'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Tunnelcat »

woodchip wrote:So slick, posting about racism means one is a racist. And you wonder why people are afraid to speak out in the new PC world. A clever means to control thought eh? Thankfully we still have people like Will that are willing to discuss the topic in spite of people like you and vision. One has to wonder at the fear you both have towards discussing racism.
OK woody and Will why does it bother you when people complain about the blatant hatred oozing from the mouths of white racists? You guys always knee jerk in reaction, post some rant about how whites are poor little victims and say, "Naa naa, Blacks are racist too". Well DUH! Why shouldn't blacks be resentful? We STILL have charming ignorant slimeballs like Donald Sterling and Clive Bundy that mouth their racial ignorance in this enlightened modern age. Blacks as a people have far more reasons to resent whites than whites should of blacks, because this kind of hateful crap still flows out of the mouths of white idiots! Don't forget, black people were slaves owned by white people at one time in the not so distant past, not the other way around.

By the way, remember this moron? She was a real gem, an owner of a sports team......and white as a poisonous lily. She was forced sell her stake in her team too, so good riddance. :roll:

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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

TC hits the core point, above. Sure, racism can work both ways, but one has to consider the justification for hatred. Blacks have EVERY FREAKING REASON to still resent, or, at the very least, distrust white Americans. The crap from Woody and Will just comes off as the whine of really small people, driven by insecurity and fear.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

TC and slick, you both just posted to acuse me of assertions I didn't make. You, once again, mis- represent my point and then argue against your fallacy construct.
Weak sauce as Lothar used to say.

As for the questions you posed, the answers are right there in the comments I did make...of course you have ignored the point so you could respond to the false narrative you provided yourself.

Don't blame me that you are lost in your own cloud of confusion.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

my questions were few, and pretty simple, and no, you didn't come close to answering them. Perhaps, you're waiting to gather exclamation points. :roll:
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:my questions were few, and pretty simple, and no, you didn't come close to answering them. Perhaps, you're waiting to gather exclamation points. :roll:
Yes they are both answered. Your act has made it impossible for you to acknowledge it because to do so undermines your juvenile tactics of recharacterizing my comments to support your false premise
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Herculosis »

One of my favorite quotes:

"Arguing with a liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how well you play chess, the pigeon just knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, spews some unintelligible profanities, and struts around like he won."

Seriously, Will. I don't get why you bother.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

...because he isn't playing chess, to run with your analogy. He is trying to formulate a debate, and doing so completely unarmed. But, thanks, Herc, for your gratuitous piece of stupid that you chose to contribute. Another one who is part of the problem(finger pointing at 'liberals', with no clue what that word means), not any solutions......yeesh!
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

since I apparently have to repeat my questions, let me take them out of context for ya, Will:

1. Why is mentioning that we still suffer from racist fools 'inciteful'? Extra points if you can show WHAT might be 'incited'.

2. What is the big deal about such an observation, when it is patently true? You seem shocked.

so as to avoid multiple posts, I will reply to Woody here, who asked: "How can the NBA take away his ownership?"
Well, they just did. Stirling is banned from the NBA for life. Thus, he could, technically, own the Clippers. However, he cannot go to
the team offices, cannot attend any league event(from games to draft meetings), cannot enter league HQ, etc. Thus, it would prove
very impractical to own a team, and he will be forced to sell(hopefully to Magic Johnson and friends).
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:since I apparently have to repeat my questions, let me take them out of context for ya, Will:

1. Why is mentioning that we still suffer from racist fools 'inciteful'? Extra points if you can show WHAT might be 'incited'.
The questions you asked are rendered absurd by the context of the very post you extracted my use of the term "inciteful" from.

Why did you feel a need to change the words of my commentary before you could phrase your question? Lol! I know why.
Do you really believe others reading this don't know what you are doing....don't know you do it all the time?!?

I made a distinction in that post and proceeded to explain the vast difference between two things. That explanation that you obviously read.

