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Post by woodchip »

So if you can't stuff the ballot box, lets hire a disproportionate number of workers to "steer" the vote in a certain direction:
" Michigan requires that the board of election commissioners “shall appoint an equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party,” according to Section 168.74 of the state’s election law.

However, the city of Detroit hired about 2,300 Democratic poll workers and only about 300 Republican election inspectors for the state’s 2024 primary election, according to the Detroit Election Commission Report cited in the lawsuit."

But don't worry, the RNC is not the disorganized mess it was in previous elections: " It is important to note that the RNC and Trump campaign recently surpassed 150,000 poll watchers and workers after setting a goal of 100,000 for their election integrity program
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Re: Equality

Post by Krom »

Are you sure "election integrity program" is the name and it isn't really "election intimidation program"?
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Re: Equality

Post by woodchip »

In Michigan you can never be sure.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

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Re: Equality

Post by vision »

he didn't get the joke Krom...
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Maybe there aren't enough Republicans to do the job in Detroit, or don't even WANT to venture into Detroit in the first place. :P

However, if out-of-county poll watchers want to march right into Detroit like a goon squad, they have to follow strict rules. Does anyone think Trump's Troops will follow the law or decorum however? No long guns, no masks hiding faces, no intimidation, no electioneering for any one candidate, no harassment, no death threats, no picture taking of people or license plates. Yeah, suuuure. :roll:

https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/ ... onstraints
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Re: Equality

Post by woodchip »

Maybe we'll start using lawfare tactics like the dems use once Trump gets into office. :wink:
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Like what for example? I want to see what Democrat lawfare looks like. I know you believe this stuff.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/michigan-sec ... 58795.html

The reality of what Trumpublicans want, an army of harrassers to gum up the system.

https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/0 ... s-00035758

Meanwhile, out of all the paltry cases of voter fraud in 2020, around 475 out of millions, most were Republican voters caught doing the fraud.

https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-wer ... ud-1730592

The truth is, Trumpkins is spreading lies because he lost and refuses to accept it, as do you woody. Our voting system has many checks and balances to catch fraud and protect against it and the truth, voter fraud is rare.

https://www.yahoo.com/news/ap-looked-20 ... 54815.html

https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-ch ... L1N2XP2AI/

https://www.politifact.com/article/2020 ... -election/

Meanwhile, Trump's Republican goon squads march out intimidating voters and election officials or send in anonymous death threats.

https://www.reuters.com/legal/republica ... 022-11-03/

https://www.reuters.com/investigates/sp ... ump-purge/
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Re: Equality

Post by Ferno »

And this is where we learn that Woody didn't realize that before this act, that office had far more republican workers before they balanced everything out.

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

And they balanced out because the bozos who were locked out forgot to sign out when they left, even the few Dem ones among them. :lol:
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Re: Equality

Post by woodchip »

It is interesting that you have no clue as to what lawfare is. So try this out. The inflated lawsuit where even people like jon stewert inflated the value of his house. In this case Trump was sued even though he paid his loan back and the banks said they would gladly front him a loan in the future. Then there's the hush money case where nobody thought it worthwhile to bring up...until Trump was front runner in the primaries. So post all the goofy links you like, you're still flailing.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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Re: Equality

Post by Vander »

Rape, woodchip. Don't forget the rape.
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

I thought you were talking about election poll workers, but OK if you want to go into Trump's financial screwjob arena. For example, Trump does not pay people, businesses or cities for work they do for him. I don't see lawfare getting all these people's money back he stiffed them for years or even weeks ago. If I'd done even 10th of this, I'd be sitting in jail and my life savings would be wiped out to pay my debts. Oh wait, the rich pricks of this country live under a different set of rules, where they go cry to people like you that they're victims of persecution.

https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/ ... 547037002/

https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump ... 42472.html

https://ctvnews.ca/mobile/world/cities- ... -1.5269495

https://theweek.com/speedreads/629132/u ... ng-workers

And Trump still owes Deutsche Bank and Ladder Capital millions of dollars. Think they'll get it repaid after the Stormy Daniels verdict? Nope.

