The Death of Descent III, Multiplayer.

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Post by Ferno »

IP is a publisher and doesn't have the source Krom. If they did they would be a developer.
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Post by psi »

ThunderBunny wrote:This is what sucks-

You can't switch games without completely getting out of D3. Each time you want to join a different server, you have to completely end D3, find another IP and re-start the game. Most of us don't want to load Gayspy clients to do it either. I've always hated that clunky switching between the windows desktop/to/D3 and back again. PXO has to come back. :P
I'll second this comment. Loss of the PXO interface is a big problem. I've been playing Descent for 10 years and I find the TCP/IP interface annoying. The other night I found a veins game with the tracker that I wanted to join, but I couldn't download the level (it was veins venegence or something) - and I'm a 10 year veteran!

What really baffles me is that there is no other game in this genre (fast paced flight simulation with full 3d range of motion). Why hasn't a company stepped up to fill the void? There are several great combat flight simulators out there (IL-2 for example), but they are a totally different game experience from D3 (real planes are much slower :P)
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Post by Ferno »

simple psi: not a guaranteed sale.
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Post by Sapphire Wolf »

I guess someone has to make a Flash Tribute for PXO.
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Post by Palzon »

Someday there will be a Descent 4. It may not be made by the same people. It may not be called Descent. But the 360 degree range of motion is like one of Plato's Forms or Kant's Noumena. The model for the motion exists in theory outside of any piece of proprietary software, or outside the material (phenomenal) world.

for example. The Romans had the theoretical knowledge to manufacture a steam engine. But they didn't do it. It didn't get made for about another 2000 years. Even though there was no version of the steam engine, the theoretical possibility was very real. Same with the motion in Descent.

The steam engine was a good idea. Thats why it was ultimately made a reality. And just like the steam engine, the motion in descent is a good idea. that's why it will be done. i do not believe we'll have to wait 2000 years.
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Post by kurupt »

the next one will probably either flop again or be really sucky. if they make it like descent, it will be hard to learn and people will be hesitant to play it, and word of mouth will say "that game sucks (because i suck at it!)." if they appeal to the masses what kind of game will we get? one we don't like i bet.
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Post by Birdseye »

The main problem with another "Descent" game is the question of whether they will keep the "bad" physics of the descent series that results in speed increases from bi and trichording.
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Post by Grendel »

Actually that's sort of correct physics wise -- vector addition. ;)
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Post by Sirius »

Well... -sort of-. To be completely accurate, ships in Descent shouldn't be able to 'slide' to start with because they have no engines with a lateral thrust.
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Post by Carlos_Ed »

Don't they have a magnetic ion-drive? Their anti-grav field can easilly be redirected for sliding... :P
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