The words in question are from where the speaker declared 'the days of hatred and bigotry are far from over'.
Not "suffer from racist fools" as you implied. We will always have some racist fools among us but "the days of hatred and bigotry" is something much much more threatening, historically horrific...and, thankfully, something long gone...
Jim Crow...the heat of the civil rights movement...the days when a white man wouldn't have been brought down so suddenly and so thoroughly....but all that was in the commentary of my previous post that you both quoted, and ignored, Lol!

You know as well as I do the difference between those two phrases, in the context in which he offered his, is immense.
but you needed to change the wording so you can diminish the impact they have so you can then feign incredulity and challenge my concern with it as if you never read my words...my words that you selectively quoted....and edited....but never read otherwise you wouldn't have asked your ridiculous straw man questions...

Bonus question time: 'What does it incite? Why racial strife and tension. the very fuel your Party runs so many campaigns on of course. But you knew that too.

And that brings us to the answer to the question 'Why do I bother suffering your foolishness?' Because every time I make you twist and spin and try to defend the indefensible your true nature is exposed. And the weakness of your argument is highlighted over and over.
Keep it up and your avatar will conjure the image of a court fool in the subconscious of the reader every time they see it!
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Tunnelcat »

Will Robinson wrote:That is what he says.

But they can own 'Civil Rights Organizations'? Of course!
He is living proof.

Will the media and pop culture allow this hypocritical bigot to get away with it? Lol! Of course because he is one of them...
Will Robinson wrote:TC and slick, you both just posted to acuse me of assertions I didn't make. You, once again, mis- represent my point and then argue against your fallacy construct.
Weak sauce as Lothar used to say.

As for the questions you posed, the answers are right there in the comments I did make...of course you have ignored the point so you could respond to the false narrative you provided yourself.

Don't blame me that you are lost in your own cloud of confusion.
Well, you called Sharpton a "bigot". Sure Sharpton's a bigot. I'm not going to disagree with you there. But what false narrative are us "liberals" following? He can be a bigot because we still have racial tension in this country. We still have white hate groups, so we still have black hate groups, but the white groups far outnumber the black equivalents. The cycle isn't ending. Sterling and Bundy are just a few examples out of a constant stream of intolerance and stupid ignorance from whites. I don't fault Sharpton one bit for speaking out against the constant hate being spewed by white Americans. He and his people can harbor as much resentment as they please because of that sordid, hellish past of slavery and the more recent anguish of Southern segregation. Don't you get it? Sharpton and every black person in America has the right to gripe, whites do not. Whites in our country still have a race problem that's constantly simmering and bubbling to the surface. Whites can't even tolerate a black president for 8 years without forming more white hate groups than ever before in this country's history. It's crazy. What resentment can whites legitimately harbor? Whites weren't slaves and weren't owned by blacks, so they can't possibly have a leg to stand on concerning the feelings of blacks for the years of degradation and pain they suffered because of their race. Whites weren't made to sit at the back of the bus, or forced to use special accommodations, made to go to schools for their kind or denied the right to vote for their representatives or denied the right to sit in a restaurant with other patrons.

By the way, they nuked Sterling. But that may backfire when everything is all said and done. He may be an old cradle robbing racist bigot, but I think he's been pilloried well enough. Now the white racists will just make him a martyr and perpetuate more hate since the blacks got their way. :roll:

http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow ... 5134.story
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Nightshade »

You want trolling?


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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

That guy looks like he is enjoying life much more than you. :lol:
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

TC your perspective on justifying the current practice of perpetuating racial strife for the sins on people who can't be touched or correct their crimes is perfect....if you want to perpetuate the problem.

Did you read the comments I made on the difference between characterizing the Sterling incident as proof we are living in the days of hatred and bigotry vs. characterizing it as a great example of just how far behind we have left those days and moved closer to racial harmony?

I think you should read it again and pretend it was written by someone you aren't prejudiced to oppose without any consideration. Then maybe your questions would be answered and the light would come on.
The distinction I made and the ramifications of choosing the wrong path are important. The results are the difference between putting out a fire and pouring fuel into it.

Should I give Sharpton a pass because he can sometimes correctly identify an arsonist who started a fire decades ago and as he stands at the edge of the smoldering remnants of that fire posing for pictures in his home made firefighters suit, he is pouring fuel onto it trying to keep it going for his own glory and profit?! Hell no!