https://www.vox.com/21472063/trump-tax- ... owes-money
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Re: Equality

Post by Top Gun »

Woody's general discourse strategy is the verbal equivalent of taking a shotgun ★■◆●. Throw out garbage in all directions in the vain hope that some of it sticks to the sides of the bowl.
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Woody likes to believe Trump is for vets. How is that possible when Trump and his staffers force their way into Arlington Cemetary cameras in tow, Section 60 to be precise, all to make a campaign photo op, which is specially against the rules and illegal? Never mind that his staffers got into a verbal and physical altercation over the whole thing, forced their way into the section anyway and Trump ends up standing in front of 2 headstones for a photo, grinning like a stupid kid giving a thumbs up. How disrespectful is that? Especially since one of the headstones for for someone who committed suicide and his family did not give permission for their son's headstone to be photographed. What an asswipe of a man you worship woody. :roll:

https://apnews.com/article/trump-arling ... 164be7eb1c

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Even more disgusting, Biden getting blamed for the deaths of these 2 family's loved ones, when standing right next to them is the real murderer, Trump.

You only have to watch for the first 2.5 minutes to see the reason the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal was really Trump's fault.

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

It gets worse. The employee shoved aside by Trump's staffer refuses to press charges for fear of retaliation. Plus, a Trump surrogate called the employee mentally ill and now the Army has to defend her. You going to defend Trump on this one woody? He broke the law yet again and one of his staffers assualted an Arlington Cemetery employee in order for Trump TO break the law.

https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/2 ... e-00176729
After news of the incident broke, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung disparaged the employee as someone “clearly suffering from a mental health episode.”
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Re: Equality

Post by woodchip »

TC, I'd reply but all your sources were the ones the perpetrated all the hoaxes about Trump before. I would bet the staffer that that started this hoax was another deranged democrat.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

The Army itself rebuked the Trump campaign, a rare act to be taken. Trump's staffers were warned before they entered the cemetery that no pictures or video were to be taken for political purposes and doing so would be a violation of the law. Yet, they went ahead, took both pictures and video and posted it online, clearly for their campaign. They violated the law, period, and so far, aren't being prosecuted for it. That is the truth, if you can get that through your brain. A staffer claims she was forcibly pushed aside while doing her job by Trump's people. Trump claims he has video evidence to the contrary. I haven't seen him release it either, so I'll take the word of the Army's employee before the crap that comes out of Trump's lying piehole.

https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/2 ... e-00176729
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Oh, now that it's blown up in his face, it's everyone else's fault but his, including the Gold Star families who stood next to him. I guess its OK to throw them under the bus in defense of yourself. Typical. :roll:

https://www.rawstory.com/this-was-a-set ... istration/

"It could have been them. It could have been the [Gold Star] parents. It could have been somebody," Trump said.
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Re: Equality

Post by Top Gun »

He's such a little ★■◆●.
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Re: Equality

Post by woodchip »

And yet the Gold Star families thanked Trump for honoring their losses on the 3 year anniversary of their sons and daughters death in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Where was Biden? Sunning on a beach and sipping pina coladas. Harris was, as usual, hiding in a basement somewhere
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

You need to listen to yourself. Trump used these families for his politicking, period. He did it for his campaign, period. I'm willing to bet he gives a rat's ass about their dead loved ones, just like he gives a rat's ass for those dead vets buried at Normandy. It was illegal for him to take those photos in Section 60 and then use them in his campaign, period. His team shoved aside an Arlington staffer trying to stop them from taking those photos, period. Utah governor Cox also used those photos for his campaign, but had the good sense to apologize. Trump has done no such thing, because he's a self-centered asswipe and always will be. You are nothing to him as a vet except a vote. Enjoy yourself.
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Re: Equality

Post by Top Gun »

woodchip wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:30 am And yet the Gold Star families thanked Trump for honoring their losses on the 3 year anniversary of their sons and daughters death in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Where was Biden? Sunning on a beach and sipping pina coladas. Harris was, as usual, hiding in a basement somewhere
You gonna stop spewing complete ★■◆●ing bull★■◆● at any point? Fraud.

