N Korea calls Obama a monkey

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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by sigma »

In my opinion, there is nothing surprising. Firstly it is necessary to consider here the Asian mentality and temperament. Secondly, there is obviously clear that each country that receives the power to protect their rights and their dignity, will copy the actions of the United States. And you know, they are right. Because the U.S. bring too much evil, which remains unpunished. Just a small country chustvuet force to confront injustice U.S. actions. If Korea only barks to demonstrate to that she too can bark at the enemy, Russia will long tolerate insolence before bite off the head of the American dog if she completely lose the feeling of fear.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Nightshade »

I wonder if Dennis Rodman will defend his lil' buddy Kim Jung Un over these remarks. I mean, it's not like he's Donald Stirling or anything right?
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Nightshade »

sigma wrote:In my opinion, there is nothing surprising. Firstly it is necessary to consider here the Asian mentality and temperament. Secondly, there is obviously clear that each country that receives the power to protect their rights and their dignity, will copy the actions of the United States. And you know, they are right. Because the U.S. bring too much evil, which remains unpunished. Just a small country chustvuet force to confront injustice U.S. actions. If Korea only barks to demonstrate to that she too can bark at the enemy, Russia will long tolerate insolence before bite off the head of the American dog if she completely lose the feeling of fear.
That's a laugh.

The US still has enough nukes to level every major Russian city- so the dog would still be able to bite off the bear's head before dying.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by sigma »

If you are at least theoretically imagine the possibilities and the consequences of even a local nuclear war, I do not think politicians are ready to go out to spend the rest of their lives in bunkers.
If you knew the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, you would know that the Russian are ready to die for the sake of justice and for the protection of its great homeland.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Tunnelcat »

So this comes from one of the biggest nutcase birdbrain child dictators to ever run a country! And you think this guy's insult is important HOW? Russia should be the one to worry about this guy. He's their nearest neighbor and he has nukes. :wink:

Why all this obsession with Obama NOT GOING TO WAR OVER EVERY LITTLE TROUBLE SPOT IN THE WORLD? Bush is the one who abused that dictate. Get over it. We need to quit being the world's police. :roll:
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by woodchip »

I vote we take Kim's team away.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

TC, wtf?

I never said he was supposed to do those things. I'm just wondering if this is the kind of thing that will make him flex his unused muscle?

He seems to be as hypersensitive about race as one can get. Calling him a monkey is about as old school 'racist' as one can get. Will we see some new naval excercizes off the coast of barking mad N Korea soon? Will Eric Holder be sent out to find some law he can twist to get some blood from the evil lil Kim?

Lol! Good god you must really love that man to be so high strung about anything anyone says about him.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Spidey »

I think the White House should ignore this, and not respond in any way...even the remarks they have already made, give the guy credibility.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

Spidey wrote:I think the White House should ignore this, and not respond in any way...even the remarks they have already made, give the guy credibility.
They should throw another film maker in jail.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by sigma »

By the way, the question of the Western media.


P.S. Sorry, I did not find this interview in English. But I hope it will not be a big problem for you.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Tunnelcat »

Will Robinson wrote:TC, wtf?

I never said he was supposed to do those things. I'm just wondering if this is the kind of thing that will make him flex his unused muscle?

He seems to be as hypersensitive about race as one can get. Calling him a monkey is about as old school 'racist' as one can get. Will we see some new naval excercizes off the coast of barking mad N Korea soon? Will Eric Holder be sent out to find some law he can twist to get some blood from the evil lil Kim?

Lol! Good god you must really love that man to be so high strung about anything anyone says about him.
First off, I don't "love" Obama. I personally can't wait until he is gone. I'm tired of all the racist trash talk and white guys whining about having to be a bottom boy to a black leader. But at least be a little honorable here. If you want to attack him, that's all well and fine with me. He done his fair share of BS during his tenure. But at least have some substance and truth about what you are attacking him about, instead of posting racist trash from some crazy leader who should have been locked up in detention like the spoiled brat his is a long time ago. I seriously doubt Obama is so thin skinned that he'd let some pipsqueak little dictator with a foul insulting mouth get to him anyway.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

tunnelcat wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:TC, wtf?

