Holy ★■◆●, people. This is either willful misreading, or willful ignorance. Either way, it's ★■◆●ing ridiculous.
Read. What. I Posted. I did not give an excuse. I did not say that people can cop out of eating right and exercising. What I said was that this is
WHY our bodies have a tendency to hoard calories, because doing so was beneficial for humans for hundreds of thousands of years, and only became actively harmful in the last few hundred years. Even if you're an extremely healthy person, your body
STILL has the natural tendency to store up any excess calories as fat: you're actively fighting off that tendency by burning off those extra calories as energy before they're able to be stored, and by limiting your caloric intake in the first place. Knowing that this is the reason behind the need to exercise and eat right to avoid obesity in no way lessens that need.
Sweet Jesus...if anyone wants to know why this folder has gone to complete ★■◆●, I can just point them to this thread as Exhibit A. Get a clue people.
Now, for anyone in this thread who actually has two or more neurons firing in their heads, take a look at
this. A pretty cool breakthrough in learning about the mechanism that creates new fat cells, and from an undergrad at my alma mater, no less.