Don't get all out of joint, I've even noticed the crime going up in our little town, and it's directly related to increased influx of homeless people and the crappy job market. There are several homeless camps in the woods a block from my house. I don't even walk the trails through those woods anymore. Plus, we have well-meaning liberal "helpers" in our city who want to assist these people in their plight with shelter and food. All well and feely good, but the word has gotten out and we're getting flooded with transients from all around the state like we're some great homeless hotel and now we're getting more crime because of it. Oh, they're providing some nice shelter for these poor people, but there are few local jobs to get them on back their feet and get them into the economy as working members of society, so they hang out, get drunk and cause trouble.
That's the real problem in Chicago and most cities in America, a lack of
good paying jobs, poor education, and yes, poor parenting. I can't necessarily blame the mayor of Chicago because it makes his city look unwelcome to visitors and business. You're right he is covering it up, but you can't blame him when a real solution is still wanting. Hell, I saw 7/11 stores with bullet proof glass cubicles in the heart of Silicon Valley in the 1980's, so the problem is not new. But crime goes up when people are uneducated, unemployed, homeless and zoned out on drugs and alcohol. In large cities, the problem is magnified by the shear numbers of people affected. It's really gotten worse in the rust belt of the Mid-West since most of our high paying manufacturing jobs disappeared due to global arbitrage.
Guess what? The problem's going to get a lot worse because those jobs that are coming back don't pay nearly as well and there aren't as many as before. Why? Because we're repeating history........again. We're starting into another Gilded Age, along with a failing middle class, greater inequity between the classes, higher crime rates and a new wealthy class that doesn't care about anyone's well being but their own. Blame the resurgence of Social Darwinism. Big business and the politicians (both parties) don't give a damn about the lowly peon and the places they have to live in, as long as they don't have to see them and they'll work for dirt low wages. They live in their little walled compounds and gated houses and don't have to deal with the riffraff. They spend millions to grease the skids in Washington to keep it that way. SCOTUS has ruled that their money is equal speech to you and me. Even worse, they're blaming those at the bottom for the abysmal situation they've created. Might as well say: "Welcome to the next Great Depression". ... winism.htm ... big-tweet/ ... since-1990