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About DNC

Post by Grendel »

Lots of interesting nuggets here:

https://www.politico.com/magazine/story ... 016-215774

Pick one for discussion.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

What's there to discuss? The DNC was pretty much an extension of the Clinton machine for years and it all blew up in their faces in 2016. I mean, she couldn't even win against a narcissistic ego-maniacal misogynist moron like Trump. They were arrogant and out of touch and it bit them right in the ass. That's why I couldn't bring myself to vote for her no matter who the choices were. Hillary reeked of arrogance and a sense of entitlement. Whether they've learned a lesson is yet still to be seen, but somehow I think that there's just too much inertia coming from the old power base that still resides in the Dem party.

Plus, I'm still not seeing anything of new substance come out of the party even after their recent thrashing. I mean, they haven't even gotten rid of Pelosi and Schumer in favor of some fresh new blood and new ideas. Bernie was a step in the right direction and they kissed him off in favor of Clinton. Now all they're doing is fighting everything Trump. That's not a winning strategy. It only looks like sour grapes and whining. They need to get off their elitist butts and give people better reasons to vote for their candidates if they want to win in the long run.
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

indeed, the thing I want to discuss is how easily those who so incline seem to forget:

1. Ms Brazile was shown to be lying about helping Clinton during a debate
2. Ms Brazile is selling a book
3. Ms Brazile is angling for a position in the 'revamped' DNC front office.

a political animal behaving as the species tends to. Party affiliation irrelevant.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Nightshade »

callmeslick wrote:indeed, the thing I want to discuss is how easily those who so incline seem to forget:

1. Ms Brazile was shown to be lying about helping Clinton during a debate
2. Ms Brazile is selling a book
3. Ms Brazile is angling for a position in the 'revamped' DNC front office.

a political animal behaving as the species tends to. Party affiliation irrelevant.
A white privileged man calling Donna Brazile an animal?

Forgot your white hood in the closet slick?
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

callmeslick wrote:indeed, the thing I want to discuss is how easily those who so incline seem to forget:

1. Ms Brazile was shown to be lying about helping Clinton during a debate
2. Ms Brazile is selling a book
3. Ms Brazile is angling for a position in the 'revamped' DNC front office.

a political animal behaving as the species tends to. Party affiliation irrelevant.

But when an "Our party doesn't do that" attitude is often used to excuse the actions of your political party, it makes a difference. :wink:

callmeslick wrote:
Spidey wrote:The Democratic primaries are already rigged simply by default, why would anybody think to file a lawsuit.
see my prior response. Feel free to enlighten us with your direct proof of that assertion.
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

I'm still contending the party didn't do much past move on past the personnel put in place by the prior team(Obama's). Brazile was overzealous, got caught, got fired, and now she writes a book. Color me unimpressed, and the word 'disingenuous' keeps popping into mind. Oh, and for the sake of clarity, I did defend Brazile when the charges of her and the debate prep thing were first put up. I was bitterly disappointed by her, and feel she should be viewed as any other disgraced political hack at this point.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

Elizabeth Warren is even unhappy about it. The Dems made a huge mistake by getting in bed with the Clintons and it's going to take a lot of hard honest work to bring people back into the fold. I may even re-register as an Independent. I only changed to being a Democrat in 2016 because I wanted to vote for Bernie in the primaries and I was tired of getting cold calls and push polled. Now I want to wash my hands of the entire party. Hillary now needs to go quietly away into the sunset and quit hyping her damn book because we now know she and her husband were responsible for screwing the party and allowing Trump to win.