I never said he was supposed to do those things. I'm just wondering if this is the kind of thing that will make him flex his unused muscle?

He seems to be as hypersensitive about race as one can get. Calling him a monkey is about as old school 'racist' as one can get. Will we see some new naval excercizes off the coast of barking mad N Korea soon? Will Eric Holder be sent out to find some law he can twist to get some blood from the evil lil Kim?

Lol! Good god you must really love that man to be so high strung about anything anyone says about him.
First off, I don't "love" Obama. I personally can't wait until he is gone. I'm tired of all the racist trash talk and white guys whining about having to be a bottom boy to a black leader. But at least be a little honorable here. If you want to attack him, that's all well and fine with me. He done his fair share of BS during his tenure. But at least have some substance and truth about what you are attacking him about, instead of posting racist trash from some crazy leader who should have been locked up in detention like the spoiled brat his is a long time ago. I seriously doubt Obama is so thin skinned that he'd let some pipsqueak little dictator with a foul insulting mouth get to him anyway.
I have taken him to task over substance every time I said anything about him but many, including you more than once, completely ignore the substance or you misrepresent what I said and insist the only reason any of us complain about him is "because he is black".

Its a pathetic tactic on the part of all of you who have used it and it certainly removes any respect your commentary would deserve if you hadn't used such a tactic. So don't talk to me about honor. You abandoned any claim toward that end long ago.

You say he has thick skin about this issue but I doubt it. I think it is the core of everything he intended to do as a President. He has given lip service to everything but race and his own fortunes.

There isn't really anything concrete he can do but he specializes in grand rhetoric and empty gestures. I expect he will reach into his same tool bag for some way to assuage his ego on this one. Give him a week or so to put it together....
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by vision »

Will loves any thread he can work race into.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Tunnelcat »

Will, all that white resentment must be sticking in your craw like a broken chicken bone. Careful, if you don't dislodge it, you'll choke on it.

And it seems to me that Obama has thick enough skin to take the nasty racist BS constantly being directed at him from all directions. That is a sign of true strength under fire.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:I have taken him to task over substance every time I said anything about him but many, including you more than once, completely ignore the substance or you misrepresent what I said and insist the only reason any of us complain about him is "because he is black".
well, when pressed on it, virtually every 'complaint' you all have brought up has been easily debunked, and most extremely quickly. Thus, it is pretty easy for some of us to wonder if the 'black' part isn't what really bothers you. Especially, in light of your many other posts demonstrating your quaking fear of black people, you seem especially suspect.
Its a pathetic tactic on the part of all of you who have used it and it certainly removes any respect your commentary would deserve if you hadn't used such a tactic. So don't talk to me about honor. You abandoned any claim toward that end long ago.
You say he has thick skin about this issue but I doubt it. I think it is the core of everything he intended to do as a President. He has given lip service to everything but race and his own fortunes.
yup, it is just this sort of nonsense that makes ME suspicious. You have no clue about the man(who, I remind you, I've actually met and chatted with) if you even SUSPECT what you say in the first sentence. He is so far beyond the level of taunts from the Koreans it is laughable you would even suspect it bothered him.
There isn't really anything concrete he can do but he specializes in grand rhetoric and empty gestures. I expect he will reach into his same tool bag for some way to assuage his ego on this one. Give him a week or so to put it together....
despite incredible lack of even courtesy from his opponents, let alone willingness to cooperate for the public welfare, the man has actually accomplished a great deal. So, once again, your ignorant, smug and brainless dismissal above seems to show the skirt a bit, Will.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:I have taken him to task over substance every time I said anything about him but many, including you more than once, completely ignore the substance or you misrepresent what I said and insist the only reason any of us complain about him is "because he is black".
well, when pressed on it, virtually every 'complaint' you all have brought up has been easily debunked, and most extremely quickly. Thus, it is pretty easy for some of us to wonder if the 'black' part isn't what really bothers you. Especially, in light of your many other posts demonstrating your quaking fear of black people, you seem especially suspect.
Not even close slick
You have failed and been sent packing on almost every attempt you have made to challenge the points I've made. You usually don't even try to address the substance at all and resort to the same tired tactics making declarations of 'fact' that have no foundation and usually are easily shot down with a quick search for real data.

