... 02548.html
I have mixed feelings about this decision. On the one hand, I think that it is great that the highest court in the land chose to uphold the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and assembly. On the other hand I feel this will only encourage and enable to Westboro Baptist Church to continue making money from lawsuits against people who have problems with their methods (which, as I understand it, constitutes a great number of people.)article wrote:The court's most liberal and most conservative justices joined in a decision likely to define the term. It writes a new chapter in the court's findings that freedom of speech is so central to the nation that it protects cruel and unpopular protests - even, in this case, at the moment of a family's most profound grief.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote that Westboro Baptist Church's picketing at fallen soldiers' funerals "is certainly hurtful and its contribution to public discourse may be negligible." But he said the reaction may not be "punishing the speaker."