'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

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'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

That is what he says.

But they can own 'Civil Rights Organizations'? Of course!
He is living proof.

Will the media and pop culture allow this hypocritical bigot to get away with it? Lol! Of course because he is one of them...
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
Don't blame me for the frequency that the media and pop culture display their complete hypocrisy in matters of race and exploiting it in every instance they can. Propping up guys like Sharpton making excuses for them etc.
In fact your crew is due in here any minute to try their hand at that....

I'm just a guy who is shouting the emperor has no clothes. You are the guy who's too much of a coward to let on that you see it too.
Well, you're all that as well as the guy who does his weak best to obscure the actual point with whining that some one dared to mention race in any context you don't have approval for.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

vision wrote:Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
right, and he targets Al Sharpton(sort of passe talking head), apparently giving a pass to an NBA owner who has made oodles of money off the sweat of black men, and yet, has made years worth of racist remarks. Sort of the old plantation mentality, sort of repulsive, definitely about to get his ass run out of the league, but what gets Will's shorts in a bunch? Sharpton. Wow.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Nightshade »

callmeslick wrote:
vision wrote:Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
right, and he targets Al Sharpton(sort of passe talking head), apparently giving a pass to an NBA owner who has made oodles of money off the sweat of black men, and yet, has made years worth of racist remarks. Sort of the old plantation mentality, sort of repulsive, definitely about to get his ass run out of the league, but what gets Will's shorts in a bunch? Sharpton. Wow.

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-m ... z303tX4OSC

Seems he's a racist democrat. :lol:

NAACP planned to honor Donald Sterling, who's now beset by racism flap

In fact, this isn't an isolated thing. I've found that most democrats are the most racist piles of hypocritical dung that I've had the displeasure of coming across.

(And racists come in all colors- the tendency to be racist doesn't discriminate.)
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

Slick, aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed of how stupid you have to pretend to be so you can appear to miss the point so extremely?

I don't need to take the bigot team owner to task, most of America will crucify him and he gets no mercy from me. But I don't have a need to wear that condemnation of him on my sleeve. That's your bag.

No, there will be no lack of attention payed to his faults. So I chose to poke a different demon in the eye. One that won't have much attention paid to it. One that you turn a blind eye to out of partisan expediency. Shameful but I'm sure you have rationalized your guilt away.

The point you are trying to pretend to miss, I'll repeat simply to agitate you or, to help you, if you really are that stupid to have missed it.

IF Sharpton is correct, that the team owner has lost his 'right' to own his team on moral and/or ethical grounds, then surely, by Sharptons own reasoning he himself has no right to own the National Action Network or to be on mainstream media, or be a credible proponent for civil discourse and race relations!

The way you tried to insinuate he is a non-player in this realm just exposes you are aware of his credentials, his gravitas among his peers and the truth my assertion is weighted with.
You are weaker even than vision in your predictable attempts to squelch the conversation and redirect the topic away from the extortionist race pimp you are protecting.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:Yawn.
I'm sorry vision, I know deeper thinking can tax the tiny mind but you don't need to try to keep up...just switch channels to something lighter...try a cartoon or mtv.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

Everyone who ever fought for racial equality was a racist.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:Slick, aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed of how stupid you have to pretend to be so you can appear to miss the point so extremely?

I don't need to take the bigot team owner to task, most of America will crucify him and he gets no mercy from me. But I don't have a need to wear that condemnation of him on my sleeve. That's your bag.
actually, I couldn't care less.......it's his money, and his stage. If he wants to make a public idiot of himself, he has the right. What is amusing is the lengths you go to just for the sake of whining about Al Sharpton(again).
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:Slick, aren't you even the slightest bit ashamed of how stupid you have to pretend to be so you can appear to miss the point so extremely?

I don't need to take the bigot team owner to task, most of America will crucify him and he gets no mercy from me. But I don't have a need to wear that condemnation of him on my sleeve. That's your bag.
actually, I couldn't care less.......it's his money, and his stage. If he wants to make a public idiot of himself, he has the right. What is amusing is the lengths you go to just for the sake of whining about Al Sharpton(again).
Hmmm what metric do you use to measure these 'lengths I went to' ?
From my end all I had to do was type a few characters on a BB. Its easy when you are typing the truth about a current event. You should try it. Especially the truth part.

From here it looks like you who is irrationally spurred to defend a real problem we all face, one that stirs up racial strife and allows exploitation of the very people it claims to protect all so he can profit from the agony of others.

So what deep seated need do you have for Sharpton that you will rush in to change the topic if I offer an observation of just how hypocritical he and his media defenders are for establishing a bully pulpit for him to preach about race?
You react like you are the race pimps mother.