You and vision always and TC almost as often. Its the same old thing. If Obama is taking any heat you call the messenger a racist. Its your lazy way out of having to deal with reality.

Here's a news flash for you: The President is a black man!
However, being black doesn't give him any kind of special protection. None of the history of the mistreatment of blacks can be used to insulate him from the negative aspects of his job.
He is going to be the same target of commentary and criticism that every President before him was.

I've asked you before to when you made these accusations to go quote the racist content of my commentary. Prove it. You always fail miserably. You will fail once again if you try.

Anyone reading this can find it for themselves. Most of those reading this already know it to be true.

You three are like school bullies, only quite weak and pathetic.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by vision »

^ Fantasy world.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

Will Robinson wrote:You have failed and been sent packing on almost every attempt you have made to challenge the points I've made. You usually don't even try to address the substance at all and resort to the same tired tactics making declarations of 'fact' that have no foundation and usually are easily shot down with a quick search for real data.
do you have any idea how many of your claims I've been able to debunk with less than 2 minutes work. A glance through historical threads from this board will show the truth about that. Vision is right, you live in a fantasy world of your own making.
You and vision always and TC almost as often. Its the same old thing. If Obama is taking any heat you call the messenger a racist. Its your lazy way out of having to deal with reality.
you have it backwards, bud. How I approach the matter is this: if some claim made about Obama(or anything, for that matter) seems suspicious, I look to seek the real story. Generally, the claims you make about Obama(I just cited recent examples above) are ludicrous. Many are pure guesswork about what he thinks, feels, believes, etc. Then, having dealt with that, I wonder WHY you chose to lie about the man. Coupled with your obsession with black people in the US, racism just jumps to mind as one of the few explanations extant.
Here's a news flash for you: The President is a black man!
However, being black doesn't give him any kind of special protection. None of the history of the mistreatment of blacks can be used to insulate him from the negative aspects of his job.
He is going to be the same target of commentary and criticism that every President before him was.
no President in my lifetime has been subjected to anything close to the type of attacks Obama has. No President in my lifetime has faced the complete lack of respect and cooperation from elected representatives of the other party(bordering on treasonous). Why?
I've asked you before to when you made these accusations to go quote the racist content of my commentary. Prove it. You always fail miserably. You will fail once again if you try.

Anyone reading this can find it for themselves. Most of those reading this already know it to be true.
one could compose a book of racist commentary you've made on this board. Lemme hit some highlights that jump to mind:

Knockout game being exclusively black people, fears for your daughter from blacks when she went to school, Al Sharpton stupidity, claims made of Trayvon Martin(all VERY completely debunked).....and on and on. It's been pointed out to you that you make goofy race posts about every 3 or 4 days. What, do you think we're both blind AND stupid, Will? Back to vision's simple assertion.....you are in fantasy-land.
You three are like school bullies, only quite weak and pathetic.[/quote]
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by CUDA »

no President in my lifetime has been subjected to anything close to the type of attacks Obama has. No President in my lifetime has faced the complete lack of respect and cooperation from elected representatives of the other party(bordering on treasonous).
You really should do a little historical research. Because you are SO wrong its almost embarassing.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

CUDA wrote:
no President in my lifetime has been subjected to anything close to the type of attacks Obama has. No President in my lifetime has faced the complete lack of respect and cooperation from elected representatives of the other party(bordering on treasonous).
You really should do a little historical research. Because you are SO wrong its almost embarassing.
give me an example. The closest I can think of is Bush, but even his attacks were tame compared to what Obama has lived through(I'm thinking Birthers, calls for impeachment over NOTHING, stuff like that. I have no issue with policy attacks, or even legitimate scandals).
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:...
one could compose a book of racist commentary you've made on this board. Lemme hit some highlights that jump to mind:

