SirWinner wrote:
"Added Bonus"... What in the heck? I hear this a lot in advertising... such as "As an added bonus, you get the nightstand at no cost when you purchase our mattress." It would be like saying "Plus Plus"... Which is it? "Added" or "Bonus"... Stupid advertising trash!
I think the advertisers mean to do just that -- in the math metaphor, they're adding an extra plus sign to distract you from the actual (probably low) value that's getting added.
At least it's not a double negative like IRregardless. We all know what that does in math.
Double negatives are what irk me, unless it's an accepted part of a local dialect (I love etymology and learning how languages and dialects and words evolve from each other -- the way languages are always changing). So I generally like to let it change and not interfere... but then there's irregardless which makes me mad because when intelligent people say it it makes them sound like idiots; and there was one other word which is on the tip of my tongue...
"Like" is an interesting case. I like it as a word, but, like, not like how it's used, like, as a, like, verbal tic or something...