robots are missing - reportedly smelter clones are spawning from the third boss, while seekers are present in level 21 and boarsheads in level 23.