Should you?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:TC your perspective on justifying the current practice of perpetuating racial strife for the sins on people who can't be touched or correct their crimes is perfect....if you want to perpetuate the problem.
what current practice is perpetuating racial strife? None that I can see. What is merely happening is that folks that you whine about are stating that such strife still exists. I ask again: SO WHAT?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:TC your perspective on justifying the current practice of perpetuating racial strife for the sins on people who can't be touched or correct their crimes is perfect....if you want to perpetuate the problem.
what current practice is perpetuating racial strife? None that I can see. What is merely happening is that folks that you whine about are stating that such strife still exists. I ask again: SO WHAT?
That question has been answered, twice now.

The distinction between the two perspectives is a good illustration. If you are just in denial and so you ignore it then that is wilful ignorance on your part.
However, the difference between what was said and how you rephrased it to hide it's weight exposes your willingness to perpetuate the problem and apparently simply for partisan political need.
And that is a very pathetic motive
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

So while slick is cheering on the home team, here is the real aftermath that shows the complete stupidity of taking racial comments too far:

"Researchers at UCLA will return a portion of a $3 million pledge that Clippers owner Donald Sterling made to support kidney research, school officials announced Tuesday."

Yes so lets punish those with kidney diseases all in the name of being fake appalled at what Sterling said. Hey slick, maybe you and daddy can donate the 3 mil so it is clean money.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

woodchip wrote:So while slick is cheering on the home team, here is the real aftermath that shows the complete stupidity of taking racial comments too far:

"Researchers at UCLA will return a portion of a $3 million pledge that Clippers owner Donald Sterling made to support kidney research, school officials announced Tuesday."

Yes so lets punish those with kidney diseases all in the name of being fake appalled at what Sterling said. Hey slick, maybe you and daddy can donate the 3 mil so it is clean money.
note that it was a pledge, so they are hardly returning 3 million('a portion'), so we're talking symbolism, here. I'm sure the monies will be made up from the level of public awareness of their giveback that your mention would imply. Thus, no kidney patients will suffer, and likely you know that. You're, once again, simply willing to lie to everyone's face here to make some empty ideological point.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:So while slick is cheering on the home team, here is the real aftermath that shows the complete stupidity of taking racial comments too far:

"Researchers at UCLA will return a portion of a $3 million pledge that Clippers owner Donald Sterling made to support kidney research, school officials announced Tuesday."

Yes so lets punish those with kidney diseases all in the name of being fake appalled at what Sterling said. Hey slick, maybe you and daddy can donate the 3 mil so it is clean money.
note that it was a pledge, so they are hardly returning 3 million('a portion'), so we're talking symbolism, here. I'm sure the monies will be made up from the level of public awareness of their giveback that your mention would imply. Thus, no kidney patients will suffer, and likely you know that. You're, once again, simply willing to lie to everyone's face here to make some empty ideological point.
what you are sure of and what turns out to be reality are two different things. However you slice it, UCLA will not accept the money and the kidney research program will be diminished.Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference. Now would be a good time to take away from the political contributions you are going to make and help make up the lost research monies.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Jeff250 »

Maybe we should all give $5.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Ferno »

woodchip wrote: what you are sure of and what turns out to be reality are two different things. However you slice it, UCLA will not accept the money and the kidney research program will be diminished.Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference. Now would be a good time to take away from the political contributions you are going to make and help make up the lost research monies.
Until they get the difference from a different source. The Clippers owner isn't the only source of pledges.

But you knew that already, didn't you.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

Ferno wrote:
woodchip wrote: what you are sure of and what turns out to be reality are two different things. However you slice it, UCLA will not accept the money and the kidney research program will be diminished.Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference. Now would be a good time to take away from the political contributions you are going to make and help make up the lost research monies.
Until they get the difference from a different source. The Clippers owner isn't the only source of pledges.

But you knew that already, didn't you.
sorta what I was driving at earlier....it isn't like he is their only contributor. But, it fits Woody's fact-absent scenario.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Tunnelcat »

Will Robinson wrote:TC your perspective on justifying the current practice of perpetuating racial strife for the sins on people who can't be touched or correct their crimes is perfect....if you want to perpetuate the problem.

