Chicken little?

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Chicken little?

Post by Nightshade »

Or a little chicken? That's what Russia and China have seen in the US.

For the past 5 1/2 years the Obama administration has destroyed relations with its allies and shown weakness in the face of belligerence by China and now Russia.

Weakness or the perception of such by adversaries creates the conditions for war- not the other way around.
...Russia and China don’t get messages or signals. I think the US should be getting serious about nuclear war – cancel New Start and Russian overflights. Start flying B-52s with nuclear tipped cruise missiles each night. Start increasing the US nuclear arsenal. OK, I’m delusional if I think these are going to happen. Although, there is hope the overflights might stop.

In my study of collapses, I have found that the problems start much earlier (decades) before an actual collapse happens. Once you find yourself in a pre-collapse state – something small can cause something big – then it’s already too late to fix it. Collapse in this case means war. And I am suggesting that it is already too late to avoid a war with both Russia and China. The US has disarmed too much and shown too much weakness for too long. Now many articles are discussing the possibility of war with either Russia or China.

The US needs to be very careful or there will be war. Funny how Russia and China don’t need to be all that careful, or at least they don’t act like it. Could it be that they are seriously prepared mentally to execute a nuclear war if needed? The leaders can accept losses of around 90 to 95% of their populations if it means the termination of the US. The Russians have given us so many hints since 2008, that it is the equivalent of hitting us over the head with a 2×4 – we will nuke you if you aren’t careful. That means the Russians are fully prepared to launch a nuclear attack on the US given the right circumstances. So too with the Chinese. This is simply incomprehensible to the West. The only way to change this calculus is for the US to be more prepared for nuclear war than they are. Not going to happen.
The thing is- it is now probably too late. If the US started building up forces and pushing bomber patrols, it would escalate and tip the world into war since the Russians and Chinese don't see resolve in our leaders.

(EDIT: This is already happening- ... ?hpt=hp_t1 Even token shows of force will only escalate things from bad to worse at this point)

Either Russia and China get what they want in terms of territorial gains (by force or coercion) or it's war.

Of course we will eventually be backed into a corner ourselves and have to retaliate with force at some point.

We're already to the point of sanctions against ANOTHER NUCLEAR POWER.

This isn't Saddam and a few chemical fart bombs. This is Vlad the impaler with nukes.

Will another democrat preside over the next (and possibly FINAL) world war? ... inessweek/
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by sigma »

Of course! United States so long humiliated opinions of other countries blackmail and threats that sooner or later it will bother everyone.

U.S. is so used to relying on the strength of the military and economic sanctions against the weaker countries that develop their muscles replaced them brain development. When the U.S. decided to measure themselves against the present smart, strong and independent opponents, it became clear that the U.S. is not limitless possibilities .
Creating and using diversionary technology in other countries to expand the U.S. military mega- business and building and use of military force , authoritarian actions of the U.S. in world politics over the past decades , naturally called the effect of U.S. actions to counter injustice and served as a pretext to create immunity to protect against American regime in other countries. It's amazing, but it turns out people in other countries also have national pride!
Without a doubt, any country that can now protect themselves and their partners from the monopoly and U.S. aggression , ready to go to extremes , do not hesitate .
I must admit that I personally am impressed American concern for their nation. For the nation , the United States a good host . But at the same time , the U.S. is a bad neighbor to others.
I still hope that the U.S. will be able to grasp the reality of themselves in a timely manner , to ensure that theyr do not need to spank the ass belt like a spoiled petulant child , to prove to him that he is not the center of the universe .
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by callmeslick »

ThunderBunny wrote:Or a little chicken? That's what Russia and China have seen in the US.

For the past 5 1/2 years the Obama administration has destroyed relations with its allies and shown weakness in the face of belligerence by China and now Russia.
how so, given the level of cooperation both nations have given us in key situations, such as Iran, North Korea. Oh, that's right, it's just the Obama hate-on clouding your grasp of reality and the subtlety of running a sound foreign policy while a small core of haters snipes at every decision like spoiled children......
Will another democrat preside over the next (and possibly FINAL) world war?
well, if it ever DOES happen, that will be more likely than anyone ever electing a Republican president in the next 20 years.
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by flip »

Lol! To me it looks like the fascination with Obama goes to the extreme's on both sides!

EDIT: I only say this because the threat of Russian and Chinese dominance is growing and now becoming evident even in the mainstream media but I know this thread is gonna be about the love/hate relationship of Obama!
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by callmeslick »

China will be dominant, at the current rate(which long predates Obama) for economic reasons. Russia will never become dominant for the same reasons, coupled with the lack of long-term focus that China has.
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by Burlyman »

A little chicken... I'm surrounded by people who think that politicians always have their best interest at heart, that the six o' clock news is an accurate representation of reality, and that movies and television shows are for their entertainment.

If you don't believe the ridiculous conspiracy theory that NIST and the FBI cooked up about some dickhead in a cave, you're a crazy paranoid dog killing baby hater and you will be reviled by all. xD

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Re: Chicken little?

Post by callmeslick » ... er-n108821

oops! I guess that tanking of his nation's stock market got his handlers a bit antsy. No thanks to that stupid Obama policy of economic pressure, huh?
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by Spidey »

Last I heard nobody has confirmed they have actually pulled back.

Let me know when they actually pull back.
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by callmeslick »

Spidey wrote:Last I heard nobody has confirmed they have actually pulled back.

Let me know when they actually pull back.
this is the first time the order was attributed to Putin. We should know by the afternoon. It did help their stock market, though.
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by Tunnelcat » ... 1578448066

I'd like to see them get arrested by the FBI. :P
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:
how so, given the level of cooperation both nations have given us in key situations, such as Iran, North Korea. Oh, that's right, it's just the Obama hate-on clouding your grasp of reality and the subtlety of running a sound foreign policy while a small core of haters snipes at every decision like spoiled children......
I see in you child like rush to post you forgot about Syria. Slick you have to stop being Obama's Hershey Highway.
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by vision »

woodchip wrote:I see in you child like rush to post you forgot about Syria.
Russia and the United States are cooperating on the removal of chemical weapons from Syria. Did you forget?
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by woodchip »

vision wrote:
woodchip wrote:I see in you child like rush to post you forgot about Syria.
Russia and the United States are cooperating on the removal of chemical weapons from Syria. Did you forget?
Russia was supplying arms to Assad when we were drawing the red line. Did you forget?
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Re: Chicken little?

Post by vision »

woodchip wrote:
vision wrote:
woodchip wrote:I see in you child like rush to post you forgot about Syria.
Russia and the United States are cooperating on the removal of chemical weapons from Syria. Did you forget?
Russia was supplying arms to Assad when we were drawing the red line. Did you forget?
Did you forget Assad was also our ally? It is a complicated situation and does not have a binary solution. Like most world affairs, we will agree with Russia in some areas and disagree on others. Of course, an unstable Syria benefits the US more than Russia, so you know, we wouldn't be in any kind of hurry to agree on anything.
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