windows2000 took a dump....

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Will Robinson
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windows2000 took a dump....

Post by Will Robinson »

Somehow I managed to screw up my win2k system. On boot it says it can't because of a missing or damaged file: "\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEMced Startup Options for Windows 2000"

I tried to use the Windows2000 install CD to repair love.
Tried to use an emergency repair disk but my floppy decided that this was a good day to die!

Anyway, I've installed a new incarnation of Win2k on a different physical drive (drive :H) on the same machine and am in the process of re-building things ie; installing software etc.

A couple of questions:

On boot now I'm given a choice of operating systems to boot into, the old corrupt one :C, or the new one :H. What is the best way to get rid of the old one?

I have a disk utility called Drive to Drive it claims it can move the good system to the old systems drive and overwrite any similarly named files. It seems that I shouldn't trust that and instead reformat the old C drive and then move the system on :H to :C.
Is that the way to go?

Also can anyone tell me how to recover my email account and address book info from Outlook...what files and where?

Many Thanks!
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Post by Bonz »

system propeties-advanced-startup and recovery/settings-edit
you can fix it there, just take out the correct line.
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

Thanks, that keeps it from becoming a choice at boot, is there anything wrong with trying to move the new incarnation of the OS to that drive?
Also, how do I move the address' and inbox,deleted and sent mail from the old outlook install to the new one? When I try to import it says there is no other instance of outlook to be found!?!?
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Post by Bonz »

sorry I can be a skimmer at times, I've never tried moving an os to a different drive, if it were possible I would leave it on the drive you installed it too, but I'm assuming you want to switch drives because the new install is on a partition bigger than what you want for the os? never used drive to drive so I don't know how well it works, sorry
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Post by Vindicator » ... 93102.html

That may help you get your Outlook files back.
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