Right now it is still in the planning stages, But it will happen.
This will be a small lan (15 to 20 peeps)and will be held in Central point, Oregon(near Medford).
The venue we have atm is Rovers Garage.It is insulated and climate controlled so weather wont be a problem.
It also has more than enough outlets for our needs.
This will be a multi game Lan,But D3 will be the Featured game with Halo, Diablo 2, and whatever the attendees would like to see played.
There will be no prizes or Official Tourneys.
we are just wanting to have a fun weekend.
dinner will be provided both Friday and saturday(I Might throw a BBQ saturday featuring some of the best Pork youve ever eaten).
Lunch will either be fend for your self or a cold cut fix it yourself deal, Breakfast will be up to you to forage for.
The charge will be only 15 paper washingtons payable at the door ( saves on headaches this way)
This will cover the food for the weekend and help Rover out on the electric a lil.
We are shooting for an August date. Right now the first weekend or maybe the last weekend looks like the best, But we want your input on best for you.
Sign ups will open in a week or so. The only early bird sign ups will be peeps runnin it.
Anyhoo, as we get moreof the plan nailed down I'll post it here.
All in all its gonna be as much fun we can have in a weekend without getting Arrested.
First we need your feedback tho. so get typing!