And by the way, regarding the Clippers owner, it might be "his money" but the stage is owned by the NBA and if they have contract restrictions on an owners public statements, behavior, etc. they might be able to kick him off the stage effectively forcing him to sell or lose his team.

I think it is sadly illustrative that Sharpton was scheduled to present him an award for his lifetime achievement in civil rights and he was known to express these sentiments of bigotry long before this last comment surfaced. The whole lot of them in this 'race industry' are parasites and jackals. Of course the shame this revelation should bring them will be diverted by raising the specter of some proper, party approved, bogey man. Probably find a witness to swear Ted Cruz had once failed to feed his goldfish or something worthy like that :roll:
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote:Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
Oh look! Another mindless ★■◆● reply by the guy who can't start any topics of his own.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
vision wrote:Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
right, and he targets Al Sharpton(sort of passe talking head), apparently giving a pass to an NBA owner who has made oodles of money off the sweat of black men, and yet, has made years worth of racist remarks. Sort of the old plantation mentality, sort of repulsive, definitely about to get his ass run out of the league, but what gets Will's shorts in a bunch? Sharpton. Wow.
Wow slick, how many of those sweating blackmen hired and paid by the "NBA Owner" are multi-millionaires? I wonder how many of those same black players are so incensed by the comments they'll quit playing and forfeit the rest of their lucrative contracts in protest? Really lets just stop play acting here and return to reality.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

callmeslick wrote:What is amusing is the lengths you go to just for the sake of whining about Al Sharpton(again).
Will Robinson wrote:From my end all I had to do was type a few characters on a BB.
Current word count before this post:

Will: 774
All others: 274
Will Robinson wrote:Its easy when you are typing [incomplete, uninspired thoughts in a circle jerk] about a current event.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Duper »

I did a little digging on this. Be careful at who you're throwing stones at on this one. There's more going on with his girlfriend or whatever than meets the eye.

I'm not defending the Clipper's owner. He has a history so this isn't really news. and where Johnson and Jordon are concerned.. lol.. yeah.. not going into that hairball.

anyways. just sayin. Media needed something to fill the headlines with something "fresh". :roll:
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:
callmeslick wrote:What is amusing is the lengths you go to just for the sake of whining about Al Sharpton(again).
Will Robinson wrote:From my end all I had to do was type a few characters on a BB.
Current word count before this post:

Will: 774
All others: 274
Will Robinson wrote:Its easy when you are typing [incomplete, uninspired thoughts in a circle jerk] about a current event.
That is rich!
Your contribution: a complaint about the original post that doesn't touch at all on the subject, a one word post that would rank as lame for an 8 year old ( my apologies if you are actually 7), a stab at profundity that registers not, and now this whinge...

However bad I may be you make my comments look like Pulitzer Prize winning dissertation!

Tell me vision, is it because Sharpton is black that commenting on his outrageous hypocrisy is off limits?

Did I violate some mourning period and thus the sensitivities of black people everywhere...my comments would otherwise be acceptable but they came too soon to say anything about any black person in the wake of this horrific national tragedy where a white man expressed bigotry towards blacks.

You are obviously the authority on commentary in these matters so please explain the law for us!
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote:
Will: 774
All others: 274
This from the guy who tries to impress us with his scientific discourse and laments the lack there-in on this board. The lack of interest to explore more fully the topics brought up here is a indication of how seriously lacking he is in any type of discourse. Now he shows his Peter Principle to the fullest by counting words in a thread to validate his all to lackluster posting abilities. I suggest vision, if you want to discuss topics in a more refined atmosphere try posting on a Mensa board. Otherwise understand that we discuss here topics more everyday in nature. Picking your nose and flicking boogers at this board doesn't do you any favors. Considering the little that you contribute and how much you troll, I'd just ban you if it was in my power but alas it is not.

I suppose you are trying to get more members to quit posting like you did Heretic. For someone supposedly pacifist in nature you sure don't seem to mind slitting the throats of people here.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

woodchip wrote:
callmeslick wrote:
vision wrote:Oh look, another race thread by Will, and posted exactly along my predicted rate of increase.
right, and he targets Al Sharpton(sort of passe talking head), apparently giving a pass to an NBA owner who has made oodles of money off the sweat of black men, and yet, has made years worth of racist remarks. Sort of the old plantation mentality, sort of repulsive, definitely about to get his ass run out of the league, but what gets Will's shorts in a bunch? Sharpton. Wow.
Wow slick, how many of those sweating blackmen hired and paid by the "NBA Owner" are multi-millionaires? I wonder how many of those same black players are so incensed by the comments they'll quit playing and forfeit the rest of their lucrative contracts in protest? Really lets just stop play acting here and return to reality.
my point was that he hires them as entertainers and then craps on them with idiotic remarks(sort of like folks on here, except for the generous pay part). I mean, he is making more than they are, I suspect. As was pointed out, those players will keep playing, but likely not for him as an owner. He will likely be forced out, this time, as this is far from his first outrageous racist remark.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by CUDA »

vision wrote:Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
Sure as soon as all black people admit they secretly hate white people.

