I posted this the day the DBB went down so I figured I'd post it again. Check this out:
That's Virtual PC 2004 running Fedora Core 1 in a nice little, perfectly protected window on my Windows XP machine. You can specify how much ram it gets access to, whether or not you want it to use sound (which doesn't seem to work in Linux anyway, but it does in Windows 2000). The hard drive for the virtual machine is nothing other than a single file on one of my hard drives, so I don't have to worry about loosing any day by screwing something up.
Hey, I never thought about playing old DOS games in it! I wonder if the joystick works? Probably not is my guess.
I dig watching the virtual bios POST, thats pretty neat. I have Fedora Core 1, Suse 9, and Win2k Server loaded up right now. I dig it because I can just fire up a VPC, tinker away without worrying about hosing my setup.
I like the virtual networking, its quite handy for finishing these network project I have to do for school. I can just fire up my 2k server, load whatever network service I need and have at it.
Yep I can. Make sure you select "Use Drive X:" or whatever drive letter your CD-ROM is from the "CD" menu in the Virtual PC window. It should boot up just fine.
I was actually trying to use the .ISO file on my HDD, but VPC doesn't want to use it. Shame; Connectix Virtual PC 5.2 worked just fine. I have a feeling Alcohol 120% may be to blame...
VMWare is a godsend for software testing. We have hundreds of VMs, with all sorts of strange configs for testing a German installation of W2K with an English installation of MS Office, for instance.