OK woody and Will why does it bother you when people complain about the blatant hatred oozing from the mouths of white racists? You guys always knee jerk in reaction, post some rant about how whites are poor little victims and say, "Naa naa, Blacks are racist too". Well DUH! Why shouldn't blacks be resentful? We STILL have charming ignorant slimeballs like Donald Sterling and Clive Bundy that mouth their racial ignorance in this enlightened modern age. Blacks as a people have far more reasons to resent whites than whites should of blacks, because this kind of hateful crap still flows out of the mouths of white idiots! Don't forget, black people were slaves owned by white people at one time in the not so distant past, not the other way around.woodchip wrote:So slick, posting about racism means one is a racist. And you wonder why people are afraid to speak out in the new PC world. A clever means to control thought eh? Thankfully we still have people like Will that are willing to discuss the topic in spite of people like you and vision. One has to wonder at the fear you both have towards discussing racism.
By the way, remember this moron? She was a real gem, an owner of a sports team......and white as a poisonous lily. She was forced sell her stake in her team too, so good riddance.
