1. It's Anarchy. Nuff said.
2. You start invincible.
3. Laser lvl 1 and concussions CAN KILL.
4. If D3 1 v 1 were actually played regularly, you think that you saying "Let me get some weapons first" would fly in a match? I don't think so.
5. Maybe you kids aren't intersted in the history of Descent, but you should be. Spawn kills have ALWAYS been part of the game. So were gaurding wepons. Kids: feel lucky that there is random powerup regeneration in D3. If there weren't, you guys would have a lot more to whine about.
6. Ambiguity. Where is the line? How am I supposed to know what is or what isn't a spawn kill? Should I follow you around until you have enough weapons and missles? Give me a break.
Seriously, I know I'll get flamed for this. But whatever. The old school will argee, the new school will whine and start calling me names. That's fine.
I'm going to Chicago. I am going to make a CONCERTED EFFORT to spawn kill as many newbies as possible, especially ones that complain. Seeya soon.