Why is he allowed here still? ★■◆●ing ban him already. Or at the bare minimum kick him out of this folder so that the rest of us can have actual conversations again. And no TC, "I can't do that" isn't an answer. Talk to the person who can then.
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Neither Jeff250 nor I even have any controls to do that. Ask Krom. If it takes a vote, I'll vote in the affirmative.
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Re: Equality

Post by TigerRaptor »

You would think he'd rather be around other people with his mindset. Yet he keeps coming back here voicing his "weird" opinions, which no one cares about.
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

He keeps trying to recruit for his cult. Maybe it's a requirement for joining MAGA, to go out an proselytize as many people as possible to your cause. If you don't meet your quota of thralls, you're excommunicated. He'll wake up tomorrow morning and come here to preach more bull★■◆●.

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Re: Equality

Post by woodchip »

Top Gun wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:42 pm
woodchip wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:30 am And yet the Gold Star families thanked Trump for honoring their losses on the 3 year anniversary of their sons and daughters death in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Where was Biden? Sunning on a beach and sipping pina coladas. Harris was, as usual, hiding in a basement somewhere
You gonna stop spewing complete ★■◆●ing bull★■◆● at any point? Fraud.

Why is he allowed here still? ★■◆●ing ban him already. Or at the bare minimum kick him out of this folder so that the rest of us can have actual conversations again. And no TC, "I can't do that" isn't an answer. Talk to the person who can then.
So like a good lazy liberal, you look for someone else to do the work for you. There is a "ignore" button and you and your 4 friends here could push and you wouldn't have to read my posts. I suspect you don't because you need someone to call names, because you are too afraid to in real life. Haven't posted here in a week and amazing how lively this place has become.
Liberal speak: "Convenience for you means control for him, free and the price is astronomical, you're the product for sale". Neil Oliver

Leftist are Evil, and Liberals keep voting for them. Dennis Prager

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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

They come back here to mock you, because all your posts come straight from the MAGAverse propfeeds that you wake up to and promptly shoot into your brain like an addict on heroin. Most of what you post always have counter facts you ignore. That's YOUR problem.
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Re: Equality

Post by Top Gun »

woodchip wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:19 am So like a good lazy liberal, you look for someone else to do the work for you. There is a "ignore" button and you and your 4 friends here could push and you wouldn't have to read my posts. I suspect you don't because you need someone to call names, because you are too afraid to in real life. Haven't posted here in a week and amazing how lively this place has become.
I don't want you ignored, I want you deplatformed, as is the right way to treat all fascist scum.
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Re: Equality

Post by TheWhat »

You guys are full of ★■◆●. All ten of us like the ole DBB for nostalgic reasons - but it's not like it's twitter. 10 people use it. You wouldn't be "de-platforming" very much. Besides, don't you think that if one were to be truly convinced by Woodchip they would've been in that silo for a long time? It's not like you just wake up one morning in your 40's and become addicted to nicotine - the tobacco companies got get um young. lol
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Re: Equality

Post by Top Gun »

TheWhat wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:10 pm You guys are full of ★■◆●. All ten of us like the ole DBB for nostalgic reasons - but it's not like it's twitter. 10 people use it. You wouldn't be "de-platforming" very much. Besides, don't you think that if one were to be truly convinced by Woodchip they would've been in that silo for a long time? It's not like you just wake up one morning in your 40's and become addicted to nicotine - the tobacco companies got get um young. lol
I have no delusions that woody will manage to convince anyone with the bull★■◆● he spews here. What I don't want is to give him any sort of space in which to do so, because allowing him that means that we implicitly condone it. Yes, there are only about a dozen of us left here, but why should we be subjected to him when we just want to hang out in what's left of this place?

