C'mon kiddies. Lighten up. re: Spawn kills.

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C'mon kiddies. Lighten up. re: Spawn kills.

Post by kufyit »

Come on kids, lets lighten up about "spawn kills". I'm sick of being called every name in the book because you guys are too whiny and helpless in the mines. In Descent, spawn kills ARE PART OF THE GAME. Check it out.

1. It's Anarchy. Nuff said.

2. You start invincible.

3. Laser lvl 1 and concussions CAN KILL.

4. If D3 1 v 1 were actually played regularly, you think that you saying "Let me get some weapons first" would fly in a match? I don't think so.

5. Maybe you kids aren't intersted in the history of Descent, but you should be. Spawn kills have ALWAYS been part of the game. So were gaurding wepons. Kids: feel lucky that there is random powerup regeneration in D3. If there weren't, you guys would have a lot more to whine about.

6. Ambiguity. Where is the line? How am I supposed to know what is or what isn't a spawn kill? Should I follow you around until you have enough weapons and missles? Give me a break.

Seriously, I know I'll get flamed for this. But whatever. The old school will argee, the new school will whine and start calling me names. That's fine.

I'm going to Chicago. I am going to make a CONCERTED EFFORT to spawn kill as many newbies as possible, especially ones that complain. Seeya soon. :)

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Post by MD-2389 »

Uh huh, thats nice.

*grabs thread like a football and throws it to Ferno*
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Post by Lothar »

Spawn Kill: when I use my lasers and concs and 2 seconds of invuln to kill you.

(Real spawn killers do it without the invuln. D1 r00lz!)
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Post by Kyouryuu »

I'm alright with spawn kills, provided that they are chance encounters. I can see how it would be very annoying if someone camped by a spawn point and just taped the button down. :o
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Post by Krom »

*yawn* same old chit, they will complain forever.

They should try out Halo sometime, plenty of weapons can kill in one hit or less then 1 second, you dont get any respawn invul, and you have to wait to respawn to begin with.
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Post by Skyalmian »

And with HaloCE and its tweaked netcode, shots connect more. Kill in 2 shots with the pistol. :twisted:
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Post by Grendel »

Here we go again.. :roll:
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Post by kurupt »

heh. in d1 you started with level 1 lasers and a few concussions. you didnt have any invulnerability for any period of time, and you didnt have an afterburner to run away with. you're spoiled :D

if you cant kill someone with level 1's and concussions in any version of the game, you need to check that ego, humble yourself and learn to play. this game is 5 years old now, you should be well past the point of being able ot kill without picking any extra weapons up, especially with 2 free seconds where they cant hurt you!

and halo is another beast entirely. i love when someone spawns and i put them down with 1 headshot before they even move. makes me rub the underside of the desk if you know what i mean ;) ;) ;)
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Post by Tyranny »

Most the people in D3 FFAs anymore are whiners from other countries. You can tell the American D3ers most the time because half of them trash talk out their ass. :roll:

If D3 1v1 didn't blow so much compared to D1/D2 and there were some decent competetive ladders around, I doubt you'd see as many whiney FFA players. Then again, we had our fair share of whiners in D1/D2 as well :P

ALL games have the whiney lil bitches :P I feel your pain kuf.
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Post by Sage »

peeple always have something to ★■◆● about. in battlefield vietnam everyone complains about the m60s and cobras.

I say spawn kill, type kill and any kill you can get take it. because it's not my fault i'm not good at this game! I just wanted some kills... :(
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Post by Ferno »

if someone spawns in fromt of me. they die. and i don't give a damn about what you think. because when you're busy typing your wounding insults that could be outmatched by a three year old with tourette's i'll just typekill you. and i'll do it again, again, and again until you either shut the eff up and play or leave.
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Post by Nightshade »

Halo = Teh Suck
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Post by Hattrick »

I dont do it in open Anarchy games, but in TA and CTF. If I see you I'm shooting. doesnt matter if you just spawned in or are typing or whatever.
The reasons I do this has been discussed in every other thread started on this topic.

