Adrastea. It's one those obscure moons of Jupiter, and the place in the cosmos where I've put my first level.
It's just an anarchy level with no other game types supported. Unless there's a general consensus that it sucks bad, I'm likely to release it as-is or with only minimal tweaks. I know of a couple of errors that bother me, but would rather just pour some effort into a new and better level than to spend time fixing up this one. So I'll be happy with a \"not bad for a level noob's first time out\" and move on.
My wife's out of town this weekend, so I'll actually have a Saturday night free for a change. Perfect chance to give my new level a go. I'm working on getting it hosted on the Descent Retirement Home, and it's roomy enough for lots of people to come and play. Please do. Don't know if you'll like the level, but these days, any fresh ground to do some pyro smashing is pretty welcome to me. Heck, it's the reasons I stared learning D3 edit. Instead of whining about a lack of level variety, I'd rather just try my hand at building some myself.
Anyway, I'm running a couple of last minute power-up and lighting tweaks. I'd like to post a download link here by Saturday morning, then have it hosted up by 8 or 9 Eastern U.S. time Saturday evening.