Nvidia 3d vision and descent

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Nvidia 3d vision and descent

Post by goznik »

Hi guys
ever since descent went out I had a dream to see it with a pair of VR glasses,but because it was to pricy and too crapy I didnt buy these glases.
Now I see that Nvidia released a new driver that gives you a 3d picture (divided 2 red and blue for each eye).

you can see it in here:
http://www.nvidia.com/object/GeForce_3D ... _Main.html

I tried to play descent3 with it but I couldn't make it to show in 3d (only the main manu was in 3d :P).

did anyone managed to make it work for descent?
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Post by Krom »

You need a monitor that supports 120 Hz refresh rate to get Nvidia 3D Vision to work, only a few LCDs on the market support it. If you are using a CRT on the other hand, it you have to run D3 in a resolution that still supports 120 Hz on your CRT.
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Post by Sllik »

I have a co-worker and friend that spent the money for both the monitor and glasses, and he swears by them, but the cost is a bit rich for my blood.

He has used it mostly for LotR and WoW, but he swears it has ruined all of his attempts at gaming without the 3D.
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Post by goznik »

Krom wrote:You need a monitor that supports 120 Hz refresh rate to get Nvidia 3D Vision to work, only a few LCDs on the market support it. If you are using a CRT on the other hand, it you have to run D3 in a resolution that still supports 120 Hz on your CRT.
I'ts not what I'm talking about,
The driver also supports a two channel 3D that can be seen with red and blue glasses.
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Post by Valin Halcyon »

Way back in the days of the GeForce 2 Ultra..I had one. And it came with revelator shutter-type 3D glasses. You had to mess with your monitor quite a bit to get them working well, for one, gamma on all my games had to be boosted, contrast raised to the max, and the brightness tweaked. THEN I had to be sure I could use the resolution at 120hz or better (I had a graphics professional series Sony trinitron at the time...), I played at 1280x1024@120hz for the most part.

The first game I tried, of course, was Descent 3. I immediately noticed improved performance on my part. I was estimating range better, and other general advantages stemming form improved distance and depth perception.

At the same time, I went to a LAN party near where I was living at the time, and was coerced into playing Unreal Tournament (the first one) for the first time. I didn't even own a copy of the game then. That weekend I went on to utterly dominate the other guys who'd been playing the game for awhile. As an experiment, I'd let others try playing on my PC with the 3D glasses....and they would then in turn pwn everyone else.

If you can find a 3D solution that works, GET IT. It makes such a difference to your ability to aim and fire accurately to where you'll never want to play without it again.

As for me, my 3D system is no long compatible with modern video cards, nor is it even working under its original card, the gf2 ultra.

Someday I'd like something like the VR1 headset that was pushed a fair bit during the heyday of Descent II, but I'm not too worried about it for now.
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Post by Warlock »

i looks neet but i wont use it at all.

i love going to 3d movies some times but i dont like haveing to sit glasses on top of my glasses + i dont want to spend the money on some that thats neet but is hardley even used.
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Post by JMEaT »

Ah I wondered what that 3D driver was when I installed the latest Win7 drivers for my nVidia card.

Baleeted! (LCD is only a 60Hz model) :P
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Post by rcll »

Nice thread, I just got a 3D Vision glasses set.

Using it with an old CRT monitor at 120Hz.

Problem is I can't get Descent3 to show any 3D effect. The Nvidia 3D reticle works and the main menu is in 3D but a bit buggy. The game objects themselves are not showing up in 3D though.

I'm on Vista 64 with D3 set to Win98 compatibility mode(XP mode crashes), its using Direct3D renderer.

Anyone have a set of these glasses and has D3 running in 3D?

Its very cool in Resident Evil 5 though, this 3D is awesome when its working.
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Post by Gekko71 »

Purely out of curiosity, has anyone tried (or heard) os someone successfully running 3d drivers over a triplehead 3-screen setup? I'm very curious to see (a) if it can be done and (b) how well it would work

(yes, I know that means buying and running 3 x 120+ hz monitors ...but still - it's a very tempting idea! 8) )
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Post by rcll »

Gekko71 wrote:Purely out of curiosity, has anyone tried (or heard) os someone successfully running 3d drivers over a triplehead 3-screen setup? I'm very curious to see (a) if it can be done and (b) how well it would work

(yes, I know that means buying and running 3 x 120+ hz monitors ...but still - it's a very tempting idea! 8) )
It should be doable, unfortunately theres just 2 models of true 120Hz LCDs, both 22".

3D takes a bunch of GPU overhead. High Resolution for 3 screens in 3D would eat GPUs alive on intensive games like Crysis, but with a game like D3 there shouldn't be a problem.

Probably the most impressive option is a 3D ready DLP projector. 3D Descent3 on a 100inch screen... oh man.

