Karma, eh?

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Karma, eh?

Post by Testiculese »

Maybe there is such a thing as Karma.

Yesterday I was in line at the Aramark employee restaurant, on the 16th floor. The guy in front of me was about $2 short for his lunch. Having been in this situation, I know that you have to take the elevator (which is always a pain, there're only 6 elevators for 20 floors, and are always full and/or a 5 minute or so wait to get one going in your direction.) to the first floor, and wait in line for the ATM, then take the elevator back up to the 16th floor, get back in line, and pay.

So I broke out my wallet, and offered the guy $2 so he can get his lunch. He looked at me like I was from another planet. (Is the city really so hostile that a friendly gesture is such a surprise?) He recovered quickly accepted the money with a string of thank you's, and asked what he could do for it. I said since he wasn't a woman, I couldn't get a lunch date out of it, so don't worry about it. (cue laughter from the rest of the line behind me). I then left the restaurant, quickly forgetting about the encounter(I'm very free with money, just ask my spoiled friends ;)).

So this morning I park at the train station, and hopped aboard the next train. I sat down, and pulled out my wallet, and find that I only have $3 in there. The ticket is $4.50. Uhh...The ticketwoman comes up, and I show her an empty wallet and $3 in my hand. I ask about an IOU slip of some sort, of which she didn't have, so a standoff is forthcoming. I was not about to get off the train, be late for work, etc.
Suddenly, the woman across the isle offers up $2 to pay for my ticket! I was going to decline, but, uhh..I couldn't. Any other circumstance, I would have gone home and got my own money. So it was my turn to profusely thank her for an act of kindness I certainly did not expect.
Unfortunately, she exited the train when I wasn't looking, but tomorrow I'm gonna go look for her and offer her lunch for her deed. :) (Or should I?)
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Post by MD-2389 »

I would.
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Post by Fusion pimp »

That's a pretty cool story.
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Re: Karma, eh?

Post by Dedman »

Testiculese wrote: (I'm very free with money, just ask my spoiled friends ;)).
Wanna be my friend :wink:
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Fusion pimp wrote:That's a pretty cool story.
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Post by DCrazy »

Maybe I shouldn't be as cold with my cash then.

You work for Aramark, Testi? I think I remember something about Robert Moses promising automatic hot dog machines at Shea Stadium way back in the fifites. Seeing as you guys now control the scene, can ya get them to jump on that? ;) I'd rather pay $5 for a machine-dispensed dog than one infused with the sweat and blood of the "chef". :P

BTW, your train tickets are cheap (and the conductor was very nice). A ticket to get from here to Manhattan costs no less than NINE dollars when purchased aboard a train in the morning rush. I can't imagine anyone ever bailing me out. I'd be welcomed at the next stop by the loving arms of the MTA Police for fare-beating. :(
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Post by Mobius »

No good deed goes unpunished! ;)

Karma's got nothing to do with it Testi: there are *still* some nice people out there, who do what they can, in small ways, to make life more bearable for themselves.

For my part, I'll do the same sort of thing you did, and I give money to any and every street-side collector for good causes.

I don't believe in karma though - because my karma ran over my dogma! :)

"Karma" is an invention by useless dolts to make themselves feel better about being screwed. There's no set of cosmic scales of justice which balance the books. Bad things happen to people, and can easily keep on happening. It's just luck.

On that note, it's better to be born lucky - than rich. Thank goodness I was! :D
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

Mobius wrote: there are *still* some nice people out there, who do what they can
Mobius wrote: I don't believe in karma though - because my karma ran over my dogma! :)

I refuse to believe that any world in which the latter phrase exists holds any "good people."
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

DAMNIT Mobi you stole my phrase :)

Cool story though.. Those are the days when you just smile all the way home :)
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Post by roid »

i have that horrible habit of giving things to ppl i don't know, who arn't expecting it, just to see that glimmer of hope in their eyes, you can see them thinking it over, it's like for a moment they think that maybe the world could be a better, friendly, more compassionate place.

do you ever have that almost unstopable urge to give $100 notes to random people in the street? like to a little kid or something.
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Post by Ferno »

nice testi. and yea you got big karma points.
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Awww!! Testi. And i took you for a big ol' grumpy cynical fing. Nice story.
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Post by whuppinboy »

Mobius wrote: I don't believe in karma though - because my karma ran over my dogma! :)

"Karma" is an invention by useless dolts to make themselves feel better about being screwed. There's no set of cosmic scales of justice which balance the books. Bad things happen to people, and can easily keep on happening. It's just luck.

On that note, it's better to be born lucky - than rich. Thank goodness I was! :D
but yet you belive in luck?? LOL :lol:

kudos testi, might get more than a lunch out of it if you play your cards right :wink: risky business anyone?
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Post by Testiculese »

Flabby, I am far, far from grumpy! Mostly, anyway. The condition of this country, obesity, illegal income taxes, and rampant stupidity and narrowmindedness exhibited by my peers (IRL) are the only things that really bother me.
As much disdain and lack of respect for the general public I have (except women), I'm generally always the first person to offer assistance in any situation. Call it a character flaw, but it's how I prefer to be.

Roid, I've had that urge plenty of times(not towards kids, tho', I don't like'em). Fortunately for my bank account, I don't carry $100 bills around. :)
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Post by Duper »

...um.. karma isn't supposed to be "realized" in your "current" life.

Nice story tho. :)
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Post by Nitrofox125 »

Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend.

Not sure how much I agree with that, I think I agree with roid more :) If I did carry around $100. But I'd also want a video camera to capture some of the looks on their faces.
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Post by KompresZor »

Nice story Testi :D It's the little things that make the world a better place.
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Post by Inquisitor »

I live in Boston, and commute in the hell that is the Big Dig.

Traffic is never pleasant, and Boston drivers are not known for their everflowing kindness and patience on the road.

Anyway, this poor woman was stuck in a merge lane unable to get to the cash toll booth. I hate it when that happens to me (see above about Boston drivers) so, I held up traffic a bit and waived her in front of me.

Then forgot about it while I waited in line for the next 20 minutes at the tolls.

I got up to booth, handed the attendant my dollar, and he just waved me through. She had paid my toll.
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Post by Defender »

Testi: Was she cute? :lol:
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Post by Neo »

I refuse to believe that any world in which the latter phrase exists holds any "good people."
There can be only one!


"Good people," huh? :) I always give money to others when they need it, and if I can afford it. ;) I'm surprised that some of you don't expect to find another who will do the same for you.
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