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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

vision wrote:WTF TC, just watch The McLaughlin Group when you get bored.
Wasn't that around PBS years ago and they're just now starting it up again after McLaughlin's death in 2016?
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
George Orwell---"1984"
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by vision »

Tunnelcat wrote:
vision wrote:WTF TC, just watch The McLaughlin Group when you get bored.
Wasn't that around PBS years ago and they're just now starting it up again after McLaughlin's death in 2016?
Yeah, I've watched it up to his death and I would like to see the format continue. But my point is, if you want to be spoon-fed news entertainment there are countless sources to choose from. You can basically keep youtube on autoplay and never run out of things that suit your interests.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

OK vision, this one was timely. I'm not the only one who noticed the overkill coverage of all those hurricanes. You can skip ahead to the 2 minute and 6 second point if you don't want to watch the rest of her political "commentary". :lol:

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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

I chuckled at 'Tuggin' Ted' :lol:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
George Orwell---"1984"
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Ted is one of those people who thinks porn is bad for everyone else, except when he views it. Then it's HOT. :wink:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Nightshade »

callmeslick wrote:Image
That's about right. Slick's leftist nativity scene /WOULD/ be a bunch of sheep led by a Jackass. :lol:

Image Image
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

I was wondering who slick was targeting with that picture. Care to explain slick? :wink:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

sort of like stand up comedy. If I have to explain it.......... :roll:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

It's definitely a fail. :roll:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Top Gun »

It obviously sailed right over our resident brownshirt's head.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

So THAT'S what those side panels at the back of the podium were for. Privacy. :P You can see what I'm talking about in the picture below. It's a large image from Bloomberg, so just open it in a new tab. ... 9x-999.jpg
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Nightshade »

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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Out of curiosity NS, are you afraid of these mostly college-aged and clueless Millennials (and yes, they're being clueless idiots about the Constitutional Rights of Americans to have and allow free speech for ALL, and that includes hate speech too) abridging YOUR free speech rights or something? You seem so obsessed with the topic that I wonder, what's making you tick with this one. Is it personal?
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Nightshade »

Tunnelcat wrote:Out of curiosity NS, are you afraid of these mostly college-aged and clueless Millennials (and yes, they're being clueless idiots about the Constitutional Rights of Americans to have and allow free speech for ALL, and that includes hate speech too) abridging YOUR free speech rights or something? You seem so obsessed with the topic that I wonder, what's making you tick with this one. Is it personal?
It's principle, TC.

If this generation of people don't value our rights under the constitution or the constitution itself for that matter, what does it say about our future as a country?

If a muslim imam who happened to be an American citizen decided to speak about how islam should dominate the world and all women should "submit" to men as their superiors (as grotesquely evil as his speech is and no matter how vigorously I would oppose it as an IDEA,) I would support his right to speak out under our constitution.

I don't have the right to walk up to him with a bat and smash him over the head for being the supremacist that he is and speaking his vile filth. (The same goes for nazis, etc.)

Now, if he INCITES people to murder and violence (i.e. "Kill the Jews and unbelievers!" and "This is how you kill homosexuals with a bomb- and this is how you make it...")- that kind of speech is NOT protected and the government should step in.

Edit: Incidentally "Kill the Jews and unbelievers!" and "This is how you kill homosexuals with a bomb- and this is how you make it..." are views both shared by islamists and nazis.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Yes, there's having a reaction to something and then there's having an overreaction to something and that's an obsession. Islam would never take hold here any more likely than Socialism would. Both Islam and Socialism are so reviled by most Americans, they'd never take root. Sure, we'll have little conclaves or examples of that here and there because everyone is tribal and those tribes tend to bring with them their original cultures and religions. We are a nation of immigrants and a melting pot of multiple cultures. But none of that will become dominant in our society. It tends to get watered down over time by the more dominant American culture. They assimilate. We've always been Christians and Capitalists and we always will be. It's in our DNA. Those things you constantly post about are the very antithesis to the American way of life and nothing but fear-mongering. They're not going to happen, even if you sit back and watch. Besides, as a woman, I'd never let Islam take over and control my life. Violent revolution would be the ONLY viable option.