Knockout game being exclusively black people, fears for your daughter from blacks when she went to school, Al Sharpton stupidity, claims made of Trayvon Martin(all VERY completely debunked).....and on and on. It's been pointed out to you that you make goofy race posts about every 3 or 4 days. What, do you think we're both blind AND stupid, Will? Back to vision's simple assertion.....you are in fantasy-land.
What you have done is construct a list of your own lies.

You have mis-stated my comments about the knockout game and about what I said regarding my daughter.

You haven't even touched on any comments, mine or come up with your own misrepresenations, about Sharpton. You avoid the substance completely because you know now as you knew then that my comments were right on target.

Regarding Travon Martin you couldn't be more wrong, it was I that was correcting your repeating the lies that swirled around that case. Martin was a victim of more than just a scared wanna be cop named Zimmerman. He was a victim of extreme agitation that had him take his fists into a gunfight with some crazy assed cracker.

You are right about one thing, people can see for themselves what was said and they won't find those topics to contain the things you claim.

Race relations is a big deal in America, you know that, every election your party wins is based on it in exploiting it. Obama campaigned on race baiting tactics..'they don't like people who look like me'...etc.

I'll comment on it as I desire letting everyone judge for themselves and you three can just continue to squeek like stuck pigs.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by vision »

Will Robinson wrote:Race relations is a big deal in America, you know that, every election your party wins is based on it in exploiting it. Obama campaigned on race baiting tactics..'they don't like people who look like me'...etc.
Umm, Will, I think you need to look up the word "exploiting." Your own over-the-top rhetoric has gotten the best of you, again. Democrats don't have to "exploit" race when the Republican party simply has to act natural to drive non-whites away. When the Obama says 'they don't like people who look like me' he is correct and this can be easily verified by numerous racist rants. Remember when Obama got re-elected and you warned everyone to watch out for the blacks? Yeah, I know you are a hero for the PSA. Feel free to pat yourself on the back again.

George Bush was also compared to a monkey countless times, though not the blatantly racist way these laughably impotent N.Koreans have. The whole comment is not worth serious consideration. Would anyone expect higher discourse from them? No.

The incredible resistance Obama encounters definitely has a racial component but the majority of it, I imagine, comes from a growing polarization in the United States.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:...Remember when Obama got re-elected and you warned everyone to watch out for the blacks? ...
A fair bit of misrepresentation of both the substance as well as context there....but hey! Whatever it takes to construct a false premise right? :roll:
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by vision »

Just for fun, let's take a look at that post one more time:

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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Ferno »

So, thanks to Vision, I had a good read of that post.

Good going Will. Giving your daughter an irrational fear like that. All because you don't like Obama. How do you expect that's going to work out now?

You can't win respect with stuff like that. All you're going to get is resentment.

And no, it's not everyone elses' fault like you believe.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by flip »

There were riots over Rodney King, there were riots over Trayvon. Now, I'm not sure if there would have been actual riots over Obama not being elected or not but there surely would have been dejection. What's absurd about you guys is how you make personal attacks without ever acknowledging the possibility. The most absurd of all is that you think that's maturity.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

wow,I'd forgotten HOW bad that thread was. Gawd, what a collection of paranoia, bigotry and just plain stupid!!
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by vision »

flip wrote:Now, I'm not sure if there would have been actual riots over Obama not being elected or not but there surely would have been dejection. What's absurd about you guys is how you make personal attacks without ever acknowledging the possibility.
Oh no, that's not it at all. There would have definitely been some protest action if Obama lost, though it is not clear how extensive. Heck, there were ugly protests by white racists when he got reelected (see the link in my above post). The problem in that PSA thread is the irrational fear of black people. Yes, white people get harmed in race-oriented violence. However, you still have a better chance of winning the lottery or getting hit by lightning than being the next Reginald Denny. Will's outlandish warning to all the whiteys was the point of ridicule.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by flip »

