SOD Update

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SOD Update

Post by Shiva »

For those of you that still use the SOD system, you will be glad to know that I actually did an update to it recently *gasp*. I rounded up 175 levels, 27 of which had some issues. By far most popular issue was the DALLAS script was not compiled for Linux, or was improperly compiled. Since they did not contain source, I could not compile them, and hence they did not make it into SOD.

If your level did not get installed, don't take it personally. Just send me an e-mail and I'll put it on. If you need to compile Dallas scripts for your levels for the Linux platform, send it to me and I will do the compile for you.

The list of levels below need DALLAS scripts compiled for Linux, or may have some other problems. If the authors of the levels below could contact me, we could resolve whatever issues there are.

Two Worlds
Amarck Caverns
Arrilen Po
Rover Fun
Alien Territory - Final
Brimspark 1.1
Dodgeball Enhanced
Getsemonee Dam (v1.2)
Mad Science!
Mad Science!
Incognito 2002
Rhea Station
Saturn Expedition
Saturn Station
Saturn Station-Titan Project
The Mercenary Guild
Trophonius 2
Underground Shark V1.1
WindMine III StarGate
WindMine IV Secret Planet
Hidden Worlds
Worlds Together

P.S. Remember that the good old "level checksum bug" is still in effect. That means some levels won't work and it is beyond anyone's control :-(

The URL for SOD is

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Post by Nexus_One »

dayum, I haven't seen Shiva in years

all the oldies seem to be coming out of the woodwork to look around
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Post by Fusion »

Hey Shiva,
We at Team [NuB] have some level suggestions for you to add to ur list. Here is a sample of our list:
Waltzin' Matilda
Varicose Veins
Ascent - a working one, da one in shiva doesnt work
Profight Inferno
Crash M
Also, there was a game mode suggestion, Instareap.
There were many more suggestions of levels, but like I said, here is a sample.
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Post by DigiJo »

heyas shiva, thx for updating your mission database. so many levels on your sod-system now that i allways missed :)
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Post by Shiva »

All those levels listed are on the SOD system now with the exception of J-Oh which I don't know where to download. Varicose Veins has 4 different variations on SOD also. Ascent is a victim of the checksum bug. In fact probably about half the levels on SOD won't work because of a bug introduced in 1.4, but should be corrected if and when 1.5 ever gets released.

If there are any problems, let me know. It was a quite an update!
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Post by Top Gun »

Shiva, here is a link to Varicose 4 J-oh.
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Post by Grendel »

Hi Shiva -- thanks a lot for updating and providing SOD's !! :)

Would it be possible to add Ancient of Days (link source) and/or the Ratpak (link source) ?
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Post by Shiva »

Varicose 4 J-oh was already on the server for some time. RatPak and Ancient of Days has been on SOD for years. Ancient of Days is in the RatPak, and to play it, you have to select RatPak from the MultiLevel Missions drop down menu.

I'd be interested in someone helping me track down the people that made the levels listed in my first post, so I can get the source files to those DALLAS scripts...
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Post by {Hawk}Liquid »

shiva, thanks for the sod's. i was wondering what was gona happen with the instareap mod ?
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Post by Grendel »

Shiva wrote:Varicose 4 J-oh was already on the server for some time. RatPak and Ancient of Days has been on SOD for years. Ancient of Days is in the RatPak, and to play it, you have to select RatPak from the MultiLevel Missions drop down menu.
Doh -- forgot to look into the multimission section :roll:

Thx for checking. :)
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Post by Shiva »

From what I recall, there was no Linux version of InstaReap back when I did want to put it on, and therefore I can't put it on SOD. I've compiled MODs for Linux before, and compiled tonnes of DALLAS scripts, so all I need is the source, and I will compile it and install it on SOD.

I'll support anything and everything, so long as it works or I have the power to fix it myself. If something is not on SOD, it's either a) I am not aware of it, or b) some technical issue preventing it being on SOD.
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Post by Do_Checkor »

fusion wrote:Hey Shiva,
We at Team [NuB] have some level suggestions for you to add to ur list. Here is a sample of our list:

Ascent - a working one, da one in shiva doesnt work

It's sad but Ascent does not run on Linux-Dedis. If you would run a win-emulation D3-Dedi it could work just fine. But I bet that Shiva don't even think about this :)
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Post by Skyalmian »

Getsemonee Dam (v1.2)
I don't have the script files for that map anymore.
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Post by Praetorian »


Thanks for updating it dude! :)

I hope what ever you did allows me to join all of the games spawned as I could only get into a couple of them even though I had the maps. Weird clitch. :?
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Post by Shiva »

That glitch sounds like the infamous level checksum bug. The server and client calculate some checksum value to verify that indeed the levels are identical on both the server and client. This is probably to prevent cheating from occuring.

Long story short, there is a bug in the Windows client which calculates the checksum incorrectly, and about half the time, the calculation matches with the correct implementation on the MAC and Linux versions. When there is a mismatch, you get booted from the server. If you suspect this is the problem, create a Direct IP game, and join it. If the checksum fails it will tell you right then and there. If you spawn a PXO game, it just boots you with no explanation.

The 1.5 path will address this bug, it's already been fixed for years but never been released.
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