http://www.boston.com/news/nation/artic ... ds?mode=PF
Moderators: Tunnelcat, Jeff250
Because that's what politics is about - bashing the opponent rather than actually discussing the issues. Heaven forbid.bash wrote:Just more political mud-slinging? Oh hell yes it is, but that's what makes politics fun to watch.
That's a deal!Dedman wrote:Look, both Bush and Kerry are utter morons. Let's all just shutup, elect Powell and be done with it. Then we can all just sit back, enjoy a beer, and play more D3.
I realize my input sounds pro Bush but that really isn't my point.TheCops wrote:...both of them are rich boys and you fiddle over these details? and not the fact that they are of the same cloth?...
I have said in previous threads that I plan on voting third party for the first time this year. That is unless Powell actually runs. This country really needs his leadership right now. Barring that though, it looks like it's Nader for me.TheCops wrote:you crackers really should support a third party and make it feasible because these 2 sides are just too black and white.
"I'm Rick James Bizotch!"Will Robinson wrote:Hell if we're going to stand for that we might as well let Simon from American Idol pick our winner, at least that way we'd get someone who sings in key and knows how to dance.TheCops wrote:...both of them are rich boys and you fiddle over these details? and not the fact that they are of the same cloth?...