I can concede most of that, but that also has a great deal to do with where you live. Of course, out here where I live there was little to no threat, but in some of the more congested cities it was viable. I don't think Will's a racist. I surely am not, in fact, I actively break down barriers on a personal level wherever I go and I definitely experience racial hatred towards myself. Every time I do, I reassure them that I do not look at them the way they think I do and the tension lessens. I think it is that conditioning that Will is talking about. They automatically assume that I hate them or think they are inferior, so they have this huge defense mechanism. As soon as they find out I'm not, they relax and we enjoy normal interaction but that conditioning does exist and that is the very thing some people try to exploit and I actively go about destroying.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

Well let's see, since I warned my daughter I know of at least these shootings all in the same area where the students go, all the clubs and restaurants and smoothie shops, etc are there. It is...no used to be...a hot spot for all sorts of college kids to gather.

a little girl from my daughters school she is paralyzed now and has returned to school in a wheel chair she will move around in for the rest of her life.

then this one where thankfully no one was hit

a couple days ago

live video of the shooting watch the cold blooded thug do his thing....

Here is one where the police were shot at by a thug that, "almost one year ago to the day, Cwiklinski was arrested and charged with attempted murder for a shooting at a nightclub"

But according to you bums I'm just a paranoid bigot father for warning my little girl that if Obama lost in a surprise landslide, as I was told he would at the time, that psychotic thugs like these who are already all around her school shooting up the place might make a concerted effort to up the body count if they thought the white man stole the election from Obama.

And this took all of 20 minutes to find. If I were to tap into the USC security logs I could have given you all the reports of armed robbery and strong arm robbery where these fine but misunderstood young men have made a habit of rolling right by her dorm and beating people or sticking guns in their faces to rob them...

Yea. Totally unwarranted on my part :roll:
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by vision »

So, stray bullet's are racist too?
Will Robinson wrote:But according to you bums I'm just a paranoid bigot father for warning my little girl that if Obama lost...
Right, because you didn't just tell your little girl, you told everyone on this forum and ramped up the racial fear, just like a true race-pimp. Takes one to know one I guess. Seriously, look at this garbage you wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:...please watch your backs, get some Obama stickers for your wife and kids cars and protect yourselves.
Completely delusional about Romney winning the election by a landslide (hahaha) and completely delusional about your heroic posture as The Great White Savior. You belong on Doomsday Preppers. Go take a break and listen to Helter Skelter a few more times, Manson Jr.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Ferno »

Will Robinson wrote:Well let's see, since I warned my daughter I know of at least these shootings all in the same area where the students go, all the clubs and restaurants and smoothie shops, etc are there. It is...no used to be...a hot spot for all sorts of college kids to gather.

a little girl from my daughters school she is paralyzed now and has returned to school in a wheel chair she will move around in for the rest of her life.

then this one where thankfully no one was hit

a couple days ago

live video of the shooting watch the cold blooded thug do his thing....

Here is one where the police were shot at by a thug that, "almost one year ago to the day, Cwiklinski was arrested and charged with attempted murder for a shooting at a nightclub"

But according to you bums I'm just a paranoid bigot father for warning my little girl that if Obama lost in a surprise landslide, as I was told he would at the time, that psychotic thugs like these who are already all around her school shooting up the place might make a concerted effort to up the body count if they thought the white man stole the election from Obama.

And this took all of 20 minutes to find. If I were to tap into the USC security logs I could have given you all the reports of armed robbery and strong arm robbery where these fine but misunderstood young men have made a habit of rolling right by her dorm and beating people or sticking guns in their faces to rob them...

Yea. Totally unwarranted on my part :roll:
And I'm sure that ALL could have been prevented if they were able to get into cars sporting Obama stickers...