All in all tho, its a matter of personal choice. If you dont spawn/type kill for any reason, well thats your choice.Just be fully aware that other people in the game might have a different view than yours.
If it bothers you that much, Move on to a different game. Whining about it only makes you a more irresistable target(gotta love the KB Bullseye icon) :twisted:
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Post by Krom »

In open anarchy, I see you: I shoot at you. Even if I just killed you seconds before.

In TA/CTF I check what team you are on first.
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Post by Gooberman »

In TA/CTF I check what team you are on first. -Krom
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Post by AceCombat »

Gooberman wrote:
In TA/CTF I check what team you are on first. -Krom
definately a damn lie
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Post by Neo »

kurupt wrote:heh. in d1 you started with level 1 lasers and a few concussions. you didnt have any invulnerability for any period of time, and you didnt have an afterburner to run away with. you're spoiled :D

if you cant kill someone with level 1's and concussions in any version of the game, you need to check that ego, humble yourself and learn to play. this game is 5 years old now, you should be well past the point of being able ot kill without picking any extra weapons up, especially with 2 free seconds where they cant hurt you!

and halo is another beast entirely. i love when someone spawns and i put them down with 1 headshot before they even move. makes me rub the underside of the desk if you know what i mean ;) ;) ;)
Actually, D3 uses level 2 lasers. :)

I'd gladly welcome spawn kills if I could play Halo. :)
ThunderBunny wrote:Halo = Teh Suck
lol I got bored of the SP after I realized that every mission is pretty much the same and there are only two types of weapons: plasma guns and the assault rifle and handgun.

kufyit, I think you are mistaken: we at the DBB are not the ones who complain about spawn kills (am I right? ^_~), so there's not really a way to rant to the n00bz who annoy you (and everyone else) with their whining. I just let my gunz do the talking.

So my advice to you is to go sm0ke a n00b.
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Post by Sarge »

Who is this kufyit character?

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Post by AceCombat »

Neo wrote: lol I got bored of the SP after I realized that every mission is pretty much the same and there are only two types of weapons: plasma guns and the assault rifle and handgun.
oh i love the Warriors 3x Barrel 30mm Chain Gun, SPRAY AND PRAY BEYATCH!!
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Post by Clayman »

"kufyit, I think you are mistaken: we at the DBB are not the ones who complain about spawn kills (am I right? ^_~), so there's not really a way to rant to the n00bz who annoy you (and everyone else) with their whining. I just let my gunz do the talking."

Uh, I'm not going to name any names, but a handful of the DBB members that visit here Do whine about some of these things. I'm not naming any names, but you know who you are.

What really does it for me are the people who whine about spawn killing, and then later when they have the chance they do it back to me. If I had any remorse before, I certainly have none now. I don't care whether they've suddently changed their position, are doing it in revenge, or think it'll show me what it feels like. Either way, it doesn't affect me at all, and makes them look like a hypocrite.
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Post by AceCombat »

i whine about that stuff, i dont care, ill whine more. :twisted: :lol:
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Post by Skyalmian »

AceCombat wrote:
Gooberman wrote:
In TA/CTF I check what team you are on first. -Krom
definately a damn lie
Not a lie. We both do.
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Post by Jagger »

When did you start playing D3 again, Kufyit? Haven't seen your name floating around the community for a while. Maybe I just haven't come out of my cave enough... :P
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Post by Testiculese »

3. Laser lvl 1 and concussions CAN KILL.

I spawnkilled Kuffy yesterday! :D

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Post by WarAdvocat »

One of my very favorite things to do is to blast a respawn in reap with MD while he's still invulnerable.

I'm not a big spawnkiller, not to the point of looking for it. My reflex is to turn away if the guy's not as good as I am. Sometimes I regret that, but I won't turn away next time...and then they start whining about my spawnkilling (acecombat).