what a jackass stupid comment
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by CUDA »

He will likely be forced out, this time, as this is far from his first outrageous racist remark.
As he should be once the tape is proven to be true. He owns a franchise, it would seem to me that the league would have the right to revoke his ownership rights.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

vision wrote:Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
because many(most) of us don't?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
my point was that he hires them as entertainers and then craps on them with idiotic remarks(sort of like folks on here, except for the generous pay part). I mean, he is making more than they are, I suspect. As was pointed out, those players will keep playing, but likely not for him as an owner. He will likely be forced out, this time, as this is far from his first outrageous racist remark.
So he makes more than a player making 50-100 million? Don't see the relevancy. And how will the NBA force him out. He does own the franchise so unless he sells it how can he be divested of ownership? So is the owners comments worse than Biden's when he described Obama as being clean and talks well? As tho blacks in general are dirty and speak poorly?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote:Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
Why don't you just admit you really hate yourself and want everyone else to share in your misery. I take back what I said about joining Mensa type forums. You're too intellectually incompetent to be accepted.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Ferno »

vision wrote:Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
hmmm, I sense sarcasm/tongue-in-cheek joke.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

Ferno wrote:hmmm, I sense sarcasm/tongue-in-cheek joke.
For your good comprehension abilities, I award you a Popsicle:

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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by sigma »

vision wrote:Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
In my opinion, even the calmest dog starts to growl, if properly provoked.
Why do blacks not change their behavior a bit, so as not to give cause for hatred?
Maybe that's the point?

Although, judging by the preferences of the classic American thinking, mutual understanding with a different mentality is not their forte.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by flip »

Lol! I sense yet another circle jerk forming from the usual suspects. You types know to stick together huh? Hilarious, now all we need is Curly to chime in!
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

Ferno wrote:
vision wrote:Why won't all white people just admit they secretly hate black people?
hmmm, I sense sarcasm/tongue-in-cheek joke.
Most likely was but remember, weak and fearful person often mocks what he doesn't understand.
A panic driven defensive mechanism that is easy to spot and in this case explains the lack of laughter from even his cohorts.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

a panic driven defensive mechanism is all you know, Will. It is the foundation of your racist-driven tripe that you post on a regular basis here. Nothing but fear of those who dare to be different. Sad.

step back, folks, the exclamation points will be flying soon!
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

So slick, posting about racism means one is a racist. And you wonder why people are afraid to speak out in the new PC world. A clever means to control thought eh? Thankfully we still have people like Will that are willing to discuss the topic in spite of people like you and vision. One has to wonder at the fear you both have towards discussing racism.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

woodchip wrote:So slick, posting about racism means one is a racist.
who said that? I, for instance, just gave a succinct definition of why people post racist comments. That is posting about racism, but I defy you to find something racist in my conclusion.

And you wonder why people are afraid to speak out in the new PC world. A clever means to control thought eh? Thankfully we still have people like Will that are willing to discuss the topic in spite of people like you and vision. One has to wonder at the fear you both have towards discussing racism.
no fear, just amused at the usual white-boy whining that you and Will seem to regurgitate like rotten meat.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:So slick, posting about racism means one is a racist.
who said that? I, for instance, just gave a succinct definition of why people post racist comments. That is posting about racism, but I defy you to find something racist in my conclusion.

Slick quote:
"It is the foundation of your racist-driven tripe that you post on a regular basis here. "

Sounds like posting about racism = being racist to me

And you wonder why people are afraid to speak out in the new PC world. A clever means to control thought eh? Thankfully we still have people like Will that are willing to discuss the topic in spite of people like you and vision. One has to wonder at the fear you both have towards discussing racism.
no fear, just amused at the usual white-boy whining that you and Will seem to regurgitate like rotten meat.
Of course it is fear driven. The Dems know that if discussing racism was allowed they would lose vast amounts of the black electorate as the blacks of this country would begin to understand the tarnished chains that the Dems bind them with. In fifty years the Dems have done nothing to help blacks break the poverty cycle and keeping them on the public dole enables the white Democratic political overseers in power. There is a reason why black conservatives are labeled as "being off the plantation"...a truly racist comment if there ever was one. Tell me slick, where do you keep your whip hidden?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:So slick, posting about racism means one is a racist.
who said that? I, for instance, just gave a succinct definition of why people post racist comments. That is posting about racism, but I defy you to find something racist in my conclusion.
He didn't say you were making racists comments did he? :roll:
He, quite acurately, pointed out you were alleging racism is the motive behind discussing racism.