Did you read the comments I made on the difference between characterizing the Sterling incident as proof we are living in the days of hatred and bigotry vs. characterizing it as a great example of just how far behind we have left those days and moved closer to racial harmony?

I think you should read it again and pretend it was written by someone you aren't prejudiced to oppose without any consideration. Then maybe your questions would be answered and the light would come on.
The distinction I made and the ramifications of choosing the wrong path are important. The results are the difference between putting out a fire and pouring fuel into it.

Should I give Sharpton a pass because he can sometimes correctly identify an arsonist who started a fire decades ago and as he stands at the edge of the smoldering remnants of that fire posing for pictures in his home made firefighters suit, he is pouring fuel onto it trying to keep it going for his own glory and profit?! Hell no!

Should you?
No, I don't give Sharpton a pass, because constantly dredging up past sins keeps the wounds festering in the present. But I can understand his bitterness and why he won't let it go. There is a difference you know. Do you understand?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

Ferno wrote:
woodchip wrote: what you are sure of and what turns out to be reality are two different things. However you slice it, UCLA will not accept the money and the kidney research program will be diminished.Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference. Now would be a good time to take away from the political contributions you are going to make and help make up the lost research monies.
Until they get the difference from a different source. The Clippers owner isn't the only source of pledges.

But you knew that already, didn't you.
Try re-reading and notice the part, "Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference". When someone does then you can make a post. Until then stop replying after you skim read.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
Ferno wrote:
woodchip wrote: what you are sure of and what turns out to be reality are two different things. However you slice it, UCLA will not accept the money and the kidney research program will be diminished.Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference. Now would be a good time to take away from the political contributions you are going to make and help make up the lost research monies.
Until they get the difference from a different source. The Clippers owner isn't the only source of pledges.

But you knew that already, didn't you.
sorta what I was driving at earlier....it isn't like he is their only contributor. But, it fits Woody's fact-absent scenario.
You too should learn to comprehend what you are reading.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Ferno »

woodchip wrote:Try re-reading and notice the part, "Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference". When someone does then you can make a post. Until then stop replying after you skim read.
I did. twice.

Quit blaming others for your failings, retard.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

tunnelcat wrote:...

No, I don't give Sharpton a pass, because constantly dredging up past sins keeps the wounds festering in the present. But I can understand his bitterness and why he won't let it go. There is a difference you know. Do you understand?
Lol. Isn't that the core of the distinction I asked you to recognize? And on a larger scale isn't that the crux of my original post?

Irony abound!

I wouldn't ever ask anyone to pretend the past wasn't what it was. I would never ask anyone to believe there aren't bigots or remnants of institutional bigotry still in need of elimination.
Likewise I would never tolerate someone working to keep people living virtually chained to the past to suffer needlessly so he can profit from their pain.

Sharpton, from his very first day in the spotlight of supposedly championing his people, from then, all the way up to today, has been nothing but a liar and an opportunist greedily pouring fuel on the fire for his own gain.
He isn't worthy of speaking the name Dr King let alone proclaim himself to walk in his footsteps. Being black doesn't absolve him of being the dispicable extortionist pimp he is.

And for those who to chose to defend him and to shamelessly attempt to shout me down for talking about it just makes them his lackeys.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by vision »

Will is the Great White hero of the black race, here to enlighten them and lead them away from their false idols. Kind of like a 21st Century Manson. Of course, you have to first believe black people are not capable of making good decisions about their lives or their leaders. So sad. Those simple-minded blacks, they just can't see how they are being towed around by race-pimps. Poor, poor creatures.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:Will is the Great White hero of the black race, here to enlighten them and lead them away from their false idols. Kind of like a 21st Century Manson. Of course, you have to first believe black people are not capable of making good decisions about their lives or their leaders. So sad. Those simple-minded blacks, they just can't see how they are being towed around by race-pimps. Poor, poor creatures.
Anyone who holds Sharpton up as their leader needs more help than I have to offer.
I'm just trying to beat some sense into some of you lackeys.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

Ferno wrote:
woodchip wrote:Try re-reading and notice the part, "Let me know when someone steps up to the plate to make up the difference". When someone does then you can make a post. Until then stop replying after you skim read.
I did. twice.

