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Post by LEON »

I wonder how this command line works.
Is it like,... if my computer sort of guessing where the ships are between 2 points. If so, does this mean if my computer is \"guessing\" wrong. It would look like Im doing no damage?
Is all this \"guessing\" taking up CPU on my computer?

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Post by Krom »

The computer just tries to visually smooth out the movement of ships, it really isn't all that relevant now that broadband / 12pps is the standard. Back in the dial-up days it might have made more difference. As for the CPU / actual effect; it uses an insignificant amount of CPU time and it is a visual aid only and has no impact whatsoever on gameplay. It doesn't average position packets, it just guesses where the ship is going based on the most recent one. If it is wrong the ship tends to snap to where it really is, if its right it will render the ship motion more fluidly but generally its only right when someone flies in a straight line.
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Post by Behemoth »

i use it.
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Post by Foil »

For a player/client, it's really a matter of preference. I don't use it, but I know a few people who do.

However, there is a separate server-side 'smoothing' option (part of AntiCheat) which has been known to cause issues. Some servers running AC have it on, I think.
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Post by LEON »

I tried a couple games with usesmooth off. It was horrible, how can anyone play without that command enabled. :?

If a server side usesmooth option cause some issues, then that might be the answer to my question. Couple a years ago everything got more laggy, more often i saw homers, morts,vauss etc do no damage.
It might be that my memory plays a trick on me, and thing was as bad as nowdays. Or......that I was playing weaker pilots before, and since they dont move so much, lag whould't be that big of a factor. Though I don't think this is the explaintation. I mean.....I used to have more solid gameplay on SQN5 server westcoast 250 ping, than todays german server 60 ping.

Behemoth once asked me if I was out of energy in a dogfight. Cause he didnt see any weapon fire from me. On my end I saw he flew through a couple of my fusions.
Testicluless (think it was him) commented on my lossy vauss once. I don't know what he ment by that. Is there any issue with vauss?

More often I hear people complain on this things as well. I have asked some if they have the same experience. Some agree, other are not sure and some dosen't see any difference from back then.

I have tried all tricks in the book to clean stuff at my end :) Im out of suggestions.
One guy suggested it could have to do with increase in net-traffick last couple years. I dunno.

Well, soon thers not any pilots left, so this problems doesn't matter anymore :P
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Post by Behemoth »

haha, theres still a few of us around
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Post by Alter-Fox »

LEON wrote: If a server side usesmooth option cause some issues, then that might be the answer to my question. Couple a years ago everything got more laggy, more often i saw homers, morts,vauss etc do no damage.
Hmm... It's happened to me a lot with megas on some servers where I get bad pings and/or loss.
As for the other stuff you said I don't remember it ever happening to me.
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Post by Freakster »

In my opinion? It can help, personally? I don't like it. I enjoy \"computing\" in my own mind where the player might be, I usually am correct, and find when I use the command, it often messes up, and sometimes drastically. I.E.: They went to my left on screen, but in reality when to my right.

So ultimately, it's up to user preference. If you use it and like it? Go for it. If not? Not a big deal.
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Post by Fiend »

i just started up in past few weeks and toggled this switch... I can't project w/ it on
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Post by flip »

Yeah after seeing this thread i tried it for a few weeks. I see alot more teleporting with it on, especially with that skippy ass penix.
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