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/el ... mg00000313
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Re: About DNC

Post by vision »

Tunnelcat wrote:I may even re-register as an Independent.
Register as non-affiliated. In a lot of states, registering "Independent" usually means the American Independent Party, who actually endorsed Trump/Pence, or the Independent American Party, another conservative group.
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

Ditto the above. Delaware offers 'unaffiliated', which leaves one out of the primary process, but can be changed on pretty short notice.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Top Gun »

I don't even know how the hell to change my affiliation in PA (I'm assuming it involves an agonizing DMV visit), but I should figure it out if only to stop the goddamn Republican fliers that show up in my mailbox. I was a goddamn idiot in my youth.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Flatlander »

Unfortunately, in some states if you are registered as NPA, you cannot vote for any of the (D) or (R) primary candidates.
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

Top Gun wrote:I don't even know how the hell to change my affiliation in PA (I'm assuming it involves an agonizing DMV visit), but I should figure it out if only to stop the goddamn Republican fliers that show up in my mailbox. I was a goddamn idiot in my youth.
you should be able to fill out a registration card and submit it to the county election officials, without a DMV visit. As for the GOP flyers, do you or any close pals have a fireplace?? Makes a great starter for the kindling wood.
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

Flatlander wrote:Unfortunately, in some states if you are registered as NPA, you cannot vote for any of the (D) or (R) primary candidates.
no primary allowed in DE for unaffiliated. As it should be. The primary process is a PARTY function, it is not a general election. The notion of 'open' primaries is the single worst, of a number of bad developments in our political process. The existence of the Tea Party, even Trump can be seen as the result of open primaries. They yield that absolute lowest common denominator candidates from a shallow, dimwitted electorate, as only the most rabid show up at the primaries.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

vision wrote:
Tunnelcat wrote:I may even re-register as an Independent.
Register as non-affiliated. In a lot of states, registering "Independent" usually means the American Independent Party, who actually endorsed Trump/Pence, or the Independent American Party, another conservative group.
That's what I meant, unaffiliated (I could really use a facepalm emoticon right now), but I'll still get cold called and poll pushed once I re-register. These bastards are like flies to a turd if they see either Independent or Unaffiliated in the voter registrations and I already get waaaay too many scam callers.
Flatlander wrote:Unfortunately, in some states if you are registered as NPA, you cannot vote for any of the (D) or (R) primary candidates.
That's why I registered as a Democrat in 2016. I hated Hillary and her arrogance so much that I spent the effort to re-register in the primaries just to flip her the bird.
Top Gun wrote:I don't even know how the hell to change my affiliation in PA (I'm assuming it involves an agonizing DMV visit), but I should figure it out if only to stop the goddamn Republican fliers that show up in my mailbox. I was a goddamn idiot in my youth.
Can't you do that down at your county offices or registrar? Usually it's the local counties that handle the voting rolls.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

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Re: About DNC

Post by Spidey »

In PA you can download the form, and simply mail it to the county election office.

You can also pick up the form at numerous government offices, or have one mailed to you.

If fact you may now be able to register online. (but, don’t quote me on that)
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Re: About DNC

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:I'm still contending the party didn't do much past move on past the personnel put in place by the prior team(Obama's). Brazile was overzealous, got caught, got fired, and now she writes a book. Color me unimpressed, and the word 'disingenuous' keeps popping into mind. Oh, and for the sake of clarity, I did defend Brazile when the charges of her and the debate prep thing were first put up. I was bitterly disappointed by her, and feel she should be viewed as any other disgraced political hack at this point.
Another lame attempt to disparage the person while ignoring the facts....like Hillary got kickbacks for paying off the DNC debt:
According to Brazile, the DNC went broke under the leadership of Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This dire circumstance presented a perfect scenario for Clinton to seize command of the party apparatus by paying off its debt of roughly $20 million dollars. But in exchange, the DNC executed a written, albeit hidden, agreement transferring to Clinton the committee’s finances, strategy, and money raised -- all to the benefit of Clinton and to the detriment of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, her primary opponent.

Even more deceptions and money shuffling ensued. It was a clever and complicated stratagem, but here is the simple version. During Clinton’s joint fundraising events with the DNC and state parties held across the nation, more than $82 million was raised. The states immediately kicked back nearly all of their share to the DNC which, in turn, kicked back their share and the states’ share to Clinton’s campaign.
So you see kiddies, Crooked Hillary really is crooked. And to think some of you actually wanted to see her running the country.
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

and more bull★■◆● from Woody. No one was 'crooked', she just financed and organized staffing for a party when no one else stepped up. Bernie could have done so, Biden WOULD have done so. Normal party politics, same as the GOP.
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Re: About DNC

