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Post by Tunnelcat »

I went outside to get the mail the other day and noticed a large pile of barkdust that something???? had piled up in one of my planting beds. So I go got a shovel and I'm thinking sh*t, I'm going to find a vary large pile of bark with a stinky load of cat poop buried underneath, because it sure looks like very large, overzealous cat left me his business. But as I lifted the bark, lo and behold, there's the body a full sized brown rabbit, minus it's head and front legs. The red backbone with meat around it was still sticking out of the body like it's head had literally been ripped off. Nasty! :shock:

What predator likes to bury it's prey like that? I'm thinking maybe it's a Bobcat, since we've had sightings of them for the past decade and the scrape marks in the soil weren't big enough to indicate Cougar. I doubt it was a dog, or do dogs even bury their prey like that? Whatever it was, it must have come back looking for it's stash last night, because there was a new little hole dug in the same spot today. I'll bet it's a little pissed off his dinner disappeared since I disposed of the carcass yesterday. :lol:
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Re: Eeeewwwww!

Post by Spidey »

Could have been a dog...they bury everything.
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Re: Eeeewwwww!

Post by Tunnelcat »

Well shoot! That means someone is letting their dog out at night to roam, because it's happening at night. That's why I originally thought it might be a cat of some sort. The paw dig marks it left aren't very large either. I'd think it would have to be a big dog to kill a rabbit, unless it was someone's small dog that found a dead rabbit somewhere and buried it in my yard for safe keeping. The body was pretty fresh though and we've had somewhat warm weather too.
Cat (n.) A bipolar creature which would as soon gouge your eyes out as it would cuddle.
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Re: Eeeewwwww!

Post by BUBBALOU »

Zombie rabbit?
Vampire rabbit?

Full moon....... It's a Werabbit?

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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Re: Eeeewwwww!

Post by Duper »

zombie wererabbit? :shock:

ack! time to review my zombie plan!!!!

Actually TC, it looks like Bobcats DO, infact bury the leftovers of their kill!

Cool ! ...well ... sort of. :mrgreen:

So dang it TC, put it back before you wreck your local eco system, landing you on KOIN News @ 6 and get blamed for global warming and become the new meme! :|
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Re: Eeeewwwww!

Post by Tunnelcat »

Damn, the thing LOOKED like a zombie rabbit. All headless except for a long chunk of meat covered spine, front arms gone, still with fur and all. I should have taken a pic, but it WAS pretty gruesome and garbage day was coming quick. Glad the neighbors didn't see me dig the thing up and then think I killed the poor thing or something. :huh:
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Re: Eeeewwwww!

Post by Tunnelcat »

Dammit! This must be a retarded Bobcat or something. It keeps coming back and digging a big effing hole looking for that stupid carcass, uncovering my flower bulbs and making a huge mess doing it, every night this week! I went out and got some mothball crystals and cat repellent loaded with pepper and capsaicin oils and I sprinkled the stuff in and over the soil, hoping that will discourage it, or burn it's idiot nose in the process. :twisted:
Cat (n.) A bipolar creature which would as soon gouge your eyes out as it would cuddle.
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