You just did it here in this thread, as you often do here in this forum.
callmeslick wrote:a panic driven defensive mechanism is all you know, Will. It is the foundation of your racist-driven tripe that you post on a regular basis here.
Im the one who should be demanding you show proof of your allegation! But we both know you don't have it and you don't have the integrity to care that your charges are unfounded.

You made that comment about this topic, the one you have yet to actually discuss, being so busy trying to derail it with your unfounded allegations of racist motivation on my part for merely starting a discussion about a media-darling hypocrite who happens to be black.

You probably haven't bothered to recognize that my charges against Sharpton do NOT rely on his race, I did NOT reference his race. I started a discussion about his character and his duplicity and his being guilty of the very offense that he is complaining about.

You have no right to demand we afford you the same respect and consideration you so blatantly deny others. You are the epitome of hypocrisy right here in the last two posts you 'contributed'.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by sigma »

callmeslick wrote:... Nothing but fear of those who dare to be different. Sad.
Actually, when I saw the movie "A Time to Kill," I made an unequivocal conclusion that racism - is extremism. And extremism - it is the aggressive rejection possible even to correct opinions, but the opinions of others. So I can unlikely be mistaken if I say that the extremist behavior of U.S. foreign policy, including in relation to Russia, is a consequence of racist past in U.S. history.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

sigma wrote:
callmeslick wrote:... Nothing but fear of those who dare to be different. Sad.
Actually, when I saw the movie "A Time to Kill," I made an unequivocal conclusion that racism - is extremism. And extremism - it is the aggressive rejection possible even to correct opinions, but the opinions of others. So I can unlikely be mistaken if I say that the extremist behavior of U.S. foreign policy, including in relation to Russia, is a consequence of racist past in U.S. history.
Nice try my trolling friend.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by sigma »

I do not see trolling here. In my opinion, I made quite a logical conclusion.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

I just heard another ill conceived response to this event as it unfolds.
Following the announcement that the owner will be banned from the NBA and fined 2.5 million dollars some one at the press conference said '..this shows that the days of hatred and bigotry are far from over'.

That is a terrible commentary and more harmful by far than the leaked private comments of one bigot to his girlfriend.

To cite "the days of hatred and bigotry" and suggest this event is evidence they continue today is inciteful.

What he should have said was he was glad for the overwhelming positive response from America that affirms the days of hatred and bigotry are far behind us because, unlike those days when this kind of bigotry was status quo and went unchallenged, in today's society we have come together, all races and all walks of life to shout down the bigot and the institutions have delivered justice by running the bigot out and fining him millions of dollars!

That would be a much more accurate assesment and much more beneficial to all concerned. Much more encouraging for black people to see the world they live in today celebrating the equality of justice instead of trying to stir up resentment and hopelessness.

But then I'm not sure the loudmouths want progress, in spite of calling themselves 'progressives'.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:I just heard another ill conceived response to this event as it unfolds.
Following the announcement that the owner will be banned from the NBA and fined 2.5 million dollars some one at the press conference said '..this shows that the days of hatred and bigotry are far from over'.

That is a terrible commentary and more harmful by far than the leaked private comments of one bigot to his girlfriend.
Terrible commentary? Hell, it borders on stating the freaking obvious.
To cite "the days of hatred and bigotry" and suggest this event is evidence they continue today is inciteful.
why? Stating the obvious shouldn't incite much, except maybe self-reflection, which will of course occur to those that need it the least.
What he should have said was he was glad for the overwhelming positive response from America that affirms the days of hatred and bigotry are far behind us because, unlike those days when this kind of bigotry was status quo and went unchallenged, in today's society we have come together, all races and all walks of life to shout down the bigot and the institutions have delivered justice by running the bigot out and fining him millions of dollars!
no one suggested that we hadn't made progress.....they merely suggested we aren't done the journey. So what?
That would be a much more accurate assesment and much more beneficial to all concerned. Much more encouraging for black people to see the world they live in today celebrating the equality of justice instead of trying to stir up resentment and hopelessness.

But then I'm not sure the loudmouths want progress, in spite of calling themselves 'progressives'.
so long as folks like you are posting racist stupidity on a regular basis, there is still work to be done. Tarring 'progressives' as the source of the problem is sort of laughable.....especially, in light of some of your posts.
"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
George Orwell---"1984"