roid wrote:I mean do you think you're not a racist? Is this why you feel ok typing this stuff?
You're afraid of a conspiracy of black men to come and kill you and your family, you are literally typing quite serious emails warning your family to be careful of black men because they are going to kill you, you are also warning an entire forum to be careful of black men because they are going to violently kill us all because we are white. Because black men are violent and they kill white men. Also you say that white men are "bred" differently, that we are not violent, that we're not racist, that we don't riot (particularly not about silly things like race) .... because of "breeding".
Please leave.
Stormfront is over that way, you seething biggot.
Roid, I don't know if you are purposely 'misinterpreting' my comments so that they fit your stereotype of a racist white man or maybe you are subconsciously doing it because you genuinely hold those stereotypes as your default rationale.
Either way I would ask that you instead consider exactly what my words say....instead of fitting them into your preconceived bias.
On the 'breeding' thing, it may be a cultural/geographical thing. I know the grammar police would suggest you breed animals and rear children and raise potatoes however here in my area, when talking about children learning
behavior, breed is a colloquial expression used to imply 'training'. So go back and replace all the instances of breed with train and replace breeding with training if you need to so that you are understanding what you are reading.
I don't mean to imply that white children are 100% prejudice free. Nor have I implied that black children are all extreme hate filled bigots with white people
ingrained into their belief system as the enemy.
Of course the comments seem quite inflammatory, not that they truly are, unless the reader is a race baiting enabler of the practice that helped create the young black hate filled monsters. However, due to the usual practice of white people afraid of being called 'racsists' they have accepted the narrative that almost any criticism of a black person by a white person is first and foremost to be taken as a bigoted attack and then from there you must work backwards to prove the reason for your criticism is in fact based on the substance of your concerns instead.
So I reject the premise of your outrage, even if it is genuine and not a straw man argument as Slick likes to use. I think the idea that white people can't actually say the word '★■◆●' and instead must use the euphemism
N word, even if the very topic of the conversation is the word ★■◆●, is a shining example of the situation I describe. I don't think it is at all helpful to normalizing race relations so I don't add to the problem. I call a small pointy shovel a spade with no fear of offending anyone that isn't a part of the problem. I don't use the word ★■◆● in any context of describing a black person because I find that to be very offensive. It is a terrible hateful thing to do and I often angrily correct some of the older peckerwood's around here if they use the word that way.
There is the difference. That is who I am.
Now can you find in my comments where I wasn't attributing the violent behavior to cultural upbringing? I don't think so. It certainly wasn't my intent and if you have been reading, with an open mind, you would see where I have already pointed this out...
Can you ignore the intent of my comments, exaggerate and twist them to fit your stereotype of me? Certainly you can.
You are free to be any kind of person you want to be.