Anyway I'm kinda confused why the 3D isn't working. In the Nvidia 3D driver Descent 3 is rated 'Excellent'.
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Post by Krom »

rcll wrote:I'm on Vista 64 with D3 set to Win98 compatibility mode(XP mode crashes), its using Direct3D renderer.
Try disabling compatibility mode, D3 should just run even in Vista 64.
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Post by S13driftAZ »

This is so funny. When I was a lot younger, I was rooting around in my c:/games/DESCENT folder and found a readme or an FAQ (cant remember) that had a thing about VR helmets. So I decided to try and make one by taking some wire and forming the glasses frame, then taking two squares of the underside of a cd-rom I had cut up :D then taping the two pieces (sticking out) to the bottom part of the frame right under my eyes.

Hell, it worked sorta, but it killed my eyes!

:lol: :lol: good times
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Post by rcll »

Krom wrote:
rcll wrote:I'm on Vista 64 with D3 set to Win98 compatibility mode(XP mode crashes), its using Direct3D renderer.
Try disabling compatibility mode, D3 should just run even in Vista 64.
I was hoping it would, and I saw everyone is running D3 in Vista. I've been on XP so this is the first time I'm trying D3 in Vista. I just copied my directory over.

I get a Main.exe Appcrash(Access Violation) when D3 starts to load a map. With Win98 compatibility mode it loads the map fine without crashing. What do you think is going wrong?

S13driftAZ wrote:This is so funny. When I was a lot younger, I was rooting around in my c:/games/DESCENT folder and found a readme or an FAQ (cant remember) that had a thing about VR helmets. So I decided to try and make one by taking some wire and forming the glasses frame, then taking two squares of the underside of a cd-rom I had cut up :D then taping the two pieces (sticking out) to the bottom part of the frame right under my eyes.

Hell, it worked sorta, but it killed my eyes!

:lol: :lol: good times
Lol these Nvidia 3D glasses look silly enough already, kinda like if Kim Jong Il played D3 :D
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Post by Krom »

Could be a specific driver or application running in your system that causes a conflict. If you have merc installed D3 won't work correctly without some bits in the system registry but those usually show up as an error when D3 loads about \"guidebotred\".

Have you tried running main.exe with administrator permissions (unless you have already disabled UAC)?
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Post by insaner »

have 3D vision glases from Nvidia and Samsung 120hz TFT @1680x1050. 3D-View will not start, although it is listed in the driver´s list (as written above) recommended as \"excellent\" - so it should work somehow. I ve got latest drivers for gtx280 and 3dvision in Vista64.

I tried starting the game with commandline:
-width 1680 -height 1050 -aspect 1.6 -nointro -framecap 120

--> monitor shows 60hz in game. Maybe there´s a way to override that? Maybe thats the solution how to enable the 3D-view?

thanks for your help,

edit: I figured out that \"-framecap 120\" would not work and tried \"-framecap 999\" and it is still not working.
Anyway, game is starting in vista64 without compatibility mode or such. I use patchlevel 1.4. The game crashes when I press exit (black screen), can be revived with Alt+Tab and then kill process or Alt+F4. Sometimes game will not start with error-message about missing cache-directory. This is fixed when I log out and log in again in vista. Completely buggy all this stuff.

This is a screenshot from the current nvision driver system control (sorry for the German version!):
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Post by Indica »

im working on getting d3 in 3d also. does d3 run in direct 3d for you? my computer suffers from stuttering in d3d- it runs- just not well. here is my command line settings:

United States -launched -width 1920 -height 1080 -aspect 1.78 -nomusic -framecap 999 -z32bit -vsync -nointro -pilot Indica -bumped -nosparkles -nomotionblur
im going to play around more with the settings later.

the game runs in 3d- but there is no effect- im going to take a guess that maybe there is some registry settings for the game or the drivers that need to be adjusted. i cant get the depth or convergence adjustments to work. maybe this is a pipe dream?
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Post by Krom »

Descent 3 defaults to a 50 frames per second framerate cap, override it using -framecap 0 in the command line. Also 3d might require vertical sync be enabled, but the switch in descent 3 usually doesn't work so force it with an application profile in the Nvidia drivers. The last bit is Descent 3 switches to 640x480 resolution for menu screens and what not, it could be the monitor is switching to 60 Hz to display the loading/menu screens and that disables 3d mode, set up a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel: 640x480 at 120 Hz and test to make sure it works. If it doesn't switch to 120 Hz, try changing the timing method used.

It may also be necessary to create a custom resolution setting for the full screen resolution and force it to 120 Hz refresh as well. If the monitor is set to 60 Hz for any reason the 3d won't work.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

I've got Descent3 running in 640x480 @ 120hz on windows7. I've thought about getting the 3dvision glasses to test running it in 3d, but everything I've read is that it doesn't work.
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Post by insaner »

Krom: thx for the hints!

Darktalyn1: would you mind posting your command line settings?

