Ferno wrote:Every american who thinks of the 2nd always concentrates on the 'shall not be infringed' part and acts like the first part doesn't even exist.
The SCOTUS does, good enough for me.
Ferno wrote:people bend on doing it don't give a ★■◆● about laws and will get guns, explosives or any other implement they can use to shell out harm.
And that's exactly what I was talking about. There's always one that twists it around to go "but criminals do it so the laws won't work!". How about we get rid of seatbelts because some people don't wear them? How about we get rid of motorcycle helmets because some people don't wear helmets? How about we not get vaccines because they're not 100% effective? [..]
You lost me w/ that paragraph. I didn't say to get rid of laws, I merely pointed out that criminals by definition don't heed laws. If you knew a bit more about the gun related laws here you would know that guns are heavily regulated. Point is that these laws only affect law abiding people ! Adding more laws will do squat to prevent violence.
Ferno wrote:How about we ban all cars from the roads because some have used them to kill others?
Indeed, how about it ? There are lots of calls to ban guns because some where used to kill people...
I'm for banning alcohol. Killed a mindboggling amount of people.
Ferno wrote:The "don't make laws because some people won't follow them" line of thinking is INSANE. Laws are created to reflect what society wants as a whole, and they're created to protect society as a whole.
Ideally, yes. Except it doesn't work w/ guns. Small objects that are easy to make and in high demand by criminals. My line is "don't make laws that put law abiding people at risk."
Ferno wrote:Criminals target individuals because they work on a sense of power and control over an individual. They don't have that sense when it comes to a crowd, so they run away. Mass shooters target a lot of people because they just don't give a ★■◆● What we call "normal" in ourselves is broken in them. And they're law abiding. That's why you see in the story, every time, the guy LEGALLY bought his guns and the guy had a mental illness. The only time a criminal known to police does a mass shooting is in the movies.
Mass shooters *always* target people in an area where they can safely assume nobody is armed. They are *always* stopped after being confronted by someone w/ a gun. Some of the shooters were know by police BTW, where did that last sentence come from ?
Ferno wrote:"America" doesn't sell guns to everyone, eg. you will not be able to legally buy one here. Besides that you can buy or make a gun anywhere if you are determined enough.
All I'd have to do to get a gun in your country is be a legal citizen for six months, pass a laughably easy test (esp. in texas) and buy as many guns as I want. I checked. You don't have security screenings (at the federal level). You don't have reference interviews (at the federal level). You don't have a 28 day waiting period (again, federal level). You don't have to register each firearm you possess (yes, federal level). Especially when it comes to private sales. Fail.
Not a good check. You can legally buy guns after becoming a legal resident. No citizenship required ("We the People" and all that.) In order to do that you will pass a pretty thorough background check that takes months to complete *before* you gain the legal status. If you go out on your own and buy a gun privately w/o the legal status -- congratulations, you are now a felon. Once caught you will be prosecuted and returned to your country.
Ferno wrote:You mean the connection of "mentally disturbed person buys guns legally, then kills XX victims", that happens every few months in places with lax regulations?
How about the mentally deranged persons getting trucks, then killing XX victims ? Nobody is calling to ban trucks.
Ferno wrote:Until Canada, Australia, the UK, Germany, and Japan start having mass shootings every few months, there's no way your example can hold water. Your guys' love affair with "don't touch my guns!" is the key to all of this - the child needs to have its candy taken away until it grows up a little. You've done it your way for years, and the end result is people get shot. Every time. Time for a different way.
And you guys' habit to treat all gun owners equally bad will prevent that from happening. You need to understand that your average gun owner is a law abiding person to a fault and is as offended by these events as everybody else. Except that suddenly the public throws them into the same bucket w/ the latest killer.
https://crimeresearch.org/2015/06/compa ... nd-europe/
Spidey wrote:The question everyone is failing to address here is…why are people behaving this way?
I was prepared to go there, in time