Some levels are spawnkill hell. It's impossible NOT to spawnkill in BI3 for example. It's not on purpose. It just happens.

Oh well.

I like the reversed definition of spawnkilling: My blues, My Concs..Your death.
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Post by Testiculese »

Reverse definition? No, Chris THAT IS a spawnkill!
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Post by Dedman »

kufyit, I think most of us feel the way you do about this.
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Post by AceCombat »

Testiculese wrote:3. Laser lvl 1 and concussions CAN KILL.

I spawnkilled Kuffy yesterday! :D


LOL, did he whine and b!tch about it :lol:
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Post by Testiculese »

Of course not. He laughed as much as I did. :)
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Post by AceCombat »

lol, i figured he would whine and cry, just to contradict this very thread and make a fool outta himself.
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Post by Nexus_One »

didn't we have this discussion about 50 times already?
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Post by Testiculese »

Nope, Kuffy's a stand up guy, been playing longer than you've been alive, Ace :P
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Post by Lothar »

not only that, but kuffy and kufyit are different people.
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Post by [AuDiO] »

AceCombat wrote:lol, i figured he would whine and cry, just to contradict this very thread and make a fool outta himself.
You're the only one who does that, Ace. ;)
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Post by Testiculese »

Ah, ok, I'll use kufy, didn't know he had a near-duplicate.

If'n you want any more rust knocked off, Kufy, I will always play. I could lose some rust myself, as of late.
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Post by bash »

It must be Beat A Dead Horse week.
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Post by AceCombat »

[AuDiO] wrote:
AceCombat wrote:lol, i figured he would whine and cry, just to contradict this very thread and make a fool outta himself.
You're the only one who does that, Ace. ;)

so what, i will continue to do it. :lol:
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Post by Palzon »

AceCombat wrote:
Testiculese wrote:3. Laser lvl 1 and concussions CAN KILL.

I spawnkilled Kuffy yesterday! :D


LOL, did he whine and b!tch about it :lol:
i killed him a couple times the other day when he appeared to be afk :P

not out of spite, he was just in my way. i don't even think his hand was on the stick :P

he took it like a man, as would any respectable player. always a class act, kuf.

btw, "i spawnkilled kuffy!" would make a great bumpersticker :P
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Post by kurupt »

i don't think kuffy ever made the jump to d3. can't say that i blame him.
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Post by Tyranny »

He was a hell of a D2er though. Had some wicked guass. Played him quite a bit in Kicker when he used to be addicted to that level.

Course, Kufyit and I had some good games too :)

See, I don't mind the spawn killing so much as the type killing. Thats why I RARELY ever type, in any of the games, but if someone asks me a question or says something to me then while I'm replying sneeks up and nails me, you're damn lucky it's an FFA going on but don't expect any favors and I sure as hell won't be gunning for the other bastids as much as you.

IMO, there are a LOT more type killers in D3. ★■◆●, we didn't even have the benefit of a keyboard icon years ago and somehow most of us managed to get "hold on" or "hold" or something to indicate that we're in the middle of something if it was needed out and each person 'usually' respected that.

If we were in the middle of trying to say something and accidentally got owned a lot of times that person would commit suicide to even the score back up. Course, I'm strictly thinking of a ladder 1vs1 environment because thats really all I cared for. There were more respectable players involved in ladder competition then the n00bs floating around in FFAs.

This was one of the HUGE turnoffs for me with D3. Granted there are some really cool people in the D3 community, but damned if there isn't some really annoying FFA conduct around.

On a side note: I ran into Baywatch a couple weeks ago. Couldn't believe it, never did I think I'd run into him in a D3 game :P. Said he was digging through his stuff and found his D stuff and decided to install D3. We ended up going for a few in Ascent with some other people and then wound up talking about descent in general the rest of the night. Was pretty cool.
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