To hit or not to hit.

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To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

If your back looked like this, would you smoke an ounce of pot up in 10 days or take hydrocodone everyday? I hate the pills, but I'm beginning to hate the weed too. Anybody else have any ideas for back pain, besides a bullet in the brain? :)


Heh, I would show you a pic of my hip joint but modesty prevents me :P
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Heretic »

Have you talked to your doctor about Cymbalta? FDA just approved it for low back pain and Osteoarthritis. It's still trading one pill for another.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Zuruck »

Maybe lose some weight so your back doesn't have to support an extra 50 lbs of fat tissue.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by ryguy64 »

Have you talked to a surgeon? If you're in that much pain, it might be a good route for you. If that isn't an option, you could try talking to a physical therapist, or PM&R specialist.

The weight loss idea is good too. It probably won't fix the problem, but it can really help.

If I were in your situation, I'd really consider surgery. My dad had a herniated disc, and the surgery really helped him. It's not the best answer for everyone though.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Duper »

A ruptured disk? yikes.

normally, fusion is the way to fix that. It's not perfect and it set things up for more fusions later, but it might sure beat the heck out of a ruptured disk and 2 herniated ones. That's L4 and L5 right?

They do have disk replacement tech these days that's quite successful. do a little research and talk to your doc.

You can get pot in pill form too. It's a bit spendy as I understand it, but that's another option over smoking.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

Maybe lose some weight so your back doesn't have to support an extra 50 lbs of fat tissue.
Heh, QFT, I went from 230 when I quit working to about 180 now. I went to a surgeon a few years ago but they only recommended shots and pain meds. I was on hydrocodone for about 8 months and they about killed me. I can't stand pills. I might go back and try what Heretic suggested, the weed is turning my mind to mush.

EDIT: And the doctors suck. Sanctioned drug pushers are all they are. When I requested something different than hydrocodone, he subscribed me an anti-anxiety pill too. I think they try and keep you hooked by messing with your thought processes.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

I'm to untrusting to let someone open my back up. I've not had much success with doctors, hell over half kept diagnosing my hip as a hernia =/. Glorified car-mechanics.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Tunnelcat »

flip wrote:I'm to untrusting to let someone open my back up. I've not had much success with doctors, hell over half kept diagnosing my hip as a hernia =/. Glorified car-mechanics.
Same here. I've heard of too many people that had back surgery and came out irreparably worse afterwards. And stay away from Cymbalta. They love to give out that stuff to menopausal women, and it causes more problems than it solves. Just typical of the medical system to prescribe an antidepressant to "fix" a pain or headache issue. The side effects would require other medicines just to combat the new symptoms that cropped up, like nausea, insomnia and dizziness. I'd smoke the pot first, ask questions later. :mrgreen:
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by woodchip »

Try getting on a sit-up regimen. Some back pain is due to back muscles being way stronger than stomach muscles and thus bend you backwards. Just a thought before you go a more radical route.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

I'm getting where I can exercise now. I'm thinking seriously about asking the sheriff here if I could grow my own, but I doubt they would allow it. They already know me and don't want me taking the pills, as I might end up out on the street again >:). I just don't know what to do now. The weed is subpar, costs too much, and mostly have to deal with low-lifes to get it. The bullet keeps sounding better and better :P
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Grendel »

Move to Oregon.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by ryguy64 »

Have you tried a decompression table? They have some (relatively) cheaper versions that hang you from your ankles. I don't know how effective they are, but it might be worth a try. Just to warn you, when I tried it to see if it would help with some minor neck pain, it did (not significantly), but it made me more aware of some minor knee pain. I know someone else who it helped quite a bit for low back pain though.

I still think going to a PM&R specialist (physiatrist) would be worth trying. They still prescribe meds, but from my experience with them, that isn't their only method.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

I still think going to a PM&R specialist (physiatrist) would be worth trying.
This is new :). I've done physical therapy but it was a joke, a real physician being in charge of it may be worth trying. I don't know about those decompression tables. I have hung from a tree limb which helped right until I put my weight back on it, hurt worse and throbbed. I'm going to look for a physiatrist.

@Grendal, The feeling I get from the GA legislature is I would have to move away for medical weed. It will be at least 5-10 years before it's seriously considered here. That would ease a great deal of my concerns or just being able to grow some myself. That would be ideal.