If you were to tap into the security logs like you wanted, do you know how much ★■◆● you'd be in? It's not up to you to play vigilante because you felt like it's 'your duty' to give reports. Both the USC and the individuals' lawyers would have a field day with you. You're a father for cryin out loud. That kind of nonsense revenge thinking should have been put away when you got out of high school.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

Ferno wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:Well let's see, since I warned my daughter I know of at least these shootings all in the same area where the students go, all the clubs and restaurants and smoothie shops, etc are there. It is...no used to be...a hot spot for all sorts of college kids to gather.

a little girl from my daughters school she is paralyzed now and has returned to school in a wheel chair she will move around in for the rest of her life.

then this one where thankfully no one was hit

a couple days ago

live video of the shooting watch the cold blooded thug do his thing....

Here is one where the police were shot at by a thug that, "almost one year ago to the day, Cwiklinski was arrested and charged with attempted murder for a shooting at a nightclub"

But according to you bums I'm just a paranoid bigot father for warning my little girl that if Obama lost in a surprise landslide, as I was told he would at the time, that psychotic thugs like these who are already all around her school shooting up the place might make a concerted effort to up the body count if they thought the white man stole the election from Obama.

And this took all of 20 minutes to find. If I were to tap into the USC security logs I could have given you all the reports of armed robbery and strong arm robbery where these fine but misunderstood young men have made a habit of rolling right by her dorm and beating people or sticking guns in their faces to rob them...

Yea. Totally unwarranted on my part :roll:
And I'm sure that ALL could have been prevented if they were able to get into cars sporting Obama stickers...

If you were to tap into the security logs like you wanted, do you know how much **** you'd be in? It's not up to you to play vigilante because you felt like it's 'your duty' to give reports. Both the USC and the individuals' lawyers would have a field day with you. You're a father for cryin out loud. That kind of nonsense revenge thinking should have been put away when you got out of high school.
What revenge are you talking about?!? I said nothing, absolutely NOTHING that conotates revenge.
As for the security report log, I'm not talking about hacking...I'm talking about if I had a way to post the security updates that get sent via text message to all students and parents phones you could see the reports I'm talking about. We get reports all the time about this crap warning students about what when and where these assaults take place.

The way you twisted your perception of what I said, jumping to ridiculous conclusions, shows you are so completely full of prejudice that you aren't capable of having a discussion. You just want to take what ever I say and twist it up to fit your stereotype of what I need to be in order for you to justify your denial of the situation.

I know if you had a child living in this mess you wouldn't be as stupid as you are in this thread. At least I hope not for their sake.

And the Obama sticker thing was an attempt at injecting some humor...gallows humor because there is some truth to it.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

vision wrote:So, stray bullet's are racist too?
You make no sense. I guess you have some twisted perception that gives that comment some foundation in logic but out here in the real world it makes no sense.
vision wrote:
Will Robinson wrote:But according to you bums I'm just a paranoid bigot father for warning my little girl that if Obama lost...
Right, because you didn't just tell your little girl, you told everyone on this forum and ramped up the racial fear, just like a true race-pimp. Takes one to know one I guess. ...
First of all the whole thing was hyperbole and gallows humor but a very real situation that I was referencing. Martha Childress is the name of the little girl who took the stray bullet by the way. She isn't just some statistic you can shove out of your mind so you can focus better in your denial of the facts.

Did I think things could get ugly? Sure did. We won't know since Obama won (although things are pretty ugly anyway...).
I figured I'm not the only one who has loved ones near or in environments like the one you are so desperate to have everyone ignore. So I took the occasion of my realization that things might get dangerous and used it to open the discussion in a slap in the face fashion.

Go watch the video and read the new reports and tell us how there is no danger from the thugs on the loose out there. And that is after their guy won!
I don't doubt for a minute the shooting would have been worse for a couple days after Obama was seen to have been robbed of his victory.

Yea I believed the wrong set of pundits. It doesn't make me a gun toting thug shooting up the town though. And Obama winning hasn't done anything to make the thugs retreat either so go celebrate that while you are at it.