Post by woodchip »

More smoke and mirrors on slicks part. Taking the donations to the DNC and using them exclusively for your campaign is not working as intended. Funny how some of us wondered why the Dems didn't have a wider primary with more candidates...now we know. And one persons hubris that thought they were a shoe in, wound up giving you the president you now have.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

the GOP works EXACTLY the same way. Don't like it? Talk to the SCOTUS.
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Re: About DNC

Post by woodchip »

No, GOP does not work the same way. Got proof? Show it.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

not going to be your guide up Mount Stupid. Google it:

1. Funding methods--identical
2. Party bureaucracy--identical
3. Super Delegates--check
4. Party control of primaries and debates--ditto.
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Re: About DNC

Post by Top Gun »

woodchip wrote:More smoke and mirrors on slicks part. Taking the donations to the DNC and using them exclusively for your campaign is not working as intended. Funny how some of us wondered why the Dems didn't have a wider primary with more candidates...now we know. And one persons hubris that thought they were a shoe in, wound up giving you the president you now have.
No, [Deleted - Personal Shot] like you gave us the gaping clusterfuck we now have. Tell me, how does Putin's knob taste as it gets rammed down your throat?
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Re: About DNC

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:not going to be your guide up Mount Stupid. Google it:

1. Funding methods--identical
2. Party bureaucracy--identical
3. Super Delegates--check
4. Party control of primaries and debates--ditto.
I don't see the part where one candidate takes control of the party and then funnels donations back to her candidacy. So funding methods not the same.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: About DNC

Post by woodchip »

Top Gun wrote:
No, [Deleted - Personal Shot] like you gave us the gaping clusterfuck we now have. Tell me, how does Putin's knob taste as it gets rammed down your throat?
Once again TG you demonstrate the language learned from the cretins and gutter trash you hang around with. Not sure what clusterfuck you pertain too but I see a unifier in charge instead of the divisive racist we had before.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

A mouse might be in a cookie jar.... but he is not a cookie" ... Casper Ten Boom

If your life revolves around the ability to have an abortion, what does that say about your life? Anonymous
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

woodchip wrote:
Top Gun wrote:
No, [Deleted - Personal Shot] like you gave us the gaping clusterfuck we now have. Tell me, how does Putin's knob taste as it gets rammed down your throat?
Once again TG you demonstrate the language learned from the cretins and gutter trash you hang around with. Not sure what clusterfuck you pertain too but I see a unifier in charge instead of the divisive racist we had before.
That's a laugh riot. Try taking off your orange colored glasses. Trump now has the lowest approval rating in recorded history of any president. He hasn't said anything conciliatory or unifying since he's been elected. In fact, he never said anything of the like when he was a candidate. The only positive things I've heard him blather is about Russia and his buddy Putin.

http://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/pres ... trump.aspx
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Re: About DNC

Post by Top Gun »

I "hang around" with people capable of rubbing two brain cells together and seeing lying, fascist pieces of ★■◆● for who they are. You know, people nothing like you.

And Trump couldn't unify a goddamn jigsaw puzzle. You are completely [Deleted - Personal Shot].
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Re: About DNC

Post by Tunnelcat »

Top Gun wrote: And Trump couldn't unify a goddamn jigsaw puzzle...
Now THAT'S original. :lol:
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Re: About DNC

Post by callmeslick »

oh and the Dems will be fine if they learn the lessons from Virginia last night. Lifetime family friend Ralph Northam just led a party that fought to REMAIN united in the face of every dog-whistle ad for racists and haters run by the GOP. They worked hard to keep the coalition of the sane together and absolutely whomped the Republicans at every level last night. Progressives should note that while Ralph is pretty moderate, his effort and teamwork carried into office 17 new Delegates to the State House including some left type candidates. The sweetest irony of a great night?? Up in Manassas, the 25 year incumbant, who proudly called himself the 'homophobe in chief' of the State House, lost to a 36 year old trans woman and it wasn't freaking close!!
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Re: About DNC

Post by Top Gun »

That result was beautiful. Bigoted piece of ★■◆● loses to a person he hates. Film at 11.
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