Indica: are you talking about the Nvidia 3D Vision technology? If yes, what screen supports 120hz in 1920x1080?
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Post by Indica »

yes 3d vision! my screen is a Mitsubishi 65 inch DLP hdtv- i use it for my computer screen. works extremely well- highly recommended.
Thanks Krom- that will give us some ideas to play with.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

Hi Insaner,

I didn't mean I had it running in 3d. I just meant, I have a set-up that could potentially be used with Nvidia 3d glasses if I bought them. I've been tentative to test it because when I read up on it online, it sounds like it won't work.

If I ever read of anyone actually getting it to run (most promising thing I read was someone got the menu to show up in 3d but the game itself didn't work) I'd probably give it a shot just for the hell of it.
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Post by flip »

D3 in 3D would be awesome no doubt.
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Post by Indica »

1- d3d stuttering issue:

frame cap 0 took care of the stuttering issue using d3d - indoors. there is still some slowdown when rendering a outdoor seen in d3d that is not noticeable in opengl. Any ideas?

2- 3D testing:
i forced the vsinc under the NVIDIA control panel and that did not help. I then played around with custom resolutions and refresh rates- got my tv to accept the 120hrz but after saving the NVIDIA control panel changes the resolution back to 60. after a while- testing the settings crashed my computer big time- so Ive had enough for now.

one thing i just remembered is that under the nvidia control panel there is a option to \"hide s3d effects when games starts\" a hot-key enables the effect whenever you want. I tried this out and the 3d still does not work. however im thinking i don't have to wonder about the menu screens messing up the refresh rates? do you guys agree?

is there anyway to check what refresh rate the game is running at while running?
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Post by Thenior »

I don't recall what the specs were on the system, but 5 years ago I recall playing Descent 3 on XP using 3D glasses. I believe they were nVidia - it was pretty cool, though it gave me a headache.
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Post by AceCombat »

why is this in Cafe? isnt this a tech issue
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Post by The Lion »

Slightly OT ... but about a month ago I added an anaglyph stereo 3D mode to ProjectX (Forsaken source port). The benefit is that you don't need any special (and windows-only iirc) nvidia driver or monitor refresh rate to make it work - it renders both red and green/blue/cyan every frame.


Recorded some videos of it too.

So if you just care about the 6dof in stereo 3d experience you could try that.

No Descent though... I did talk to zico about it a while back but he has different priorities right now.
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Post by insaner »

The Lion wrote:Slightly OT ... but about a month ago I added an anaglyph stereo 3D mode to ProjectX (Forsaken source port). The benefit is that you don't need any special (and windows-only iirc) nvidia driver or monitor refresh rate to make it work - it renders both red and green/blue/cyan every frame.
This is very cool!!! As I understand it you need those red-green-filterglasses, right? I guess using 3dvision from Nvidia is a completly different thing because of the 120hz sync signal stuff? Forsaken was my favorite game that time - just need to find my paperglasses now...
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Post by Indica »

ive been chatting with nvidia engineers about this and they said that 3d vision will work if we patch the game to direct x 9. haha- i dont see that happening!!
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Post by flip »

PATCH IT. PATCH IT NOW. I can see myself blowing big money on 3D Descent. Might help my aim some :P
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Post by Duper »

Indica wrote:ive been chatting with nvidia engineers about this and they said that 3d vision will work if we patch the game to direct x 9. haha- i dont see that happening!!
Actually, I think that's one thing on Kevin's "todo" list. Probably a bit down the road after this initial 1.5
(I'm speculating here)
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Post by Indica »

interesting! i did not know that. hopefully it will happen. let me know if i can help at all. I not much of a programmer but i do have experience doing QA on software.

I highly recommend 3d gaming- it brings a whole new level of immersion to the gaming experience.
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Post by insaner »

*g* why not just patching it to DX11 - some tesselation and good physics wouldn´t hurt D3 *eg*. I wonder if patching to DX9 was possible without knowing any sourcecode - or did D3 become opensource? Well, I am no programmer but this seems almost impossible to me...
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Post by Sirius »

insaner wrote:I wonder if patching to DX9 was possible without knowing any sourcecode - or did D3 become opensource?
Not realistically, and no, respectively.
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Post by Alter-Fox »

D2X-XL has a 3D mode now if I'm not mistaken.
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Post by Indica »

isn't that openGl? 3d vsison requires direct3d for now- maybe the iZ3D's opengl drivers will work. its not on there supported game list- but maybe there is a way. need to do more research on iZ3D's drivers....
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Post by Sirius »

It does have a 3D mode, yes, but it's not the kind that works with stereoscopic shutter glasses.
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Post by Indica »

update: found a opengl wrapper that almost works! the game is missing textures when the wrapper is applied- but it does render perfectly in 3d!
looks like this:
throws an error while loading that looks like \"aoa not found\"

info on the wrapper-
http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?show ... try1071191
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Post by Indica »

good news: d2 XL has been tested to work with the gl wrapper and 3d vision!

still no luck with D3...
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Post by Alter-Fox »

Yes, I just need to find somewhere in Winnipeg to get 3D glasses so I can play XL in 3D... hopefully before either of the two mission sets I'm building for XL get finished.

Red-Cyan glasses would be best because they work with TrackMania too...
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