There is nothing I said that is untrue, nothing that alludes to any racist belief or bigotry. If a sub group of black people are hell bent on destruction I can talk about it without being a bigot.

Bigots aren't the only people who think thugs are a horrible cancer on our collective body! That is the core problem I have with you three amigos. You feel like you have to shout down any discussion about the thugs declaring it all to be nothing but 'racists' talk.
Why do you need to protect them?
I can force people to think about it and become uncomfortable with the way they will deny these aspects of our culture. And that is a good thing even if a few stooges want to call me a racist.

So, yes, you are welcome, I guess I did help after all :)
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

indeed, Obama winning has brought out the thugs, and the clowns. It's just that my view of which 'thugs' are truly dangerous is different than yours.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by Will Robinson »

callmeslick wrote:indeed, Obama winning has brought out the thugs, and the clowns. It's just that my view of which 'thugs' are truly dangerous is different than yours.
Go tell it to her, she's a sweet girl in spite of what happened, she will probably forgive you. But if you ask me you don't deserve her grace because you are perpetuating the problem.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
do you have any idea how many of your claims I've been able to debunk with less than 2 minutes work. A glance through historical threads from this board will show the truth about that. Vision is right, you live in a fantasy world of your own making.
Your opinion does not count as "debunking"

callmeslick wrote:you have it backwards, bud. How I approach the matter is this: if some claim made about Obama(or anything, for that matter) seems suspicious, I look to seek the real story (but I never post the links and expect yo to believe me)
fixed it for you

callmeslick wrote:Generally, the claims you make about Obama(I just cited recent examples above) are ludicrous.
Cited means you linked a reference. I see none and once again referring to your own opinion does not count as a "cite"

callmeslick wrote: no President in my lifetime has been subjected to anything close to the type of attacks Obama has. No President in my lifetime has faced the complete lack of respect and cooperation from elected representatives of the other party(bordering on treasonous). Why?
Perhaps because he and your fellow libs rammed Obamacare down our throat with no debate. Perhaps because when a black man was wronged by a white man he was quick to make stupid comments. Perhaps when budgets were presented to him he just said no with no attempt to negotiate. Perhaps because he places the blame on everyone else except where it really belongs.
Really slick, the man is a walking egocentric disaster.

callmeslick wrote:one could compose a book of racist commentary you've made on this board. Lemme hit some highlights that jump to mind:

Knockout game being exclusively black people, fears for your daughter from blacks when she went to school, Al Sharpton stupidity, claims made of Trayvon Martin(all VERY completely debunked).....and on and on. It's been pointed out to you that you make goofy race posts about every 3 or 4 days. What, do you think we're both blind AND stupid, Will? Back to vision's simple assertion.....you are in fantasy-land.
You three are like school bullies, only quite weak and pathetic.

Funny, I didn't read about many whites doing the knockout game.

My daughter just graduated from Eastern Mi. U. Magna Cum Laude. She repeatedly told me how all the warnings sent out at school about rapist and muggers were for black males. In high school she was like some of you and thought racist comments were bad. Today she will cross the street to avoid passing a black man from the number of times they have aggressively tried to hit on her. As such Will is being a good parent. Of course people like vision have no daughters so how can they ever understand.

Rev Al is stupid. Show me where he has done something intelligent.

So the claim that Treyvon was a murderous thug was debunked? Where?

The only goofy comments are those that try and deflect from what is reality.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

I have a daughter, and 3 grandchildren. If ANY of them came to me and said they were crossing the street to avoid people because of color I would either slap or disown them. Period. Luckily, stupid doesn't run in our family, and Woody's daughter may have a degree with honors, but clearly inherited the bigotry of her father.
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Re: N Korea calls Obama a monkey

Post by callmeslick »

oh, and bitter denials from Woody(who I've debunked, with links, data and other proof, at least 25 times on this board)who posts outright, obvious lies to bolster his points, and then repeats them after them being proven as lies, is rich, indeed..... :lol:
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