And who's fault is that? Corporations have been bleeding their workers dry for years now, while to top end gets fatter. The consumer has not been getting anything in return, except for cheap prices and chintzy products. Lining the pockets of these CEO's who tank their companies, like Carly Fiorina of HP, who got $20 million in severance payments and Vikram Pandit of Citigroup who got 6.7 million in payments is not doing business, it's plain legalized thievery. Why is this any better than giving workers some good benefits and a decent wage to actually do a job? What the hell is wrong with this picture?Spidey wrote:Well, with friends like that…
Also the key to my statement was “livable wage and full bennies” most of the new businesses created these days don’t seem to provide those, regardless of who is starting them.
As for Hostess, they mysteriously tripled the pay of their CEO from $750,000 to $2,555,000, just months before Hostess asked for their workers to take concessions and when they already knew they were so deep in debt, the likelihood of bankruptcy was almost a given. So who's at fault here? A CEO who couldn't figure out how to improve their product and get it marketed better, or some lowly workers who worked hard to make a living and had already made concessions once and who just couldn't stomach what their CEO was getting and for doing a lousy job at that.
No, if I was in their position, I would have done the very same thing.