fliptw wrote:what exactly did your post have to do with the article beside superfluous expansion on superfluous name dropping Heretic?
So how is that word a day calendar working for you dude? So what part of Ethics and Commentary don't you understand. Ethically Margaret Sanger was a very dangerous person. My Commentary of Margaret Sanger was an explanatory essay of her unethical behavior. So now I suppose I'm not to make Commentary remarks about the Ethics of a person in Ethics and Commentary thread of an article that mentions certain people? Oh by the way you could have used one of these words.
bounding, de trop, dispensable, excess, excessive, exorbitant, expendable, extravagant, extreme, gratuitous, in excess, inessential, inordinate, lavish, leftover, needless, nonessential, overflowing, overmuch, pleonastic, profuse, redundant, remaining, residuary, spare, superabundant, supererogatory, superfluent, supernumerary, surplus, unasked, uncalled-for, unneeded, unrequired, unwanted, useless
Instead of your word a day. Oh wait that was horrifying superfluous of me to suggest you use another word.