Huh, that's the second time I've heard that one. I was just taking a shot in the dark with that one, since some of the other "alien" names at the end of Counterstrike seem to have a hidden meaning.
I'd also vote for "Morabi Milk Mine" as the silliest; right off the bat, I was wondering how they thought that would even make sense.

"Tethys H²O Mine" stood as being kind of weird when I was little, but now that I think about it, water could become more of a commodity in the future...
Counterstrike had a lot of great names, though. I really like the sound of most of the mines in both Brimspark and Limefrost Spiral, but I'd say my favorite level in the game, "Arcticon Corridor," might have my favorite Interplay level name. Otherwise, it might be "Lavafalls Extraction Center," "Sleetstone Tunnels" or "Magnacore Station."
EDIT: I forgot about the most original/least indicative names, but I'd say "Tethys H²O Mine" is also one of the least indicative. But then again, that might only be in hindsight, since Descent 2 actually introduced water in some mines. The most original is kind of hard to gauge, but I thought Level 1 of Counterstrike had a pretty creative name: "