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Is it good

Poll ended at Sat May 08, 2004 11:40 pm

Really good
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Rotten Tomatoes (ME!!)
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Post by Rotten Tomato »

Is anyone here part of it??
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Post by MD-2389 »

Its alright. I'm not a regular visitor by any means, but it is a decent resource to have around.

Ohh, and since Krom is too busy to post the welcome mega...

Image :twisted:
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Post by roid »

haha nice avatar rotten tomato :)
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Post by Rotten Tomato »

Thanks. Were you being sarcastic?
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Post by Testiculese »

I wrote all the code for it. (Forums/Profiles/etc) Wish I could update it with new code, but alas..
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Post by SSX-Thunderbird »

Testiculese wrote:I wrote all the code for it. (Forums/Profiles/etc) Wish I could update it with new code, but alas..
What's stopping you from doing so? I've done several changes recently without anything hindering me o_O.

Anyway, I don't think I can really vote, since I'd be a bit biased :P.
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Post by Tyranny »

Its a great descent resource for sure. The people lurking on the forums scare me though. I don't know about some of those people :P
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Post by Testiculese »

1) I can't find my ftp info. It has admin privledges so I can get to all the folders on the site.
2)GS disabled the SQLServer MMC ability, so I'd have to write scripts to shuffle data around and remake tables and stuff. And I don't know how I would get them up there after I wrote them.
3) The usual "I don't have time" BS...
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Post by Rotten Tomato »

TB, why did you kick me? (For those of you who don't know, I was kicked for some reason) :cry:
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Post by Warlock »

PD sucks ass

all planet servers suck
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Post by Skyalmian »

"Now there's a sweeping generalization."
PlanetDescent is just fine.
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Post by Krom »

MD-2389 wrote:Its alright. I'm not a regular visitor by any means, but it is a decent resource to have around.

Ohh, and since Krom is too busy to post the welcome mega...

*image bleep* :twisted:
Yeah yeah, quit your bitchin MD.

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Post by Tricord »

Well, it lives on I guess...

It just isn't what it used to be any more... It's been a long time since I visited there ;)
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Post by Sage »

I go there about once every two weeks maybe... I like to see what Blue Flames writes. But most of the news articles are stolen from here anyways, and I come here daily so... no reason to really go there. Unless you're looking for a map or utility. it has a good archive.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I didn't see a poll option I wanted.
I personally think that it's a mistake for PlanetDescent to be run by casual Descenters. The forums are lacking (content-wise). I currently view PD as a has-been site.
On the other hand, PD has a wealth of D3 resources, which has always been great.
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Post by Skyalmian »

Good thing this wasn't a GameEdit thread. :P
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Post by Capm »

Who else is going to run it, people who don't even play the game?

I visit about every day, just to read the soupe and a quick glance at the headlines. It is a bit on the slow side, but I think thats gamespy's fault. Another think I'd like to see is the forums gotten rid of for the most part and just link right to the DBB, but I don't think gamespy will let them or something like that. ah well.

Sorry Sage, Blueflames doesn't do the soupe anymore ;)
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Post by Liquid Fire »

Yeah, now it's me, asrale, and cap'm. Sorry to burst your bubble :P
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Post by roid »

Rotten Tomato wrote:Were you being sarcastic?
nono, it's cool coz it's ghetto.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

PDers, cover your eyes. ;)
Capm wrote:Who else is going to run it, people who don't even play the game?
Those are the very people who have been running it. A big Descent site like PlanetDescent needs to be run by people who love Descent, and love it enough to play often and know what's going on.

And don't anyone start getting defensive on me about this. PDers, don't take all this personally. It's an undisputable fact, in my mind, that such a main D3 site would be much better if it were run by die-hard Descenters.
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Post by Inquisitor »

Well, Tbird has been trying to fix things up, and I am just trying to stay outta his way.

On the other hand, we have been cracking down on the stupid people, which I think is a huge turn off on those forums. Rotten here has had several different logins and has managed to get himself banned. So I expect he post this as some kind of manifested animousity.

So, I think PD is trying to get back on it's feet, as it were. Would you prefer NOT to have Descent representation on the Gamespy/IGN network? That would seem somewhat counter to the goals of keeping the community alive ;)

If you are "hardcore" descenter, and want to help, pop over and give us an earful. For better or for worse, only the "casual" players seem to be interested in doing something about fixing the site up ;)

Yes, that's a challenge: If you don't like something, find a constructive way to change it. I think next couple months should be good for PD as it starts getting active again. You can help us do that, or sit and complain about it being run by "newbs" that really is your choice ;)

I think it would be bad idea to give up a planet site for a game we all love. Like it or not, Gamespy is the 800 lbs gorilla of online gaming, we might as well have a voice in it. So, I'm committed to keeping it around and trying to make it better. Wanna help?
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Post by Sage »

Capm wrote:Sorry Sage, Blueflames doesn't do the soupe anymore ;)
Wha!? o teh noes! teh blu flames!!! I thot he still did that...
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Post by Inquisitor »

Real life got busy.

