The most terrible accidents with animals

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The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by sigma »

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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

Hey, those Russian animals are much smarter than the ones in the U.S. I've never seen a dog wait for a car to stop. I actually hit someone's dog once because it was chasing a BUG of all things and the bug flew out into the street from the sidewalk. The dog followed. My Jeep smacked the dog. Didn't kill it, but it was hurt pretty bad.

The deer and squirrels here can't tell the difference between a car and a rock. They'll run right out in front of a car like morons and get squished, even if the path to safety is a shorter distance than the path that crosses in front of the car. I guess it keeps the deer and squirrel populations under control. :roll:
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

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On the negative side. There are a lot of half-wild stray dogs that can attack children. Moreover. You saw that on some dogs have collars? It is the animals that their owners have thrown out on the street. Not only dogs. Sometimes bad owners thrown into the street unnecessary crocodiles, anacondas, pumas, cheetahs, bears, and even kangaroo. That is, people buy them as toys. When they become adults, they left. Almost all of these animals died.



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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Alter-Fox »

Yeah, but that happens all over the world. It's horrible and hard for the governments to control or they would I guess.
I've heard there are wild populations of leopards and cheetahs (?) in the UK...

I really despise the people who sell those animals, knowing full well that most of them will be abused and probably die horribly.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

Damn scary. Is it legal to kill wild dogs in self defense in Russia if they attack a person sigma? Doesn't anyone do anything about them either? Here, we have wild coyotes that are the problem, but they usually only take people's small pets, although it's not unheard of for a cougar to eat someone's small dog or cat or attack a jogger on a trail. And what was that animal in the second video? A kangaroo?
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

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How do you kill them? Sale and use of firearms is prohibited. Better to have a stun gun and a can of pepper gas. Although even these precautions do not always save you from troubles. One day a stray dog attacked me from behind and unexpectedly )This dog has bitten my leg and I had to go to the hospital for medical help.

And yes, it is a kangaroo in the autumn forest :) It's the same thing, if you see a polar bear in Orleans Natural Area.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

Out in rural areas here, I believe it's legal to shoot an animal in self defense. Since we can own guns here, we have the means to protect ourselves.

People's pet dogs have been euthanized just for biting or attacking a person, especially children, so feral dogs would definitely not be tolerated and would be hunted down and killed if they attacked people.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

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LOL. In the countryside I always have a good knife and traumatic gun. In the hunting season, I have a more serious weapon. Because in the city the man with the knife, the police may be accused of carrying illegal knives. While in rural areas almost no police and I can walk even with АК-47 if I want. Actually I am often in the woods and I can say that much safer in the woods than in the city. Wild animals always try to avoid meeting a person. Females even throw their little babies, but not to meet with the person. I saw it repeatedly. Of course small wild young in any case can not be stroking or take on hand. Otherwise, the female will not come back to her cubs. Well, that's another topic...
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Alter-Fox »

I saw a wild cougar once ya know... from a distance though, so I'm not dead. And there's an orphaned cub at the local zoo that adores me. She thinks I'm her brother, or something.
The best way to get away from a big cat is to attack back, they're not expecting that and you can convince them you're more trouble than the piddly amount of meat on your bones is worth. Tasssty though it may be...
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

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In Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve one bison has a second name :D Because I gave money for his treatment and paid for food for him for one year. It is a large handsome male. He did not recognize me when I visit his flock. I don't resent him for it. :) I just love him )

The most dangerous is the female boar with piglets. If the meeting will be unexpected, she is ready to die, but to protect her piglets. Very dangerous.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

People think that this is a female lion roaming around the suburbs of Milwaukee. I don't know about that. It's kind of blurry and it looks too short between the hips and shoulders to be a lion. If it is a lion, where in the heck did it come from? Someone's very large loose pet? :o

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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

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I doubt that LG smartphone which has 8MP camera with laser auto focus can record video such poor quality :?
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Alter-Fox »

So you're thinking it's fake?
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

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I'm pretty hard to make the examination of this video :lol: Really there is still no news? But I wouldn't want the police shot and killed that lion and therefore concealed the truth about it...
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

The authorities haven't caught it yet, despite setting up traps and tracking with dogs. Could be a very stout, and cagey, mountain lion.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Alter-Fox »

I dunno, it looked too burly for one.
But I could see how someone could think it was fake as well.

Probably one of those times where the authorities can't take the risk of deciding its fake if there's a chance it's not.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

It does look too bulky for a cougar, unless it's been eating junk food. The authorities are even baiting traps with human junk food like McNuggets, thinking it was someone's pet. Personally, it's movements look stiff for any cat. It almost looks like a guy wearing a lion suit crawling on all fours.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by woodchip »

It looks like a female lioness on the prowl. Look at how low slung her head is and the way she moves. Then look at vids of actual lions on the move in Africa. Like TC said, it is just too big and burly to be a mountain lion. And yeah could be someones pet turned loose.
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by sigma »

Small cats can escape more easily.

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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Tunnelcat »

:lol: That cat's not very bright. Hiding under moving cars is a sure fire way to get itself made into kitty road pancakes.
It looks like a female lioness on the prowl. Look at how low slung her head is and the way she moves. Then look at vids of actual lions on the move in Africa. Like TC said, it is just too big and burly to be a mountain lion. And yeah could be someones pet turned loose.
It still looks a bit stiff when walking. The back doesn't seem to flex like a lion's back does when it's on the prowl. It looks more like a human scrawling than a cat slinking, or even walking for that matter. But the video IS of poor quality. Isn't that the always the case? Someone catches something weird on video and it's always of such poor quality that things don't show up well and people have to use their imaginations. :wink:
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Glowhyena »

Oh, my radioactivity! The animals learned from us! :o

Wondering if they would learn how to use guns. >.>
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Re: The most terrible accidents with animals

Post by Sirius »

I wouldn't be entirely surprised if you could teach a crow to use a (really small) gun... but you shouldn't.
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