Please Don't Pee in the Pool!

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Please Don't Pee in the Pool!

Post by Hostile »

Ok, I stopped going to public pools and water parks (and man I used to love water parks) a long time ago because of a particular incident I witnessed and my germophobia got the best of me, but I never really validated my fear with any kind of research..... But I stumbled on this article and it is just plain disgusting and definitely reinforces my fear, OMFG..

From the article:
About one in five adults in a survey reported urinating in community pools.
The survey released by Golodner's group, which advises the American Chemistry Council, found that 11 percent of the surveyed adults said they have swum with a runny nose, 7 percent with an exposed rash or cut and 1 percent when ill with diarrhea. The margin of error was plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
Sometimes, an indoor swimming pool will emit a strong chemical smell. The swimmers have coughs or red, stinging eyes after emerging from the pool. Usually those symptoms get dismissed as the effects of chlorine, but their causes are something more organic.
When swimmers sweat or urinate in the pool water, the bodily fluids combine with the chlorine. It creates chloramines, which causes the strange odor and the eye and respiratory irritations for swimmers, according to the CDC.
If you are the kind of scumbag that can go swimming with diarrhea, you have NO f-ing boundaries. What the hell kind of person can do that........?
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Re: Please Don't Pee in the Pool!

Post by Gooberman »

Hostile wrote:If you are the kind of scumbag that can go swimming with diarrhea, you have NO f-ing boundaries. What the hell kind of person[/] can do that........?

While I would never go in, let alone pee in a public pool, I will confess to once pee'ing in my wetsuit when I was scuba-diving.

I mean, what the hell are you going to do, your 80 feet below the surface, and you can't exactly suppress the image of water.

....felt a bit bad for my diving buddy....
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Post by Hostile »

But Goob seriously.... You were peeing in nature's toilet where all the fish do their business too and the Earth has a good way of \"cleaning\" that naturally. I'm talking about community pools and water parks were bathrooms are actually provided for the supposedly intelligent mammals using these facilities..... What you did was completely acceptable in my book :). But then again I don't want to swim in the ocean either..... :P
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Post by Duper »

what gets me are the people that take their babies in the pool with diapers one.;P Bleck!

I've grown up with those things and I've not gotten sick. ..for which I'm thankful for. My grandma used to tell me stories of swimming in rivers along a town where they used to push poop out of the way as they swam.

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Post by Hemp »

If your worried about pee in a public pool. Man I hope you never eat fast food. I wont even post the statics you may lose sleep. Goob I have peed in my wetsuit for over 20 years now. :wink:
<Suncho> yes you should stfu because I am god.
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Post by Hostile »

Duper wrote:of swimming in rivers along a town where they used to push poop out of the way as they swam.
ROFL... Dude, did she then get out of the water?.... And as far as growing up ok... If you read the article, they said that the burning puffy feeling in your eyes in a pool is not caused by the chlorine, but the impurites mixing with the chlorine..... I'm glad you survived the feces in your eyes! :P
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Post by Duper »

That was my grandma, not me.
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Post by Hostile »

I said did SHE get out of the water :)
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Post by Ferno »

workin in fast food I saw a lot of the stuff they have in the stats. yeah i didn't want to work in that industry after that. :D

\"what gets me are the people that take their babies in the pool with diapers one.;P Bleck!\"

No kidding. I was suprised a floater or two didn't come out after they picked the kid out of the water.
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