EDIT:Hmm, the doctor I went to for pain management is listed under that title. Not a good sign =/
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by CUDA »

I'm right there flip, 11 years ago I ruptured the C5-6 in my neck and had to have a fusion, 5 years ago I had a mild herniation in the C4-5 (thanks son) but they were able to correct it with physical therapy, now I'm having lumbar pain, which is causing flames to shoot down my legs causing my feet to burn constantly.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Grendel »

flip wrote:@Grendal, The feeling I get from the GA legislature is I would have to move away for medical weed. It will be at least 5-10 years before it's seriously considered here. That would ease a great deal of my concerns or just being able to grow some myself. That would be ideal.
Grendel wrote:Move to Oregon.
A Med. Marijuana License allows you to grow a few plants. If you don't like OR, check the other states where MM is legal.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

now I'm having lumbar pain, which is causing flames to shoot down my legs causing my feet to burn constantly.
Both Legs??? I couldn't imagine Cuda. My right leg is like that and I somewhat became a contortionist trying to move it around for some relief. I don't know how you would do that with both searing. You are definitely in my remembrances from now on :).

Can't move Grendal, unfortunately. Georgia is really a great place to live, we are just a little behind the times still, which is good and bad.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by CUDA »

flip wrote:
now I'm having lumbar pain, which is causing flames to shoot down my legs causing my feet to burn constantly.
Both Legs??? I couldn't imagine Cuda. My right leg is like that and I somewhat became a contortionist trying to move it around for some relief. I don't know how you would do that with both searing. You are definitely in my remembrances from now on :)..
primarily the right but yes it is in Both Legs. some times I look really stupid sitting in my chair sideways with my right ass cheek not touching the chair :P
I've only been able to find serious relief when I drive. I take off my shoes, bring my feet close to the seat, and turn on the cruise control and heated seats. I can go for hours that way. unfortunately I do a lot of sitting in my job. so that causes me great discomfort during long meetings, or if I stand in one place for too long. but if I get up and walk around for abut 10-15 minutes every hour then I'm good. Lucky I'm the boss and have the ability to go check on the shop when ever I need to :mrgreen: good luck I'm going in for my MRI next week HOPEFULLY they'll be able to fix it with therapy. I don't want another surgery
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

Yeah, it's the sitting that will KEEL you. By the time I would get to work, I would sat sideways like you said and pouring sweat. Get out of the truck and within 20 minutes I'd be ok until evening time. I feel for you Cuda. I've had this since I was 18, but there was a few years in between that it went away. I went around for about 3 months, all hunched over, telling everybody God had healed me. After about 3 months, I was plywooding a valley on the roof and pulled a piece of plywood up and my back popped. My back was fine until I stopped telling the story right ;) =/. Pray for the popping :).
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Canuck »

flip wrote:If your back looked like this, would you smoke an ounce of pot up in 10 days or take hydrocodone everyday? I hate the pills, but I'm beginning to hate the weed too. Anybody else have any ideas for back pain, besides a bullet in the brain? :)


Heh, I would show you a pic of my hip joint but modesty prevents me :P
Eat it instead of smoking it. You can control your dosage better and its very high in Omega oils... some of the highest out there. Get someone skilled in baking it and have cookies, muffins, etc. instead. Even "butter" and jam on some waffles in the morning helps.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by TechPro »

flip wrote:If your back looked like this, would you smoke an ounce of pot up in 10 days or take hydrocodone everyday? I hate the pills, but I'm beginning to hate the weed too. Anybody else have any ideas for back pain, besides a bullet in the brain? :)


Heh, I would show you a pic of my hip joint but modesty prevents me :P
I've just now read this thread for the first time...

My wife's back is in far worst condition than yours. She's already had four discs fused just below the head, and the doctors are trying to figure out what to do with the discs at the base of her spine just above the hip bone. (they want to avoid doing fusions there if possible). She has a degenerative disc condition.

No weed/pot/other. Yes, hydrocodone but only when necessary, takes something else the rest of the time. There is much she can no longer do. :(

Doctors are talking about pain pumps or 'neurostimulators' ... which promises to possibly be a much better solution ... But is really only a means to "mask" the pain. ... neuropathy
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by flip »

I feel for her. I framed houses for 20 years with that back and hip before I finally gave out, I know how painful it can be. Because of an ex-girlfriend I was adamantly against pills for years, and working helped the pain during most of the day. I changed my mind about a year and a half ago though. They are good for one thing, and that's getting you back on your feet. I sat here in intense pain for 2 years, self medicating and finally went to pain management. Within 4 months I was up and walking again. I had been collapsing to the floor before that (scare the ★■◆● out of you:). Whatever it takes, you have to keep moving or you will turn to stone.
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by roid »

reading this thread, and the amount of people who are effected with this stuff, makes me kinda... want to wrap myself in cotton wool and never enter the dangerous outside world ever again :cry:
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Canuck »

roid wrote:reading this thread, and the amount of people who are effected with this stuff, makes me kinda... want to wrap myself in cotton wool and never enter the dangerous outside world ever again :cry:
Look up the movie, "Bunny and the Bull"
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Re: To hit or not to hit.

Post by Foil »

I have chronic back pain, myself (slipped disc in lower back from an old injury, occasionally gets severe), but nothing like the above. Wow, this thread certainly makes me appreciate the mobility I have.
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