"Mainstream" left turning against Antifa

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"Mainstream" left turning against Antifa

Post by Nightshade »

Looks like they're finally realizing Antifa is just as bad as the nazis (or at least not serving the greater purpose of gaining political power for the left.)
...today, both the Los Angeles Times AND The Atlantic published similarly scathing attacks on the black-clad demonstrators, portraying members of Antifa as brutal thugs who routinely gang up on overmatched supporters of President Donald Trump at events like Sunday’s anti-Marxist rally in Berkeley. Violent confrontations instigated by AntiFa have also occurred at rallies and events stretching from Portland, Ore. to Washington D.C. However, before this week, accounts like these were mostly confined to “conservative” media like the Daily Caller and Washington Times.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-2 ... -adversary
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Re: "Mainstream" left turning against Antifa

Post by callmeslick »

zerohedge passes for 'journalism' out your way, huh?? Anyhow, most REPUTABLE sources have pretty much started to see the so-called Antifa(and some have even been interviewed) as garden variety anarchists, riding an issue. They aren't really 'leftist', in the sense they wish no order of any sort.
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Re: "Mainstream" left turning against Antifa

Post by Grendel »

callmeslick wrote:Anyhow, most REPUTABLE sources have pretty much started to see the so-called Antifa(and some have even been interviewed) as garden variety anarchists, riding an issue. They aren't really 'leftist', in the sense they wish no order of any sort.
Politico wrote:More recently, the antifa groups, which some describe as the Anti-Fascist Action Network, have evolved out of the leftist anti-government groups like “Black bloc,” protesters clad in black and wearing masks that caused violence at events like the 1999 Seattle World Trade Organization protests. They claim to have no leader and no hierarchy, but authorities following them believe they are organized via decentralized networks of cells that coordinate with each other. Often, they spend weeks planning for violence at upcoming events, according to the April 2016 DHS and FBI report entitled “Baseline Comparison of US and Foreign Anarchist Extremist Movements.”
Anyway, that article is quite interesting.
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Re: "Mainstream" left turning against Antifa

Post by vision »

Grendel wrote:Anyway, that article is quite interesting.
It is, but it doesn't dispel the idea that antifa is more myth than reality. The article sloppily lumps leftists and anarchists together. They aren't the same thing by a long-shot. To me it looks like the rise of vigilantism in the face of increasing lack of protection for (and economic oppression of) the lower-class. It seems pretty hard to pin down what's going on once you start looking at the facts, and I'm inclined to think it's less of a right-vs-left thing than people want to make it out to be.
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