I've been a moderator in another community for a long time now. Years ago we were having issues with certain posters acting like real shitheads on a regular basis, but because they weren't clearly breaking any explicitly-written guidelines they managed to rules-lawyer their way out of lasting consequences. Eventually we decided enough was enough and worked with the community to establish a new set of guidelines based more on behavioral norms than a long list of rules. It wound up being a massive improvement for the community as a whole. Turns out that showing toxic people the door actually works!
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Re: Equality

Post by vision »

TheWhat wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:10 pmYou wouldn't be "de-platforming" very much.
Every little bit helps. The Internet is full of bots, the least we can do is make the human content be as good as it can be.
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Re: Equality

Post by Spidey »

New rule #1

No opinions we don't agree with allowed.
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Re: Equality

Post by Vander »

woodchip could mostly be replaced by a bot that posts the headline and first paragraph of a random Breitbart article a couple times a week and replies with a random paragraph from a different Breitbart article.
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

Oh, we can disagree. I have no issue with that. Just don't whine when those opinions are mocked because they are outlandishly partisan. I've tried to counter woody's opinions with some semblance of facts, but all he does is come back and claim left wing BS and then complain he's being picked on. If his "facts" can't stand up to reality, no one will listen to him. My sister is the same way. A dead to rights refusal to believe something if it comes from a source she doesn't usually cherry pick from. That's what people do who can't think for themselves, become members of a cult who's leader does their thinking for them.

In fact, he will never comment on that nonsense answer Trump gave about child care in my other new thread. Why? Because he can't dispute something that comes out of his MAGA God's mouth, no matter how stupid sounding it is. But if Biden had said all that, we'd be hearing about how Biden is unfit for the Presidency ad nauseum and he'd be mocked.
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Re: Equality

Post by Spidey »

Vander wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:52 pm woodchip could mostly be replaced by a bot that posts the headline and first paragraph of a random Breitbart article a couple times a week and replies with a random paragraph from a different Breitbart article.
And where do you get your opinions from?
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Re: Equality

Post by Top Gun »

Spidey wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:56 pm New rule #1

No opinions we don't agree with allowed.
Don't give me that Spidey. I've spilled reams of digital ink debating people whose views I've disagreed with, but I'd totally go out and grab a beer with them afterwards. If woody ever had any of that basic decency, it's long gone now. All that's left is an empty shell of hatred and ignorance.
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Re: Equality

Post by Ferno »

Spidey wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:56 pm New rule #1

No opinions we don't agree with allowed.
Here's the thing.

When you and I were talking about LED light bulbs, and I presented my viewpoint and you presented yours, we saw each others' point and accepted it. That's fine. When we were talking about fiscal policies back in the day, you set your opinion out there and I set mine out there, we both saw each others side and understood, even though we didn't agree on it. And that was perfectly okay! Tunnelcat and I have some things we agree on, and some things we don't. And that is okay aswell. Same with Krom. Vision, Jeff250. And Top Gun. We're not exactly an echo chamber here.

However, when one person says 'these people should exist', and the other side is saying, "No! they need to die because they're from the left/brown/asian/trans/not from my tribe!', that's not just a disagreement. That's not a matter of perspective. That is a moral failing on their part. That is them denying peoples' humanity. And that is fundamentally NOT okay. I'm pretty sure if they started saying 'people with diabetes should be put in a camp and worked to death', you'd go 'hey wait a minute here!'. And that's what we're talking about.
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Re: Equality

Post by Tunnelcat »

I'm pretty sure woody and my sister get their news from similar right wing propaganda stove pipes. Woody comes here and posts some anti-left gripe and my sister pretty much mirrors it, with religion thrown on top in her case. Neither of them will believe any other news sources or facts no matter what. She'll just plain shut me out when I try. But the common denominator is that EVERYTHING she and woody make comments on are filled with hate and loathing for everyone and everything that even smells left wing or even centrist. That's delusional and close minded, period. It's a sickness that will never allow rational discussion, period.
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Re: Equality

Post by Vander »

Spidey wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:10 pm And where do you get your opinions from?
My own curated information bubble that isn't actively trying to get me to view my fellow citizens has the enemy.
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