Let's Play Monsterball & CTF! Round #15!

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Lady Silver
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Let's Play Monsterball & CTF! Round #15!

Post by Lady Silver »

Monsterball anyone?

Date: Friday, April 8th
Time: 9:00 pm EST
Place: Frenzy Monsterball, and CTF in Seleg Prime

We will start with monsterball in the Frenzy levels and move on to CTF in Seleg Prime afterwards.

I think I should also mention that many of us like to meet on Mumble in the Descent Rangers channel, and whoever plays is more than welcome to join us!
Link to download Mumble: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
Link to get to the channel: mumble://mumble.descentrangers.com:31393
We don't always use it strategically; sometimes it's just to taunt each other and have fun. But it makes it easier to keep track of what is going on. :)

These games can be found using the Descent trackers (such as http://www.descentservers.net/index.php?show=d3_server), but I will also provide IP addresses later on.

Please let me know if you plan to make it; I like having an idea of how many pilots are coming so I can lure more pilots in with the numbers. ;)

This invite is being posted on the Descent Champion's Ladder forum, the Descent Bulletin Board and the Descendent Studios forum.

Thanks goes to Krom for hosting the servers for us!

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Re: Let's Play Monsterball & CTF! Round #15!

Post by Max_T »

I should be there. :twisted2:
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Lady Silver
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Re: Let's Play Monsterball & CTF! Round #15!

Post by Lady Silver »

Sweet! :D
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Lady Silver
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Re: Let's Play Monsterball & CTF! Round #15!

Post by Lady Silver »

Servers are up!

Here are the IP Addresses:

Frenzy Monsterball:
Seleg Prime:

We meet in the Frenzy Monsterball levels in one hour.

Prepare for Descent! 8)
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Lady Silver
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Re: Let's Play Monsterball & CTF! Round #15!

Post by Lady Silver »

Just a small group of pilots again this time, but it was a fun night. :)
Lothar, Max_T, Mental Floss, Mickey1, Tiger, Wats, Zero and myself started out with mosterball in a Frenzy level that looks like a big rectangular enclosed glass box in the middle of what looked like a stadium. Not everyone was fond of the level, but overall it was a fun game. I performed a little better this time than in my last monsterball game; I think mostly because this level had black sharks. Makes it a little easier to actually get the ball where I want it. ;p

After the game ended, some of us continued on to play CTF in Seleg Prime and some jumped into Burning Indika for some anarchy.

I played CTF with Zero, Max_T, Lothar and ohnoes for a while and had a grand time. It's such a small level it was just fine for 2 on 2.

Afterwards Max_T, Zero and I joined Mental Floss, Tiger and a few other pilots in Indika.
It was a good way to finish off the night. :)

Thanks for coming guys!

Next game will be Friday April 22nd.

Until then, see you in the mines!
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