Quit blaming others for your failings, retard.
You can always tell when someone is losing the argument when they resort to name calling to emphasize their point. Have a nice rest of the day Ferny.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by callmeslick »

woodchip wrote:You can always tell when someone is losing the argument when they resort to name calling to emphasize their point. Have a nice rest of the day Ferny.
by this metric, you all have been losing arguments to me for a couple years now. Seldom does a day go by where I am not called some sort of goofy buzzword perjorative(Dem lackey, brainwashed, etc,etc,etc).
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:You can always tell when someone is losing the argument when they resort to name calling to emphasize their point. Have a nice rest of the day Ferny.
by this metric, you all have been losing arguments to me for a couple years now. Seldom does a day go by where I am not called some sort of goofy buzzword perjorative(Dem lackey, brainwashed, etc,etc,etc).
Well the problem there is sometimes you lose precisely because you are willingly accepting the role of a tool or lackey so your flaws become a part of the discussion.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
woodchip wrote:You can always tell when someone is losing the argument when they resort to name calling to emphasize their point. Have a nice rest of the day Ferny.
by this metric, you all have been losing arguments to me for a couple years now. Seldom does a day go by where I am not called some sort of goofy buzzword perjorative(Dem lackey, brainwashed, etc,etc,etc).
Pot calling kettle black?
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Foil »

...Is there a topic left here, or are you guys going to continue the name-calling like kids in elementary school?

I'm getting really weary of it.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by woodchip »

Foil wrote:...Is there a topic left here, or are you guys going to continue the name-calling like kids in elementary school?

I'm getting really weary of it.
Maybe you should practice what you preach. :wink:
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Tunnelcat »

Will Robinson wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:...

No, I don't give Sharpton a pass, because constantly dredging up past sins keeps the wounds festering in the present. But I can understand his bitterness and why he won't let it go. There is a difference you know. Do you understand?
Lol. Isn't that the core of the distinction I asked you to recognize? And on a larger scale isn't that the crux of my original post?

Irony abound!

I wouldn't ever ask anyone to pretend the past wasn't what it was. I would never ask anyone to believe there aren't bigots or remnants of institutional bigotry still in need of elimination.
Likewise I would never tolerate someone working to keep people living virtually chained to the past to suffer needlessly so he can profit from their pain.

Sharpton, from his very first day in the spotlight of supposedly championing his people, from then, all the way up to today, has been nothing but a liar and an opportunist greedily pouring fuel on the fire for his own gain.
He isn't worthy of speaking the name Dr King let alone proclaim himself to walk in his footsteps. Being black doesn't absolve him of being the dispicable extortionist pimp he is.

And for those who to chose to defend him and to shamelessly attempt to shout me down for talking about it just makes them his lackeys.
I'm NOT defending Sharpton. I SAID I understand his bitterness. If he wants to continually pick at our nation's racial scab and reopen the wound, he's only doing a disservice to his people, not trying to mend fences. BUT, whenever whites keep opening their racist claptraps on video AND creating more and more racist hate groups than EVER EXISTED BEFORE in response to the election of our first black president, they're not only picking at the scab, they're opening it right up to bleed red. You're thread here griping about Sharpton, plus several others before this, shows me that YOU don't want to leave that scab alone either. :wink:
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Ferno »

woodchip wrote:You can always tell when someone is losing the argument when they resort to name calling to emphasize their point. Have a nice rest of the day Ferny.
You are hardly one to give me ★■◆● about that. You insult and deride people you don't agree with in every. single. topic. So you don't even have the right to give anyone ★■◆● about that.

As for a "nice rest of the day", it was wonderful, because I didn't have to deal with you. Thanks for wishing me well.


Topic, foil? there wasn't one to speak of in the first place. it was just 'waah I hate al sharpton, he's a doodoohead!'.
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Re: 'Bigots can't own NBA teams.' -Al Sharpton

Post by Foil »

We're done here. If anyone wants to continue a legitimate related topic, feel free to start a new thread.