Hello guys
As you might know, you will require v1.4a of the Descent1 data files to run D1X-Rebirth.
I initially created a patch to patch Descent.hog/pig correctly on Linux/*NIX.
However as the DOS patch always required a full Descent 1 installation it always caused problems, as new players tried to run the patch (after D1X-Rebirth refused to start) directly from the D1X-Rebirth directory - which failed, too.
Based on the Linux/*NIX patch I created a multiplatform patch which will work on Windows AS WELL.
so the patch can either be directly extracted and run from INSIDE the D1X-Rebirth directory or only with the necessary data files. What I now would like to see if FEEDBACK.
If you still own Descent 1.0, please test it and report, if you had problems and how user-friendly you thought it was.
Direct-link: http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/download/dxx ... datapt.zip
URL to resources page where the patch is found: http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/?Downloads:Resource
New + easy Patch for DESCENT data files 1.0 -> 1.4
Moderator: zico