Greets Jonnycat. I am one of the 2 Mac [NuB]s that DJ mentioned. What hardware you got(chip,vidcard and ram only needed)?
I have:
the single G4 chip. It was a 400 mhz, now a 1.4ghz
OS 9.2.2 when I fly,
10.3.3 when I am not
1.12 gig of ram
ATI Radeon 8500,Mac edition, 64 DDR ram
D3 patch ver 1.4.1
Here are my suggestions:
Have you thought of doing a quicksave (F9 I believe is the correct key for us) b4 exiting the lev? Also start fresh when you boot up, If u have been running apps b4 u fly, even if ur only doing SP,your ram has already been used by those alt apps, which may leave very little for D3. Go to ur Get Info window of ur D3 app(I assume Open GL is which one u use, It's only an Apple-i away)and max out as much as you can. I know that the manual says to have virtual memory on, But I found that it was totaly useless, So I skipped that part of the install. Try flying SP w/it turned off, and see it you fly better or worse with it off. Start off with this, and see if it helps any. The DBB will let me know when some1 has made a reply to your post, and we will see what I and the other mac ppl of the D3 comunity can do for u.
PS. contact the Mac Clan. They are a team of D3 Pilots that fly totally on Macs. ithink is their addy. I will check and post any corrections to that addy
UR fellow Mac pilot,