Which Joystick?
Moderator: Do_Checkor
Which Joystick?
I'm hoping to start playing some Descent again soon, but I have a problem - I need a new joystick! I have a Precision Pro 2, but it seems to be broken. What's a good recommendation for a new stick? Sure the 3DPro is ideal, but since I'm using my Apple iBook, it has to be USB. I haven't been keeping up with joystick technology in the past eight years or so, so if anyone has some ideas I would appreciate it!
I started playing Descent on CH products. Anything else seemed flimsy and limpwrist. So, my personal recommendation is the CH F-16 COMBATSTICK: http://tinyurl.com/cdkab2
I have three of these. Two are gameport, the third one I just bought is USB
I have three of these. Two are gameport, the third one I just bought is USB