What should worry you is the likelihood that Trump may just start a nuclear war with North Korea because both leaders are mentally unstable and angry towards one another. We have everything to lose, Korea does not. It's not a zero sum game in Kim Jong Un's mind, because I think he wants to attack us to prove his manhood, no matter the consequences. Remember, we're closer on the West Coast, so we'll be the first to get hit, probably with an EMP attack since he's already threatened it. Kiss your electronics and cars goodby, then your civilized life. :wink:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

This one actually showed up this way on my caller ID yesterday. These slimeballs usually show as "UNKNOWN CALLER". Wonder of wonders, it must be an actual upfront scammer! :lol:

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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Top Gun »

Well that's convenient.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to be the biggest ★■◆●ing snowflake of them all:

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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

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Oh, and while we're on the subject of Twitter dotage:

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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Grendel »

Tunnelcat wrote:This one actually showed up this way on my caller ID yesterday. These slimeballs usually show as "UNKNOWN CALLER". Wonder of wonders, it must be an actual upfront scammer! :lol:
Wow, a phone ! Haven't seen one of those in years ! ;)
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Grendel wrote:Wow, a phone ! Haven't seen one of those in years ! :wink:
WOW, what weirdness. I actually use a landline and NOT a cellphone. There's also something to be said about old Bell Labs bulletproof tech. It works even in a disaster. :mrgreen: ... roken.html
It's one of the biggest obstacles to allowing people back in. There's limited power, fuel and cellular service. At the Mobil Tavernier on Highway 1, the air conditioning was running, there was gasoline at the pump and one working phone landline. The owner asked me to tell people they could make their calls inside the mini-mart. She was offered free coffee, and storm-weary people seemed desperate and grateful to accept it. ... coast.html
On Key West, by contrast, one resident who was able to speak to a reporter by landline described streets pocked with shutters, windows and branches, but no flooding or ravaged houses. The resident, an 81-year-old artist named Richard Peter Matson who has lived in an old townhouse there since 1980, had decided to shelter in his home against all advice.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Nightshade »

Tunnelcat wrote:This one actually showed up this way on my caller ID yesterday. These slimeballs usually show as "UNKNOWN CALLER". Wonder of wonders, it must be an actual upfront scammer! :lol:

True analog landlines don't really exist anymore. Everything- even landlines are all VOIP digital these days.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Nightshade wrote:True analog landlines don't really exist anymore. Everything- even landlines are all VOIP digital these days.
That may be, but my line is definitely a separate line inside Century Link's remote terminal. It's accidentally been disconnected too, twice, by idiot contractors mucking around in the terminal upgrading things. Both times, I had internet access just fine, but not a phone connection. Dead as a door nail. I had to use the internet to place a service request just to fix the phone. Fortunately, the poor repairman that had to came out one Sunday knew exactly what had happened when he plugged in his test phone and got bupkiss on the line. I think I heard him mumble a few curse words under his breath towards a few third party contractors as he stalked back to his truck to go the the remote terminal and re-hook things back up. :lol:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Nightshade »

callmeslick wrote:Image
Most of slick's "whitey mcsportsfans" are tools. Upon that, I do agree.

They're supporting an industry that coddles criminals. "National Felon's League" isn't exactly a misnomer.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

maybe a semantic quibble, but Pro Football is a business, not an Industry. Get a ★■◆●ing dictionary or at least a Thesaurus.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Spidey »

Wow…nit-picking FTW!

Further comment removed to avoid further nit-picking, hair splitting and general BS. :)
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

In reference to slick's picture above. ... 1818770022
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

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"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

Moderator note. All discussions about the Las Vegas shooter were moved into callmeslick's "is it time now" thread. They may be a little out of order since they were put into that thread using the times they were posted, but they're over there now.
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Tunnelcat »

I was wondering when someone would have a snarky comment for Trump's stupid little paper towel throwing session. I wonder who the moron was that set up that little photo op. Ooooh! Look at our gallant president throwing those so rare paper towels to those desperate Puerto Ricans. :roll: Never mind that only 7% of the island has power restored and clean water is still hard to obtain, mostly from local creeks. I suppose that they could dip those rolls in the creeks to soak up some water for drinking, cooking and cleaning.

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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by Nightshade »


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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

funny to watch the snowflakes melt in the face of stand up comics!! :lol:
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Re: Image Dump MEGATHREAD.

Post by callmeslick »

"The Party told you to reject all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
George Orwell---"1984"
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