I have a pair of +1 and after a while my eyes start hurting a bit. I think I either need +.75 or I need to get one of those prescription made negative glasses. Reading around it seems that negatives are for distance not reading.
This is probably what I should only be asking:
When I relax my vision (default focus? Done by closing and relaxing eyes, then opening but not refocusing.) only things very close to my nose are in focus. That means I'm near sighted right? I assume I should have glasses that put things into focus while my eyes are in the most comfortable state. Is that correct?
This sounds like the opposite of me. Maybe reading glasses were intended for far sighted people.
When you reach the point of not being able to read up close without stretching your arms to the limit, you may need to consider single-vision reading glasses.
Read more: http://www.allaboutvision.com/over40/re ... z1TFWLelvJ