In most online environments, I would say your Dad probably had good reason to be concerned, although I will say I think he did go a bit overboard on taking the discs.
The Descent community, such as it is, is a relatively safe internet community, by comparison. While you can only know a person so well via the internet, those many of us who have been in the community for nearly a decade have gotten to know each other quite well.
But you still can't take anything for granted.
While the majority of the people in the D community are harmless, there are no absolutes, anyone can pick up the game and join up.
We've had 2.. or 3 marriages as a result of people meeting in this community, but we also have people who really hate each other. Its a mixed lot.
Women in any internet community are more likely to be picked as targets for bad people. So you might take a few hints from other women in the D community, and how they have secured their identities.
DarkWolf for example, when someone asked for pictures of her, would send them pictures of wolves

Tankie2 in Kali also posted cartoon pictures and ascii art. Whether someone believes you are female or not is their problem, not yours. You don't have to prove anything.
Along with the basic rules of never give out your Real Name, address, etc etc, you should remain relatively safe.
I do believe your father had a point on internet safety to make, and while I don't see how being conned applies here, certainly naive and maybe a bit of irresponsibility were at least partially true. Replacement of your icon is certainly in order, at least until you turn 18, at which point it becomes your choice, but we have many talented artists in the community who I'm sure would be more than happy to make you a new one. Taking the D3 disks was probably over the top, but it helped drive home his point, which is a good thing, altho I think by now you should be getting them back.
When your dad cools off, it might be helpful to show him this thread. The reactions of most people here, may help to sooth his fears a bit. But make sure you understand his point, and his reasons.