Tbird and I are doing the "admining" and mostly Tbird. Cleaning up the site, updating forum components, making sure links work. Various other staff responsilities have been shifted, including the Soupe :)

Meaning, hopefully, a more active Planet Descent :)
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Inquisitor wrote:So, I think PD is trying to get back on it's feet, as it were. Would you prefer NOT to have Descent representation on the Gamespy/IGN network? That would seem somewhat counter to the goals of keeping the community alive ;)
Try to look at my post as some harsh constructive critisism. I'm not looking at this as a glass is half empty sort of thing, but rather that the glass is (or at least has been) one third full.
Inquisitor wrote:If you are "hardcore" descenter, and want to help, pop over and give us an earful.
I am a hardcore Descenter. ;) And, actually, having gotten into web design awhile back, and having a background in amateur programming, I may be looking to contributing more than just critisism. We'll see; I'd certainly like to.
Inquisitor wrote:For better or for worse, only the "casual" players seem to be interested in doing something about fixing the site up ;)
Maybe we find the prospect of penetrating the PD cult intimidating. ;) In all seriousness, I appreciate that.
Inquisitor wrote:You can help us do that, or sit and complain about it being run by "newbs" that really is your choice ;)
Sit? I'll have you know that I was in an offensive Kung-Fu position when I typed that! ;)
Inquisitor wrote:So, I'm committed to keeping it around and trying to make it better. Wanna help?
Yes, I'd like to if I could. This is a subject for e-mail, though; I'll consult your DBB profile, or just IM you within the next few days.
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I'd just like to add that my first post wasn't directed at you, Inquisitor; I know you're pretty new to the position of PD admin, and if you're looking to make some changes that's great. :) Also, if it's the "casual" descenters that are going to run the site, maybe they should just get a little more involved in the game.
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Post by Inquisitor »

Heh, I don't take much of anything personally ;) I have been doing this community thing too long ;)

I have been around the Descent community for a long time, just not as often vocal (check my profile for my DBB join date). I actually helped a TINY bit when Tricord had PD, and some when FM had it. Truthfully, the only reason I am even coadmining with Tbird (other than Descent is the coolest) is that my FTP credentials were the only ones that still worked ;) Workign thru Gamespy tech support sometimes can take a while to get stuff sorted :) I have known Blue and Tbird for years as well, so, I was just happy to help somehting that 1) I had experience with and 2) cared a great deal about and 3) enabled me to help a friend (BF) out with his time dilemna.

We want to "wake" PlanetDescent back up, so, if you are "intimidated" by the cult of PD, we can probably do something about it. There's no reason to segment the community. The DBB has always been a stalwart component of that community, and PD certainly used to be at that level. Like i said above, I think havign a Gamespy site for the game we love so much can only HELP the community.

If you (or anyone) are serious about helping, please holler, I'll make sure my profile here has up to date information. We have a good core staff now over there, but we always need help with content, and, extra hands are almost always welcome.

Wow, a constructive topic started by RT... Who woulda thunk it...
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Post by Top Gun »

While those of us at PD may not be "hardcore," Birdseye-level players, we all love the game. I know that I find time to play at least once a week, and even though my efficiency has never risen over 33%, I still have a blast :D. No offense to anyone, but there's a lot of people on the DBB who don't even play anymore. I don't think that it's necessary to have "hardcore" players running PD; I think what matters is a love of Descent and a dedication to the Descent community as a whole.

You may all start sobbing uncontrollably now :P.
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Post by pipsqueak10 »

I think the site is pretty good. The forums aren't the caliber of the DBB but it is an excellent resource for Descent 1 and Descent 2 levels. (if anyone really still plays those games, I do, btw)
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Post by Top Gun »

I personally like to see PD as the Descent community's main file resource. Our forums are more Descent-centered and don't get into too many outside discussions, but they're a great place to come for help. I do agree that the DBB is the true heart of the D3 community.
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Post by Inquisitor »

The DBB is just plain solid forums with solid community.

Positively no doubt about that.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

I'm in agreement with Sergeant Thorne and his views of the causals on PD, Drop me a line if you need help :P
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Post by Inquisitor »

We don't "need help" but we'll take help, criticism, etc.

If you want to help, that's great! But we're far from begging here, just trying to respond to the comments RT's post here dug up.

We're all part of the same community, supposedly ;)
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

I wasn't confusing hardcore with elite; it doesn't have anything to do with skill--it's an attitude. Hardcore, in my mind, means that you're really into Descent, and that you love everything about it; your free time is spent cruising the mines in search of the rush of battle and the glory of victory. ;)
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Post by Inquisitor »

Someone's gotta run the sites ;)

Anyway, I don't want this to devolve into something less than constructive. We already rescued it from the abyss and turned it into something useful, I like it when posts go that way.

If you find the time, pop over, if nothing else than to suggest new things.
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Post by Inquisitor »

Just an update:

I believe Sgt. Thorne here has volunteered to help out.

It's good to see someone wanting to do something constructive.
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Post by Mobius »

Well, PD have hosted D3Help for a long time now - and it's been a solid, reliable host. I get spammed by the Planet* people - but I filter for that.

PD is a great repository for Descent files and that alone makes it worth its weight in gold. (What weight is a web site??)

It's not badly run - but you're right - the forums are lame. I had my own forum there for a while, and no body posted anything, so I stopped going.

The DBB is definitely the active Descenters location. PD is more of an archive or useful stuff.
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Post by Santrix »

I agree with that. I don't find much use for the forums, the only one I really post to is the Soupe one
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Post by Inquisitor »

We're trying to clean that up a bit.

Biggest problem, if it's a problem, is that Gamespy sites are really the first stop lots of new players make when they get a game.

Self fullfilling prophecy, we get alot of "n00bs" because Gamespy comes up on Google when someone finds the game for 10 bucks in a bargain bin at Software-r-Us and wants info. Sometimes they stay, sometimes they come here. I'd like to see our forums get a little more focused on the game, but that could take a while ;)

Anyway, keep an eye on us, give us (constructive) criticism, and tell us if you want us to have something we don't on the site ;)
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Post by DarkHorse »

Sergeant Thorne wrote:And don't anyone start getting defensive on me about this. PDers, don't take all this personally. It's an undisputable fact, in my mind, that such a main D3 site would be much better if it were run by die-hard Descenters.
Is it? Or does this just leave too much scope for immature "Descent-is-better-than-everything-else" rants?

Sure, they'd devote more time to it, but I see the current staff as having a more balanced judgement.
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